j12t, deathrow1, gRegorLove, [dmitshur], [frank], [LewisCowles], strugee, jeremych_, sebsel, [xavierroy], pcblazefDiscord[, thienpowDiscord[, jackjamieson, dougbeal|iOS, [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]just got the video for my Take Back Your Web talk from the WCUS folks. 5.6GB original! What's the best way to upload this to Internet Archive?
#[tantek][Rose] do you have a preference between which image to use as your icon on the IWC Berlin2 list of organizers? E.g. your Twitter avatar or the one on https://indieweb.org/User:Rosemaryorchard.com (I think the Twitter avatar looks better for a list of organizers? but that's just my opinion, obviously it's your choice!)
gRegorLove joined the channel
#GWG_[tantek]: Anything you need me to bring to Berlin besides myself?
#[tantek]I think we should be good. I believe [Rose] is bringing 1-2 backup equipment for remote participation.
#[tantek]GWG, I think the laptop (or was it Chromebook?) setup you did for the intros and demos worked well