#meta 2019-11-11

2019-11-11 UTC
[tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
LethalLaddersDis joined the channel
↩️ decentralizing and de-corporatizing the internet while remaining discoverable and shareable is not a new, scary, and unique problem to youtubers. indieweb, bloggers, and content creators who don't have the same access y'all have have been doing it for 20+ years. learn from them.
[fluffy], [snarfed], gRegorLove and eeril joined the channel
[Rose], jeremych_ and mblaney joined the channel
jbove, [jgmac1106], mblaney, jeremych_ and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
↩️ @AdaRook666 ok @indiewebcamp the call has gone out, this is our moment!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
^^ never did finish my guestbook project...want to get back to that somedat
[tantek] joined the channel
Re: my previous warning in this channel about eating (a sandwich) in BART or in a station, video: https://twitter.com/qasimrashid/status/1193615720468406273
Cop in California legit tried to arrest a black man bc he was “illegally eating.”😳 My mind can’t even begin to comprehend the arrogance needed to justify this nonsense https://twitter.com/keilobenjamin/status/1193163017069838337/video/1
I read the term "BART police". Do organizations have their own legit police units in the US?
major transportation systems often do
as these systems pass through multiple localities or state lines so to handle jurisdiction states have created different branches of police
this is more chat...well accept how to stay safe when traveling in US when not white is meta for event attendees
Thanks for answering my question and explaining why the topic belongs to meta.
Agniese joined the channel
Setting an #indieweb alternative to feedly...
↩️ A little feedback on microformats based on my understanding: - The dt-published elements datetime attribute is sufficient, no textContent needed - toISOString should be fine, based on the http://indiewebify.me validator you don't need to replace 'Z' and suffix a timezone
Whoa! #IndieWeb RSS news feed.... https://indieauth.com/ for authorisation, Aperture https://aperture.p3k.io/ microsub server, Together reader https://alltogethernow.io/ - even a numpty like me was able to work it out
[Teresa_Ingram] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] I do not know Morgan
Let me know how I can help with the socials!
Great slides on privacy, tracking, and moving to the indieweb, from @laura@mastodon.laurakalbag.com* and her #ffconf talk - https://noti.st/laurakalbag/Y4Q95l/slides * Mastodon ID, cos copy and paste.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
↩️ Open to helping people move to #indieweb. Drop me a line if you're interested in trying out any of the following, or just curious: - Mastodon etc for Twitter alternatives - TT-RSS for RSS feed reading - Wallabag for link saving/reading - XMPP for messaging - Pi self-hosting
[Teresa_Ingram]: You had a Berlin question a few days ago?
gRegorLove and [snarfed] joined the channel
Lmao I've been bitching over on Mastodon about how it's never going to be more than a niche techy thing since it's pretty unfriendly to anyone without more than a passing interest in indieweb shit But this guy puts it way better.
[tantek] joined the channel
IWC Berlin2 announced at this morning's Mozilla Weekly Project Meeting: https://youtu.be/sIuvnwtn5yY?t=906
(time index to take you directly to the announcement, you can watch the whole thing if you want, it's got some cool stuff in it 🙂 )
edited /2019/Berlin2 (+73) "Complimentary tickets just to be clear"
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oh hey I deleted my mistaken posse tweet before Loqi saw it 😄
edited /events/2019-11-13-homebrew-website-club (+1) "/* San Francisco */ indie event + me"
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heads-up folks, you might want to save the dates for this one: https://2020.dconstruct.org/ (likely to have some indieweb related content and/or adjacent events)
edited /Events (+155) "/* 2020 */ dConstruct announced!"
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edited /Events (+0) "BT Berlin is in August next year"
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edited /Events (+20) "move past Nov events to Recent"
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edited /events/2019 (+5471) "archive August"
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[LewisCowles] and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /gatsby (+377) "/* Webmentions */ +Getting started with Webmentions in Gatsby"
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[KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], ReaselDiscord[m], chrisaldrich and [arush] joined the channel
A slick homage to Laura Numeroff’s children’s book 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." Great job @jgmac1106! This is hilarious. #DoOO #IndieWeb https://boffosocko.com/2019/11/11/when-you-give-a-mouse-a-domain-greg-mcverry/
edited /Books_about_the_IndieWeb (+247) "When You Give A Mouse A Domain"
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[chrisbergr] joined the channel