[tonz]How would you consider this situation, in terms of ‘indiewebness’? Some of us already exclude various types of content from their front pages, having them visible only on their own url, as part of search, or in an overview of category / tag specific content. What if one goes one step further, by making certain postings part of the RSS feed, but not of frontpage/category overviews/search. So only RSS and the post being publicly accessible thr
[tonz]its URL. I plan to experiment with this as part of the notion of having different postings for various part of my readership. Specifically for my weekly notes about my activities, which is mostly meant for regular readers, RSS is a fine channel, and others don’t really need to be reading it. This does of course, like leaving stuff from my front page, leave those posts outside of h-feeds, although it will be in rss. Thoughts?
jeremycherfasFor what it is worth, I think that is perfectly acceptable. But you also probably need to tell some people who may be regular readers and who want to see you weeknotes, how to subscribe.
[tonz]😄, yeah it’s RSS only so, I might make a bit more effort in explaining what that orange logo on the front page means and add a small wikipage explaining the purpose/use of feedreaders.
[tonz]not important to site visitors at all. I am making the assumption rss subscribers are more regular readers, so I could send additional postings their way specifically, that I”m not interested in pushing to ‘everyone’. Such as my weeknotes, which are mostly relevant/legible to people who know a little more about me. All assumption though, and I’ll do this for a while as an experiment.
Loqi[schmarty]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 4 days, 15 hours ago: the bed time routine a little behind. Train gonna be a little late to Freedom Station. Dave you sending Zoom link?
[tonz][tantek] the posts have permalinks, and are accessible through it. They're only pushed through rss, and aren't otherwise discoverable unless you have the uri
[frank][tonz] you know I can't talk about it in public 😉 but to be honest, why do you ask the question about "indiewebness"? What if it is or it's not? If you feel you can get specific posts in specific channels, or exclude them on other places, do so. You can always revert the decision if it turns out your hypothesis is false.
[tonz][frank] It’s just that it introduces a difference between h-feeds and rss-feeds in the site. So I was thinking in terms of feedreaders and audiences. While I have a rough idea from the server logs of the number of rss subscribers, I don’t for h-feed readers. RSS only distribution introduces a difference between subscribers that I don’t know how it will play out, our how that would be perceived e.g. on the end of indieweb readers.
[pawel_madej], [snarfed], ntsrtoh^, [grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek]So if later you decide to implement some new kinds of posts, then a previous choice of some feeds are RSS only will limit what feeds you can put those new posts into
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