#meta 2019-08-29

2019-08-29 UTC
I need to figure out how to stream a main room, but this can host Zoom
gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ Definitely @schmarty for all our great discussions and conversations while co-organizing Homebrew Website Club Baltimore! Learned so much from our discussions Also @flukeout for inviting me to be a Web Literacy Space Wrangler at @mozillafestival 2017!
tbbrown joined the channel
Perks of a personal website with a friends mode #indieweb
edited /nvite (+114) "It is no more"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
^^^ aaronpk I feel you want that feature for your site too
Friends mode?
I like that name haha
↩️ @cswordpress @cdils Is it good right now for #IndieWeb support?
[Michael_Beckwit, mattdavis and [tantek] joined the channel
created /User:Apiratelifefor.me (+248) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Michael Beckwith |url = https://apiratelifefor.me |summary = Michael Beckwith is a Support Engineer and PHP/backend web developer with focus on WordPr...""
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[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
i joined the wiki
nice! now add yourself to /chat-names 🙂
what is friends mode
It looks like we don't have a page for "friends mode" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "friends mode is ____", a sentence describing the term)
^^^ for you aaronpk
I don't have anything close to that feature on my site!
sounds like you at least have a brainstorm itch!
with use-cases!
definitely, but I still feel underqualified for that
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
i feel so special now 😄
↩️ Thank you Ankur! Yes, it's a personal desire to own as much content as I can. Slowly getting there! Good luck with your #indieweb projects!
@CalEvans Call me crazy, but I have a feeling you'd a person who is all about the #indieweb and what they strive for. If you've never heard of it, check it out at https://indieweb.org/
[fluffy] joined the channel
friends mode meaning private posts?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Yeah but less tech my speak
also private posts is kinda misleading or ambiguous since it's not clear who "private" refers to. Is it private to only the author?
good point
I generally refer to them as “friends-only posts” although at least in Publ I let you define arbitrarily many recipient groups, not just “friends”
and Google+ and LIvejournal were the same way
Publ’s friends-group model is very much modeled after G+ “circles”
but: implementation detail
terminology-wise, how about “restricted post”
or “restricted content”
I just don’t like the term “friends mode” because in principle I’d want to make entries that are visible to, say, family members who I am not actually friendly with
or other sorts of restricted-audience things that don’t necessarily imply friendship
[Rose] joined the channel
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter is to Indieweb, as Github/Gitlab is to?
romainbouyeDisco, [jgmac1106] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
↩️ Not really. Which was why I came to the conclusion that we will likely have to embrace blocks to get the Indieweb/theme problem solved.
gRegorLove and GelvenDiscord[m] joined the channel
"friends" mode.. Do an informal survey if tech use first day of college. This year had many who do Instagram as public and Snap for "friends mode"
Did have a few who said they went back to Snap bc Instagram is owned by Facebook and they don't want to support.... First time I ever heard "political choice"
Is http://ownyourgram.com not working for me or anybody else? // cc @aaronpk #IndieWeb
Next Thursday, September 5th we'll have @anna_hax talking about "Noobs on Ubs" and her journey getting into Ubuntu and @JamieTanna will be talking to us all about the #IndieWeb and the concept of owning your data. Looking forward to seeing you all there! https://www.meetup.com/PHPMiNDS-in-Nottingham/events/264008439/
[jgmac1106]: I need to know what hardware is in the rooms for NYC
Is there a TV...power outlets...cables... etc
there is a pc and projector in every room
the video conference room is all set
Can I hook in Zoom?
