#meta 2019-09-26

2019-09-26 UTC
cikavuveDiscord[ joined the channel
I need to figure out remote attendance
↩️ checl out what we are doing with #IndieWeb want to see digital #literacies play out in a disciplinary #literacies way an amazing community to watch learning unfold (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1HhTrR)
↩️ hey can you share this flyer about @IndieWebCamp nyc with your students https://jgregorymcverry.com/iwcnyc2019.pdf and you and Sandra should come https://2019.indieweb.org/iwcnyc2019.pdf hope you got some surfing in during last batch of storms. Ocean City was amazing. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1uenP8)
↩️ @jgmac1106 @indiewebcamp Sure thing! And yes I got clobbered w the Dorian swell at Rockaway Beach!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
GWG looks like some Queens IWC interest if he surfs Rockaway Beach
Wrong part of Queens, but who knows
Works at St. Johns... And the beach is never the wrong part of anywhere
[jgmac1106]: St John's I can get to.
The Rockaways is a challenge sometimes.
But if you talk them into NYC, will try to connect
Will there be remote participation this weekend?
I may break out one of my Zoom boxes for testing
t-mo, [tantek], [Michael_Beckwit, [jeremycherfas], [Rose] and GWG joined the channel
[tonz] joined the channel
What is a zoom box?
It looks like we don't have a page for "zoom box" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "zoom box is ____", a sentence describing the term)
!tell GWG what is a zoom box?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Lewis_Cowles] and [dominik] joined the channel
[JHSheridan] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell [arush] can you rsvp for the IWC NYC?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell aaronpk I have 26 tix for NYC but 2019.indieweb.org/nyc is only showing a few….do I manually update the count the attendees?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I thought I set it up to update automatically
aaronpk: jgmac1106 left you a message 5 minutes ago: I have 26 tix for NYC but 2019.indieweb.org/nyc is only showing a few….do I manually update the count the attendees?
I can check in a bit
thx and if it can;t quickly be done automatically happy to manually add a count to the page
#100DaysOfCode - [42/100] WebMentions, WordPress, new web server, new email server on MailGun. Not too much coding today but lots of tech-ing. https://unbootcamp.me/blog/hoping-to-enter-the-indieweb/ https://nikema.dev/posts/100-days-of-code-42-100/ cc: @alt_dev_nikema, @un_bootcamp, @PopSchoolsCode #WomenWhoCode #DevsOfColor
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+252) "/* Schedule */ added pre-event Friday evening dinner"
(view diff)
[tonz] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Cambridgeport90 met some more Cambridge folks who might be interested in meet ups.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
That was Cambridge MA, right?
GWG: [Rose] left you a message 4 hours, 22 minutes ago: what is a zoom box?
A Zoom box is an attempt to use an Android TV device as a Zoom conferencing tool
yeah, not old Cambridge, new Cambridge
I attended IWC there twice
Would love to go back
[Lewis_Cowles], neoaboriginal1, t-mo, jeremych_, jgmac1106, psyonityDiscord[, [schmarty] and [tonz] joined the channel
I'll be at the IWC Oxford event this Saturday, so give me a nudge if you want to talk about @withknown (or anything else for that matter) #indieweb #indiewebcamp
[frank] and [tantek] joined the channel
Dis, @edasfr , je vois que tu supporte les webmentions https://indieweb.org/Webmention . Ça ressemble furieusement aux rétroliens que j'ai dû remiser tellement ils étaient pollués par les spams
[schmarty], [snarfed], [pfefferle] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
[tonz] [frank] what’s the bike parking situation like at the venue? If I rent a bike from my hotel is there a good place to park it? It’s looking like that’s the easiest option to get there on Saturday
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yes bike parking is there (roofed)
[Rose], [tantek], jjuran, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Coming weekend, there's https://indiewebcamp.nl/ Unfortunately, due to last weekends' #SOTM2019 I'm kindof overwhelmed in work now, and had to cancel my IWC ticket. Bummer!
jgmac1106 and dopplergange joined the channel
#UDL but I'm thinking maybe #youTube removing the captioning means it's time for me to put my videos on my site #indieweb style and figure out how to caption in #camtasia...
jjuran, jgmac1106, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel