[chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], [snarfed], [KevinMarks], [bradleyallen], matschafferDisco, jacky, [LewisCowles], Ruxton, jeremycherfas, jeremycherfas_, [fluffy], M2colorDiscord[m, [Rose], [tonz], [tantek] and [Yulia] joined the channel; mblaney, M7022[m] and petermolnar left the channel
chrisaldrich.netedited /Micro.blog (+273) "Collin Donnell quote about ease of migration from WordPress to micro.blog; removed duplicate See Also" (view diff)
[tantek][Yulia] yes the past couple of IndieWebCamps we found that only the main room had an HDMI connector that worked to connect to the screen in the room
[manton]> Giving groups a place on the web to call home. Create a website with modern event and membership tools for your social or peer group. Host using your own domain, own your data and control your privacy.
LoqiI am trying to setup chats with fellow meetup/group organizers for product research re: @clubhousehost. I want to learn about how groups are run, how success is measured and what people are struggling with. My open meeting calendar: calendly.com/zorn...
[manton]Yeah, that's how I was thinking about it too... Each local group can use whatever works for them. Currently for Austin, we obviously have the wiki and I have a partial list of past attendees that I email a reminder to.
[tantek]aaronpk, I agree, and I think there are patterns worth documenting of what the "separate site" local HWCs have done, and are working, as advice for new local HWCs that want to do their own separate sites
[Yulia]@gwg by the way, i looked for the video. I couldn't find it and then i realized why... i had a laptop refresh this summer and forgot to back it up ☹
[jgmac1106]gwg please remember I am also trying to count this as creative activity at my university (do stuff rather tha publish research people won't read) so I can justify time as on the clock....it isn't all volunteer free time