#[tantek]uh "The page isn’t redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies."
#[tantek]huh, Twitter is still sending the "old" web UI to Internet Archive
#tantek.comedited /Template:IndieWebCamp (-31) "-Dortmund was not really an IWC in any of the common structures of an IWC (intros demos, brainstorming / barcamp sessions, then hacking and hack demos) also no photos" (view diff)
#[Rose]I just discovered Regus which is an office space app, but you can rent meeting or training rooms by the day. They seem pretty affordable here in Vienna (€50/day even for great locations), and I wonder if that might be a good way forward for IWCs where location is the barrier.
#aaronpkDouble check the details because some spaces don't let you host public events or even have guests
#[Rose]I'm definitely not planning on hosting an IWC this weekend 😛
#[Rose]But it seemed interesting. The price seems to be the same at weekends, though the cheapest ones I found have disappeared. It might be those don't have 24/hour access.
Tevya joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /cities (+126) "/* IndieWebCamp Cities By Region */ +Manhattan as that's where all NYC IWCs have been" (view diff)
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
#jeremycherfas[Rose] I used to have Regus for work and actually never found it much use. There’s a site for shared workspaces that was much better. Regus seemed upmarket and status conscious in a way that put me off. Eg being looked at funny because I wasn’t wearing a suit.
[Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]In my case I was looking at their business lounge package. I need somewhere to go after my day job for a few hours a day and occasionally at weekends
[tonz] joined the channel
#[tonz]My Regus experience matches [jeremycherfas]. My company used to have them as a 'front' for phone and snailmail. Never used their offices across the country much for what Jeremy says
#[Rose]I don't need a phone or snail mail, just somewhere to work where there are no children running around screaming or people likely to spill drinks.
#[Rose]Of course it's possible there would be adults running around and screaming, but that's more of a #indieweb-chat topic
[tantek], [grantcodes] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
#[tantek]I think I like the Manhattan color better than New York so I'll be using that since all our NYC IWCs have been in Manhattan
[Rose], [Lewis_Cowles], jeremych_, [KevinMarks], jgmac1106, [pfefferle] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]wondering if we could send a webmention to the CoC ID here: https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc and be like a way of signing both...though we do let people sign on the CoC page
[xavierroy] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]interesting edcampct is a free event. They send out a request for a final rsvp via email days before event to try to get a handle on the no shows
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek][jgmac1106] in the past we have made the tito registration have a checkbox that you have to check to agree to the Code of Conduct, can we do that here too? How many tickets have been registered? (still not seeing an embed, maybe we need to wait for aaronpk's cron?)
#[tantek]for that other link, see the dev channel 🙂
#[tantek][jgmac1106] when you figure it out (perhaps with Zegnat's help) please add it where it says "TO-DO: Document how to setup a Tito ticket for an IndieWebCamp including key pieces like: "
#tantek.comedited /cities (+283) "/* USA */ maybe show smaller cities/neighborhoods as labels in a row for the metropolitan area" (view diff)
#aaronpkI did it as a question during assigning the ticket
#jgmac1106okay added a required question to get an NYC that indicates you signed both the CoC and Mozilla Guidelines…will add directions to wiki on how to add questions
#[tantek]no need to require Mozilla Guidelines since it's not Mozilla hosted or organized
#[tantek]I mean you're fine to, but that's your choice as an organizer, and would be good to have a reason for doing so beyond the IndieWeb Code of Conduct
#jgmac1106I can remive it, I was following the notes from /Organizers but forgot that was for Summit. If Mozilla ended up as a sponsor it does seem right we would agree to the community guidelines for a Mozilla event…plus cross promotion….hard to pass up…guidelines are good