#meta 2019-09-02

2019-09-02 UTC
[timothy_chamber, [Michael_Beckwit and [dmitshur] joined the channel
I know slack made a change where the urls are now app.slack.com, etc. I wonder if that make it more viable to rename the workspace from indiewebcamp to just indieweb (to follow suit after the indieweb.org website rename).
[dmitshur]: [schmarty] left you a message on 2019-06-07 at 6:39pm UTC: please indicate your prefs for a fall 2019 IndieWebCamp NYC! /Planning#NYC
[dmitshur]: [schmarty] left you a message on 2019-06-10 at 3:16pm UTC: based on mifga's recc and dmitshur's preference vote, next indieweb meetup NYC will be at devoción coffee in brooklyn. RSVP: /events/2019-06-22-homebrew-website-club-nyc
[dmitshur]: [schmarty] left you a message on 2019-06-14 at 8:56pm UTC: please add your availability and interest for a fall IWC NYC! current best dates appear to be 9/21-22, 10/5-6. https://indieweb.org/Planning#NYC
[dmitshur]: [schmarty] left you a message on 2019-08-01 at 3:34pm UTC: please add your preferences to the new options jgmac1106 added to https://indieweb.org/Planning#NYC
oh good point
qotta, [fluffy], [Michael_Beckwit, [aaronpk], micheal1 and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ It reminds me of the https://indieweb.org folx. Bless their hearts, but their approach of "let's all just learn all of this process stuff and manage websites manually ourselves" doesn't seem to work. Everyone has areas they focus in on. Maybe some folx love server adminning,
↩️ I know absolutely nothing about server admin but I am very happy using bits of indieweb. There is also http://micro.blog which is even more accessible than WithKnown.
↩️ Yeah, also a bunch of indieweb stuff is quite usable with Jekyll/Pelican/etc. static sites, which can be hosted pretty much anywhere, including GitHub pages. Not to mention the IndieWeb plugins for WordPress. You absolutely don't have to run your own server stack to get interop.
Minor update available for #drupal8 #module indieweb (8.x-1.4). More info: https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb
[tonz] joined the channel
edited /license (+351) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ cweiske"
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[KevinMarks], djmoch, [jgmac1106], Salt[m], [grantcodes], tsrt^, discord[m], npfoss[m], Nebulous[m], sacha[m], iiogama[m], manfred[m], card[m], sfroment[m], aaronpk[m], freethinkingaway, Romaric[m]1, new0ne[m], rittme[m], andrewxhill[m], drbh[m], sander[m], ritewhose[m], tom85[m], romaric[m], Giyomu[m], Ja3ood[m], Lolicon[m], Keegen[m], 5EXAAR2AI, mikeal[m], gnunicorn[m], macerbi[m]1, gorhgorh[m]1, 14WAAA0RG, RealSnazzy[m], mZ[m], gorhgorh[m]2, rklaehn[m], vasa[m], placer14[m], cesarosum[m], Senshi[m], prtfw[m], maparent[m], enricomarino[m], drshamoon[m], celso[m]1, aeddi[m], chris[m]1, oed3[m], gozala[m], CantiTurtleCoin[, pierreboc[m], Mairkur[m], celso[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, WidgetBotiocli1[, M[AXEL]Darr[m], CryptoEmpress[m], jenncloud[m], fozzie[m], AXEL-Lee[m], msena3[m], Rick[m], AXEL-Brian[m], eddy[m], Clment[m], balupton[m], hvergara[m], phynite[m], Expherience[m], lyon[m], johanherman[m]1, carsonfarmer[m], silent_Activist[, Oxy[m], kanej[m], Akshay[m]1, NatoBoram[m], Lilz|BetaMe[m], AuHau[m], johanherman[m], JustMaier[m], Gorka[m], RockSteadyTRTL[m, baluptonDiscord[, HeishDiscord[m], brewskiDiscord[m, jimpick[m], aphelionzDiscord, JordanKrageDisco, Valium[m], PermawebMatrixBr, npfossDiscord[m], CantiTurtleCoinD, AuHauDiscord[m], sanderDiscord[m], gorhgorhDiscord[, oed3Discord[m], GorkaDiscord[m], LSJI07Discord[m], dillonDiscord[m], dignifiedquireDi, shokunin[m], NatoBoramDiscord, manfredDiscord[m, hazDiscord[m], kanejDiscord[m], NebulousDiscord