#meta 2019-08-31

2019-08-31 UTC
moved /h2vx to /H2VX "name of service is captalized"
edited /H2VX (+26) "uppercase"
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edited /Add_to_Calendar (+1173) "/* How to */ explicit How to make Add to Calendar section separate from how to publish ICS"
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edited /Add_to_Calendar (+1312) "Brainstorming / How to make Add to gCal"
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Setup your site to support the IndieWeb and you won't be missing out on much.
[snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ http://Taylorelizabethrose.com (I think) is set up for indieweb... but I'm pretty sure WordPress has a built in RSS feed. (Could be wrong- I just write)
↩️ @tElizaRose There is a plug-in to support the IndieWeb. It's a bit different than just rss.
↩️ @duffy0 I have the indieweb plugin, but I'm pretty sure by default, WordPress creates an RSS feed.
↩️ Have you checked out http://IndieWeb.org? I got my site to support some of it. There are meetups every few weeks, but idk if there are any near you. START ONE!
↩️ @duffy0 Wait you're writing the IndieWeb site?
↩️ Did someone say #indieweb? RSS is a facet of data self ownership, but it's not the only part. https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/ from all I've seen, is a bit closer to a plugin to help tie facets together by pulling in desired functionality into one place
↩️ @achoosneezed @duffy0 Did you miss the rest of the convo where we discussed that I have the IndieWeb plugin?
achoo is me, wrong account
wow that looks angry when using the android emojis
better would be 🤐
yeah that one has always confused me
↩️ I've been to a few meetups with the co-founder of indieweb. I'm working on getting it setup on my site but my site is custom written
↩️ and, you know, if you want another slack channel to join, or IRC if you're old school, there's an Indieweb channel available.
[Michael_Beckwit, [fluffy], [frank], gRegorLove and jeremych_ joined the channel
↩️ 't is zeker niet evident om hier een oplossing te bieden. Maar voor mensen zoals jou, die aan discussie op internet wil meedoen, zou ik super hard aanraden om een eigen website aan te maken... daar kan je zelf (dankzij @indiewebcamp, o.a.) interageren met andere mensen 6/
↩️ ... zonder het verlies van jouw data-sovereniteit. 't is een klein beetje moeilijker (je zal wss aan een webdev, of iemand met kennis moeten hulp vragen), maar als je dit niet meer wil meemaken, zie ik geen andere oplossen. 7/
↩️ Ten laatste, mijn excuses voor de taalfouten, en de ongestructureerde thread. Er zijn veel dingen dat ik wou zeggen, en het is mij half-half gelukt. Soit, success ermee! En hopelijk krijg je alle jouw data terug en doe mee aan #DeleteFacebook. 8/
↩️ Om de netwerk-effect door te breken, zullen mensen met een mening en een belangrijke aanwezigheid de eerste stappen moeten durven zetten. 9/9
lnh^, [jgmac1106], [pfefferle] and [frank] joined the channel
I've just blogged about a #Microformats translation layer for @meetup events to help the folks in the #IndieWeb parse data about the events, without needing to write their own translation layer - https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/08/31/microformats-meetup/?utm_medium=twitter
edited /meetup.com (+151) "meetup-mf2 API"
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[KevinMarks], dopplergange and [Nicolas_Hoizey] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and ingoogni joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed aaronpk/IndieNews to https://news.indieweb.org
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
edited /Anchor (+334) "Acquisition by Spotify"
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↩️ Great meeting you yesterday @InnovatPasadena. The ideas in your video dovetail quite well with the tenets of the #IndieWeb. I bet you'll appreciate https://indieweb.org/podcast.
[jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [Michael_Beckwit, [fluffy], justme, abaiste^ and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Hey #indieweb Let me introduce you to "Joe WebUser". He's just heard this term for the first time ever. How should collective "we" inform Joe about the IndieWeb? For example, why he should care in the first place? How to participate? Lets talk.
what is getting started?
Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
[Michael_Beckwit: if that page doesn't have what Joe WebUser is looking for, that'd be the place to add it!
↩️ One potentially good starting place is https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started however, part of me feels like most of the page jumps a bit too far ahead still.
this is inspired by the discussion in the WP channel here where there was someone feeling overwhelmed still
a lot of it depends on the person's own goals
that said, chris and dan's articles linked at the very top look like decent resources, with chris' going really into detail
as for the "why", then https://indieweb.org/why
gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+65) "/* Friday September 27 */"
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↩️ Michael Beckwith on Twitter _( Twitter)_ > “Hey #indieweb Let me introduce you to “Joe WebUser”. He’s just heard this term for the first time ever. How should collective “we” inform Joe about the IndieWeb? For example, why he should care in the first… https://beko.famkos.net/?p=1806
↩️ Well I’d suggest a nifty video. IndieWeb in 5 minutes. Don’t talk about the details or the implementation (that’s tech babble). Show em what’s in for Joe. Solid reasons like displaying a feed the way you like it and not how \$silo AI decided. (Still working on that :))
Looking at /swag, are there any official homebrew-website-club stickers?
I don't think we've ever made homebrew website club stickers
↩️ @tElizaRose "Indieweb for dummies" by Taylor and Michael
[KevinMarks] joined the channel