#meta 2019-10-03

2019-10-03 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Avoid replying to rage-quits right away, don't point out errors in thinking, welcome them back to community any time
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ @GetClassicPress supporters and #indieweb #digiped fans will appreciate the multiple-decision-tree lab work my students have for class this week relative to this rant: either selling Grav over WP or Classic Editor over Gutenberg https://oer.hax.psu.edu/bto108/sites/ist402/labs/lab-6-wordpress #edtech #NGDLE #edu
mblaney joined the channel
created /static_file_storage (+25) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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good advice jgmac1106, plus it's a good data point and challenge (as always) to those who want to take it on, how do we make things easier?
mblaney: [jgmac1106] left you a message on 2019-06-30 at 2:40pm UTC: or anyone else at palace gonna take a cab because I have my luggage. Calling for 8:00 if any want in
Matt1 joined the channel
thanks I think I ended up walking :-D
created /Google_PageSpeed_Insights (+258) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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created /PageSpeed_Insights (+38) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
looks like Glenn just switched to Eleventy about a week ago
and perhaps the micropub setup for Eleventy can be improved (better, more actionable error messages etc.)
The registration for NYC is looking good. Although we have two tmillers
I think I need to RSVP
[tantek]: Oh, you are coming? Good
[manton] joined the channel
We forgot to take a photo at the meetup in Austin tonight, but wanted to mention that we're moving forward with IndieWebCamp 2020 plans. Reminder to pencil in Feb 22-23 if you can make it to Austin next year. 🙂
[manton]: Yay...
Can you add it to the wiki?
The date placeholder is there. As soon as the venue is finalized I'll start expanding the page.
going to #IndieWebCamp NYC this weekend @PaceUniversity with @dshanske @jgmac1106 @schmarty @tiereeee @nshad314 & more! Looking forward to more #indieweb demos & #barcamp breakout sessions! Complimentary tickets: https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc wiki: https://tantek.com/t52r1
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (-72) "next HWC and IWCs"
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edited /next-hwc (+0) "next"
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[Rose] joined the channel
created /events/2019-10-16-homebrew-website-club (+10758) "clone from 2019-10-02"
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[frank] joined the channel
[aaronpk] joined the channel
edited /Planning (+70) "/* Berlin */ known unknowns for dates"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
Daar zijn we weer met OPEN S01E14 in je mailbox. Over IndieWebCamp, Robot Wisdom (soort van) en waarom je @indiewebnl moet volgen. http://nieuws.diggingthedigital.com/archive/201487 (via @revue)
adafruit: RT t: going to #IndieWebCamp NYC this weekend PaceUniversity with dshanske jgmac1106 schmarty tiereeee nshad314 & more! Looking forward to more #indieweb demos & #barcamp breakout sessions! Complimentary tickets: https://2019.indieweb.org/nyc wiki: https://tantek.com/t52r1
Hey, there’s an IndieWebCamp in Brighton later in the month. Need to see if I can arrange to go, if my wife can have the girls. https://indieweb.org/2019/Brighton
[Lewis_Cowles], [grantcodes], [Rose], [frank] and mblaney joined the channel
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [snarfed] and [grantcodes] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
[jgmac1106]: my brain is rebooting. Did the IWCNYC reminder email go out yesterday? If not I can get it together today
(It must go out today 😅)
no it did not, it is next on my agenda, after this meaning
[tonz] joined the channel
maybe I will turn off the indiepub plugin, I didn't get choice of using Known or GitHub
oops wrong channel
Looks like we got our first #hacktoberfest contribution for the @withknown open collective as @jbove adds an h-feed to multiple views: https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2340#issuecomment-537230730. Want to contribute or join collective find #knownchat in IRC or #IndieWeb chat (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/nPAJh)
Tot volgend voorjaar zijn er geen IndieWebCamps in Nederland. Wat zouden jullie in de tussentijd willen doen? Homebrew website club meet-ups bijvoorbeeld? Of een on-line versie? Een sessie om kennis uit te wisselen / op te doen? Wat zou voor jou leuk en… https://indiewebcamp.nl/?p=142
[dougbeal] and [Rose] joined the channel
!tell schmarty, gwg, [tmiller], since I didn't have time to hunt down sponsorships I am gonna donate $300 we can use for coffee, lunch and maybe a a dinner on Saturday
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
schmarty email sent just waiting to see the 300 tix in ti.to before sending out. I emailed Melanie asking for good vegetarian vendors but if you have a second poke around on Yelp
jgmac1106 I don't know what you mean by 300 tickets
[schmarty]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 15 minutes ago: I didn't have time to hunt down sponsorships I am gonna donate $300 we can use for coffee, lunch and maybe a a dinner on Saturday
I am purchasing (well ReVIEW Talent Feedback System) is purchasing one support the IndieWeb ticket for $300
we can use that for breakfast each day and maybe a lunch 1-2, no dinner
I just didn't get any sponsors and didn't have time for the grind it really takes
Ahh okay. I am planning to pick up breakfast Sat morning, keeping it light
hold up. gonna follow up in the private organizers channel
okay, my wife also got called in to work Friday so will miss meet up, driving down after she leaves
but for the record, there is no value in having organizers pay into the tito registration pool, it's better if organizers just buy stuff directly
holding off on buying tix
M3baidDiscord[m], M3baidDiscord[m4, M3baidDiscord[m7 and jbove joined the channel; M3baidDiscord[m4 left the channel
Huge shout out for @ReVIEWTalentFS for sponsoring the meals at @IndieWebCamp NYC (I kinda know the founders). If you need a platform for observing teaching and coaching check em out! (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1AkLmq)
t-mo joined the channel
edited /2019/NYC (-50) "/* Sponsors */ adding ReVIEW"
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edited /2019/NYC (+0) "/* Meal Sponsor */"
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[snarfed] and [schmarty] joined the channel
uploaded /File:Wish_list_missing_data.PNG "A previously bookmarked item on an Amazon wishlist is still present, but none of the details about the item, pricing, or anything else is left for the benefit of the user(s). https://indieweb.org/File:Wish_list_missing_data.PNG"
Well, my #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam blog post is out - have a read about all things #IndieWeb and some of the interesting things we chatted about https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/10/03/indiewebcamp-amsterdam-2019/?utm_medium=twitter Thanks again to @indiewebcampnl!
[frank] joined the channel
edited /wish (+1220) "Why; example of empty wishlist item on Amazon with missing data; Amazon idea functionality"
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[KevinMarks] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
↩️ @thecorkboard Check out the IndieWeb. I think it might resonate with you. http://indieweb.org
↩️ agree, and not anywhere nearly as approachable as a walled garden is for normals buuuut indieweb protocols+serverless hosting gives me hope for a renaissance of self publishing/data ownership. we're in early innings but seems possible.
@erwblo mocht je ergens 19 minuten over hebben, @JamieTanna heeft een puike review van afgelopen weekend geschreven! https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/10/03/indiewebcamp-amsterdam-2019/
edited /Category:jargon (+17) "/* Keywords */ tools.ietf.org for specs"
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strugee and sethforkDiscord[ joined the channel
edited /Google_PageSpeed_Insights (+101) "link page insights, see also"
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edited /performance (+156) "tools Google PageSpeed Insights, alt text for comic"
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[mapkyca] joined the channel
[github] Pull request opened by martymcguire: https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/pull/90
^^ NYC schedule updates to match wiki
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
schmarty has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (65 in all channels)
Needs a review before it can be merged and deployed!