[, postablesDiscord, msena3Discord[m], RealityDiscord[m, RickDiscord[m], wcharginDiscord[, hyde__Discord[m], AkshayDiscord[m], dpinnerDiscord[m, realChainDiscord, ClmentDiscord[m], prcDiscord[m], JayWelshDiscord[, rxninDiscord[m], aeddiDiscord[m], TH0RynDiscord[m], pusherDiscord[m], jamiedubsDiscord, andrewxhillDisco, DiscordRSSDiscor, sfromentDiscord[, LeFDiscord[m], fexra|TRTLDiscor, Kenzo3Discord[m], eshohetDiscord[m, BossMANDiscord[m, corylDiscord[m], cwchristerwDisco, braditzDiscord[m, RyonezCoruscareD, Dazuck-3BoxDisco, thatguyDiscord[m, catmanDiscord[m], JerbsDiscord[m], JustMaierDiscord, M5310Discord[m], ritewhoseDiscord, OboDiscord[m], M[AXEL]DarrDisco, GiyomuDiscord[m], berDiscord[m], AXEL-BrianDiscor, ValiumDiscord[m], carsonfarmerDisc, KubeWorshipperDi, snapDiscord[m], jgmDiscord[m], MichaelTenDiscor, porshDiscord[m], cyluDiscord[m], M011000100111010, LokeLDiscord[m], MairkurDiscord[m, SirMemesALotDisc, tobowersDiscord[, thomasDiscord[m], doodlemaniaDisco, drbhDiscord[m], alphapapaactualD, eddyDiscord[m], RDeckardDiscord[, vamsiDiscord[m], PhillmacDiscord[, buztedDiscord[m], TianyiDiscord[m], Ja3oodDiscord[m], farhad312Discord, GuillaumeDiscord, JohnnyMilkshakes, lamborghiniDisco, sekiDiscord[m], abhi_Discord[m], pbvieDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[m, flower88Discord[, mZDiscord[m], KubeDiscord[m], dy5es41Discord[m, combrayDiscord[m, Microsoft_techni, RealSnazzyDiscor, JeffMaherVegasDi, rozgoDiscord[m], gnunicornDiscord, new0neDiscord[m], rittmeDiscord[m], jwheelerDiscord[, Dby0Discord[m], vasaDiscord[m], dqxDiscord[m], olizillaDiscord[, hubaDiscord[m], denzukoDiscord[m, planetary_devDis, cristobalDiscord, rklaehnDiscord[m, XierumengDiscord, nocentDiscord[m], nlkoDiscord[m], zegordoDiscord[m, mZDiscord[m]1, lyonDiscord[m], chmanieDiscord[m, aleDiscord[m], tom85Discord[m], KYZITEMELOS93Dis, crestDiscord[m], sbpDiscord[m], zwelsternDiscord, OxyDiscord[m], neohexDiscord[m], skillman623Disco, EugeneDiscord[m], johanhermanDisco, Turtle1331Discor, peterkDiscord[m], ddahlDiscord[m], M4eekDiscord[m], CatManDoooDiscor, ShadowLingDiscor, MaggieDiscord[m], Luna14Discord[m], zoink92Discord[m, fozzieDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[4, katakotoDiscord[, Lilz|BetaMeDisco, ZedDiscord[m], dhenzDiscord[m], NastyEbilPiwateD, SteffDiscord[m], cwDiscord[m], dindustriesDisco, codynhatDiscord[, jimpickDiscord[m, kevinbird15Disco, celsoDiscord[m], hvergaraDiscord[, grvhiDiscord[m], JungleHeartDisco, benaszabDiscord[, sprayDiscord[m], sukarDiscord[m], RomaricDiscord[m, KarlDiscord[m], mhzDiscord[m], SenshiDiscord[m], nyarlathotepDisc, TryptophanDiscor, CarboClanCDiscor, ShmultzDiscord[m, rappelDiscord[m], AtiqDiscord[m], koalalorenzoDisc, NooooooWayyyyyDi, ScottSmileyDisco, megadogberthehim, malaclypsDiscord, drshamoonDiscord, gregjeanmartDisc, AblibuDiscord[m], pps96Discord[m], OrkunDiscord[m], allgoDiscord[m], jmank88Discord[m, chinsuDiscord[m], romaricDiscord[4, jenncloudDiscord, braditzDiscord[4, panDiscord[m], the_nikinDiscord, KinnardDiscord[m, h2Discord[m], mattcDiscord[m], nijynotDiscord[m, sekiDiscord[m]1, KinnardDiscord[4, DerekDiscord[m], SchwartzDiscord[, felixschlDiscord, xtream1101Discor, SmileRobotDiscor, cesarosumDiscord, MesaDiscord[m], jessicaschilling, jazzy-jeff^_^Dis, nebulerDiscord[m, paulmahoneDiscor, aaronpkDiscord[m, freethinkingawa4, SweatDiscord[m], TeamIanDiscord[m, marcocastignoliD, leoalvarezhDisco, bitspillDiscord[, bengoDiscord[m], gtsDiscord[m], ExpherienceDisco, modigDiscord[m], TianyiDiscord[m4, CocoonCrashDisco, DamirDiscord[m], deltaDiscord[m], enricomarinoDisc, thestevewayDisco, swedneck[m], placer14Discord[, jklepatchDiscord, aswiththewildDis, felixschlDiscor4, cardDiscord[m], EdmundMDiscord[m, sachaDiscord[m], prtfwDiscord[m], n9tDiscord[m], PamileissonDisco, ArunDiscord[m], godparticleDisco, CryptoEmpressDis, l^discordDiscord, MatthDiscord[m], cristobalDiscor4, SuikaDiscord[m], UserDiscord[m], tangoDiscord[m], silent_ActivistD, celsoDiscord[m]1, HeysteinDiscord[, funwhilelostDisc, ryanchristoDisco, r5723013Discord[, KisulkenDiscord[, ithithDiscord[m], James|ColonyDisc, UsDiscord[m], JonwelDiscord[m], ad87657Discord[m, lauren|Microspon, KinnardDiscord[7, pierrebocDiscord, test123Discord[m, plexusDiscord[m], amatuniDiscord[m, OlegStotskyDisco, DioBrandonDiscor, IgutinDiscord[m], RDeckardDiscord4, zazikiDiscord[m], mikealDiscord[m], ksDiscord[m], LordFenixNCDisco, MisterGoreDiscor, KeegenDiscord[m], marcusrbrownDisc, leoalvarezhDisc4, te0dDiscord[m], nofwayyDiscord[m, maparentDiscord[, robinzzzDiscord[, macerbiDiscord[m, chmanieDiscord[4, chrisDiscord[m], iiogamaDiscord[m, zcopleyDiscord[m, johanhermanDisc4, boomshroomDiscor, PhiDiscord[m], DaekiDiscord[m], vexlDiscord[m], catman[m], wngrDiscord[m], TristanDiscord[m, ngamboaDiscord[m, DiscordBridge[m4, PermawebEmbedDis, PeevesDiscord[m], nilocDiscord[m], janttoDiscord[m], sblinnDiscord[m], itsmekntDiscord[, RichardLittDisco, thomasbDiscord[m, ptonerDiscord[m], willibuddyDiscor, bushido711Discor, M[AXEL]JulianDis, Discord[m]1, ShokuninDiscord[, swedneck[GMT1]Di, Bads3ctor9700[m], AraratDiscord[m], doorknob88Discor, ivanDiscord[m], JaoheahDiscord[m, capDiscord[m], GabrielBadGriefD, RomainDiscord[m], neilDiscord[m], PrabhaavDiscord[, JeanDiscord[m], cannabysDiscord[, RockSteadyTRTLDi, GelvenDiscord[m], ZapierDiscord[m], Swedneck_, nellkate1[m], swedneck__, aegibson73[m], grantcodes[m], zoglesby, jgmac1106[m] and jamietanna[m] joined the channel
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+182) "/* Done */ addind gallery view post"
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edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+68) "/* To Do */ adding my photo tasks"
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jeremych_ and [tonz] joined the channel
edited /Indieweb_for_Education (+67) "/* Miscellaneous Projects and Sources */ adding ethical edtech"
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[Rose] joined the channel
@davidekirkland Can you share this event with your faculty and students: https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc in my heart of hearts I believe the best way to address equity in tech is to get every person to finish the sentence, "My url is..." better yet you should… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/09/02/davidekirkland-can-you-share-this-event-with
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
When is next vHWC
What is vHWC
Virtual HWC is an online Homebrew Website Club for IndieWebbers who either can’t make a regular meeting or don’t yet have critical mass to host one in their area https://indieweb.org/vHWC
That really is very roundabout, but finally, there is indeed a vHWC tonight at 19:00 CEST (which I may be able to attend).
In fact @NinaVzquez2, @erin_bartram, and all of @ELIN_UCONN should come down to NYC for https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc and we can do entire sessions on commonplace book. If NYC too far/expensive gonna do website building meet ups with @edcampct in Hartford… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/09/02/in-fact-ninavzquez2-erin_bartram-and-all
I wish I understood the logic of the hierarchy event/date/type. My intuition is that there should be a /next/type for all events, without needing to go first through /events
Not looked yet why or what definition, but Gartner’s new hypecycle has the decentralised web over 10 years in the future. Which in terms of the history and design of the web is …odd.
!calc 17:00 cest to est
11:00:00 am EDT | Monday, September 2, 2019
Kom op 28&29 september naar #IndieWeb Camp Amsterdam. Jouw online identiteit, jouw content, jouw interactie. Zonder dat de silos met hun tracking je in de weg kunnen zitten. #webdev #wp #foss #IoT https://www.eventbrite.com/e/indiewebcamp-amsterdam-tickets-68004881431
A rough sketch for an Indieweb plugin UX update: Some ideas I threw together for an updated Getting Started screen. Introduces the user to the IndieWeb concept, presents prominent next steps for 'Indiewebifying' their site and learning ... http://zpr.io/gmMrm
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
why does the hype cycle only have things on the left hand side? Is nothing enlightened or productive any more?
Excited for this — both the blogchain experiment, and talking with Tom about networked communities! Some possible topics we may explore: open ecosystems for writing/conversation, digital gardens & the IndieWeb, different types of publics, annotations, aggregators…
Yeah that is a good question
[grantcodes] and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ @t @xoxo @w3c @indiewebcamp I'm up for a run in Portland before XOXO, friend! Let me know when you get in.
[kim_landwehr] and [pawel_madej] joined the channel
↩️ How is the #federation approach considered for @farmosorg ? Like connecting (website) instances via open protocols provided by @indieweb or the usage of #activitystreams and #activitypub similar to @mastodon ... It's (just) needs a vocabulary for farming based data..?!
↩️ How is the #federation approach considered for @farmosorg ? Like connecting (website) instances via open protocols provided by #indieweb or the usage #activitypub (and it's vocabs) similar to #mastodon ... It's (just) needs a vocabulary for farming based data..?!
[jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
Mag ik voor 1x de #blogpraat hashtag misbruiken om de aankomende IndieWebCamp te promoten @eljadaae? 28/29 september in Amsterdam. Twee dagen gratis unconference over het open en decentrale web. Lees meer op http://indiewebcamp.nl
↩️ ik stuur iedereen nog een overzicht van de deelnemers en je vindt de #indieweb community ook op IRC en slack. Zie http://indieweb.org voor details daarover
combrayDiscord[m, pbvieDiscord[m], rappelDiscord[m], dhenzDiscord[m], NooooooWayyyyyDi, jmank88Discord[m, katakotoDiscord[, jimpickDiscord[m, EugeneDiscord[m], hvergaraDiscord[, MaggieDiscord[m], pps96Discord[m], rittmeDiscord[m], Ja3oodDiscord[m], codynhatDiscord[, drshamoonDiscord, jeremycherfas, iiogamaDiscord[m, ShokuninDiscord[, M14WAAA0RG, jjuran, AXEL-BrianDiscor, JustMaierDiscord, fexra|TRTLDiscor, BossMANDiscord[m, freethinkingaway, KinnardDiscord[m, SmileRobotDiscor, jgmDiscord[m], Senshi[m], NatoBoram[m], swedneck[GMT1]Di, phynite[m], placer14[m], CantiTurtleCoin[, carsonfarmer[m], jimpick[m], Valium[m], jgmac1106[m], aphelionzDiscord, sanderDiscord[m], hazDiscord[m], corylDiscord[m], ritewhoseDiscord, JerbsDiscord[m], jessicaschilling, freethinkingawa4, xtream1101Discor, TeamIanDiscord[m, DamirDiscord[m], James|ColonyDisc, deltaDiscord[m], thestevewayDisco, KeegenDiscord[m], plexusDiscord[m], zazikiDiscord[m], enricomarinoDisc, CryptoEmpressDis, MatthDiscord[m], Kenzo3Discord[m], oed3Discord[m], tangoDiscord[m], JordanKrageDisco, Discord[m]1, TianyiDiscord[m], Rick[m], dillonDiscord[m] and gorhgorh[m]1 joined the channel
hypecycle has -1 karma over the last year
The Gartner hypecycle is nonsense that is good for one thing, selling Gartner subscriptions. "expectations" is not a measurable Y-axis (read: they can make up any "number" they want for where something is). Most things never make it to hype level (see startups, apps, github repos) and are ignored before that point. most hyped things are total crap (see startups, apps) and *never* come back in any useful form.
Hmm, this isn't loading for me (via tweet about HWC Barnsley) https://getdoingthings.com/blog/homebrew-website-club-barnsley-3/
edited /Add_to_Calendar (+339) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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tantek: I've just pinged Craig via Twitter to let him know his site's not available
jamietanna has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
jamietanna++ thank you, and well done with the Add to Calendar link too! Will follow-up in dev channel
edited /Add_to_Calendar (+133) "/* See Also */"
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jjuran, [kim_landwehr], Guest38070 and gRegorLove joined the channel
created /User:Www.matthq.com (+76) "Created page with "Hi folks, [http://www.matthw.com MattHQ] is the personal site of Matt Davis.""
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gRegorLove and j12t joined the channel