already has it
the hard part about that room was getting the video, I remember I had to record aaronpks session locally
I am setting up 2 portable Zoom kits that hook into a TV
but the othrer rooms will all have a tv with hdmi ports or a projecter with hdmi and vga
Since the Android TV plus webcam worked
yeah did you blog about that? I want to share it with the virtually connecting community
I will
I just tested it using chrisaldrich and tantek as test participants
I hosted the meeting from the device
aaronpk's problem at Mozilla I believe was that those sets couldn't host so he needed an iPad to do it
we should also add to the wiki our post production plans, uploading all the video to archive.org will take time
I need to try doing it
I should ask someone who has how it works, maybe migrate some of the YouTube videos over as a test
download->wait->upload->wait, rinse repeat
not hard, just a time suck
need to make sure to budget a few hours post camp to the task
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+88) "/* Done */ adding url shortner"
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tbbrown, [KevinMarks], strugee and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+205) "adding to brainstorming section"
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jeremycherfas, AblibuDiscord[m], gtsDiscord[m], hvergaraDiscord[, malaclypsDiscord, gorhgorh[m]2, eddy[m], cristobalDiscor4, new0ne[m], zoink92Discord[m, EdmundMDiscord[m, snapDiscord[m], l^discordDiscord, Salt[m], placer14[m], KinnardDiscord[4, pusherDiscord[m], SchwartzDiscord[, CryptoEmpressDis, braditzDiscord[m, thestevewayDisco, DerekDiscord[m], BadGriefDiscord[, BossMANDiscord[m, PamileissonDisco, allgoDiscord[m], LokeLDiscord[m], nocentDiscord[m], planetary_devDis, nyarlathotepDisc, lamborghiniDisco, buztedDiscord[m], RyonezCoruscareD, Dby0Discord[m], n9tDiscord[m], robinzzzDiscord[, JordanKrageDisco, braditzDiscord[4, koalalorenzoDisc, zcopleyDiscord[m, RealSnazzyDiscor, katakotoDiscord[, NastyEbilPiwateD, RealityDiscord[m, PeevesDiscord[m], KisulkenDiscord[, npfossDiscord[m], benaszabDiscord[, flower88Discord[, ExpherienceDisco, Microsoft_techni, M5310Discord[m], swedneck[m], KarlDiscord[m], nijynotDiscord[m, macerbiDiscord[m, GuillaumeDiscord, ZapierDiscord[m], nilocDiscord[m] and benharri joined the channel
Still trying to figure out the correct format for my open PGP key on #Wordpress. #indieWeb #OpenWeb (https://cambridgeport90.net/507-2/)
here is the final grant narrative for QuestionTheWeb https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OrwDAzNPIn1DbJyUxbvyqVciYZUAgjO7dstQ7FmiGQQ/edit?usp=sharing an html version will come soon for the js/dr crowd just need to get the darn thing submitted first, 250k for indieweb development and a few years of funding for the Summit….if I get it…rewrite from last year
gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ @Cambridgeport90 might make for a great keynote topic #justsayin also huge h/t to @pferrele for all their work in ensuring WP #IndieWeb themes can me the highest #a11y standards possible on the CMS (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/YaXSu)
[grantcodes] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+14) "/* Friday September 27 */"
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that's me!
going to amsterdam!
[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+19) "/* Friday September 27 */ +me"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2019/NYC/Planning (+161) "adding a to-do inbox"
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edited /2019/NYC/Planning (+52) "/* To-Do Inbox */ adding av list"
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I wish I could
I have always wanted to visit Amsterdam
↩️ I would love to embrace blocks; actually, I love them. What made me not use them, is, frankly the lack of IndieWeb support. If we could fix that then ...
[aaronpk] anything i can do to nudge along the process to get ti.to tickets showing up on 2019.indieweb.org/nyc ? i am happy to assist!
i'm back at my computer so i can do that right now!
three organizer indie RSVPs is lookin' saddddd
if you wanna help a long term fix and rewrite my code you're welcome to :)
ooh thanks!
haha, maybe!
eli_oat joined the channel
right now it gets $event from the command line, so i have to add a cron job for it
aaronpk: long term fix and rewrite my code
would need to switch that to load the events from a config file
everyone: (blinks)
adding support for other tito accounts is gonna take more work tho
oh wait
i forgot it also loads the tito api key from a config file
so it already supports multiple accounts
[snarfed] joined the channel
how about if this script iterated over all event that also had a `.tito-EVENT.json` and ran the update unless the event end date had passed?
yeah that'd work, check for the presence of the json file to trigger it to run the update?
would have to remember to remove the json file after each event 😅
and create it too
oh dear, everyone is marked as private. did you add the question "show me on the guest list"?
i see it there... oh
it's supposed to be "Would you like to be shown on the public guest list?" not "seen"
is going to keep beating the please document all the ticketing things literally drum :)
also the question is not marked as required as described on that page
so some people didn't answer vs checked "no"
[grantcodes] and [fluffy] joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+105) "/* Ticketing */ instructions for guest list"
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[github] Pull request opened by aaronpk: https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/pull/87
[schmarty]: ^^
[jgmac1106] see above re: tito ticketing question about being shown on the public guest list. plz make it a required question and replace "seen" with "shown"
whoops jgmac1106 disregard the wording and just make it req'd
i think it's too late
[github] Pull request merged by martymcguire: https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/pull/87
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/2019.indieweb.org to https://2019.indieweb.org
let's try this again
ok that worked!
only 2 people clicked yes tho
probably because it wasn't a required question
that part *was* documented on the wiki already ;-)
the specific wording was not, but i just added it
"and 6 private registrations" is still better than before!
aaronpk++ thanks for the fix and the docs!
aaronpk has 54 karma in this channel over the last year (195 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
fan of private by default
but will make it a required question
what is accessibility?
Accessibility is the practice of designing so that people with disabilities can have equal access to information and functionality, applicable to both websites as well as physical environments https://indieweb.org/accessibility
ok, I added "https://www.customerservant.com/in-reply-to-cambridgeport90-and-jgmac1106-regarding-the-indieweb-fifth-choice-the-elephant-in-the-room-of-other-cmss-and-accessibility/" to the "See Also" section of /accessibility https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=64712&oldid=64110
[Amanda Rush(Placeholder, edit later) WordPress powers over a quarter of the web. With such a large market share comes a shared responsibility to create a web that everyone can use and enjoy, regardless of how they access it.] This reply is part of a conversation on this post which has carried over to Twitter. There’s an elephant in the room we need to talk about regarding the fifth choice of non-WordPress CMS, and it’s accessibility, (or lack thereof) of those content...
Remember you can catch all the #newmusic releases from all across the Indieweb via my New #Independentmusic Friday #playlist. Refreshed top to bottom w/ 21 brand #newreleases every #newmusicfriday https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3veabrnsbiMhOyQpkdGA3g?si=tJ8la3EETYKnvrvwdP8deA #musichouruk #newmusicdiscovery #newmusicalert
[asuh] and [Jamey_Sharp] joined the channel
↩️ This happened to appear in #IndieWeb chat because one of the random fragments matched a project name. Anyway, I love synthwave music so I'm glad this happened. :)
[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /h-x-app (+363) "/* Publishers */"
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edited /Events (+5) "off cycle HWC 2019-09-11 for SF at least (due to missing regular meetings before/after), drop today's HWC Brighton - doesn't appear to have happened"
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edited /Template:Homebrew_Website_Club (+7) "2019-09-11 off cycle, drop 2019-08-29"
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[manton] joined the channel
That's great you're speaking at WordPress US, [tantek]!
Thanks [manton]! Now I just have to update my talk, practice (and book travel etc) :)
[manton]: You going?
[jgarber] joined the channel
↩️ There's definitely a growing worldwide community doing exactly this right now! #indieweb Here are my photos: https://aaronparecki.com/photos Here is how everything fits together https://aaronparecki.com/2018/04/20/46/indieweb-reader-my-new-home-on-the-internet
[aaronpk] joined the channel
[pawel_madej] joined the channel
@mrejfox @RonautDreams @aaronp Whether in Brooklyn or Bay Area we have upcoming events to come hack on your sites and figure this out with other value driven folks: https://indieweb.org/Events in fact @indiewebcamp NYC is Oct 5-6 https://indieweb.org/2019/NYC (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/Qf9Aq)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ Thanks! There's an indiewebcamp coming up in your neck of the woods soon too! You're more than welcome to join! https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+110) "/* IndieWeb Grants */ adding new submission"
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ohh crap it's matching substrings too
so "date" is caught on the "DAT" jargon term
surprised that hasn't happened sooner
soooo huh, some of these are two words
DAT was added recently
Yes phrases
so i can't just look at each word individually
jgmac1106 joined the channel
For now let’s drop DAT as jargon because that’ll cause far too many false positives
that's definitely the quick fix :)
It’s likely what snarfed has been triggering in the last few days
It’s the field bandage while you work on a cure
too late fixed
[asuh] joined the channel