2020-01-25 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
jjuran and tsrt^ joined the channel
chrisaldrich, [Michael_Beckwit, olivia, gRegorLove, nickodd and [dmitshur] joined the channel
[tantek], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], jeremych_, Nuve and [jgmac1106]1 joined the channel
# 13:57 [tantek] [schmarty] there's a request to be part of a webring in that thread ^^^ might want to offer one up 🙂
[jgmac1106] and nickodd joined the channel
[snarfed], [KevinMarks], [dmitshur], Naptra, jeremych_ and nickodd joined the channel
jjuran and chrisaldrich joined the channel
petermolnar, [jgmac1106], Naptra_, jjuran, Naptra__, [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 19:03 [schmarty] IndieWeb Meetup NYC starting quiet writing hour solo! Once again this coffee shop is crowded and I have regrets about it as a venue 😅
gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 19:27 [schmarty] tantek: that twitter thread turned out to be a wonderful rabbit hole! several fun hardware tinkering blogs to dig into, now. also, a couple of folks with .onion mirrors of their site! :star-struck:
# 19:31 [tantek] [schmarty] I gave Josephine (who was at IWC NYC) a heads up about HWC NYC
# 19:31 GWG [schmarty]: I wish I were there with you
# 19:31 [tantek] You should feel free to reach out to her too. And Nicole as well. Pretty sure you met them both
# 19:32 [schmarty] oh right! i will have to see if i have contact info for them. thanks, tantek!
# 19:32 GWG [jgmac1106]: You are welcome to stop by anytime
# 19:33 [schmarty] [dmitshur] is on his way but i haven't heard from [mifga] and [tmiller] since their initial RSVP yes so i think it's going to be another 2-person HWC 🤷♂️
# 19:36 GWG [schmarty]: I'll stay on in solidarity
# 19:38 [schmarty] GWG: thanks 😄 hope all is well where you are! is your new furniture suitable?
# 19:39 GWG Should I post a picture of my setup here?
# 19:39 [jgmac1106] I am working on the curriculum for our OER project...that launches at end of the month
# 19:40 GWG I'm still trying to figure out what medium to write my keynote in
# 19:40 [jgmac1106] now I have to get distracted and read the wiki to see what I did wrong
# 19:40 GWG What I want to say is easy, how to show it in the medium I'm contemplatng
# 19:41 [jgmac1106] you are doing your journey two options: chronological order, or an overarching metaphor..,
# 19:41 GWG [jgmac1106]: Only question I have is, other than me talking, what should people see
# 19:41 [jgmac1106] every story has a shape, we just need to pull and push to figure it out...you are enough
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 19:43 GWG Maybe I'll make it pages on my site.
# 19:43 [jgmac1106] ..you know how I did my Ghana slides? I made it in Google Slides and then exported an SVG
# 19:43 [jgmac1106] breaks accessibility though as the SVG uses all vector points rather than the characters
# 19:44 [schmarty] jgmac1106: yuck that's frustrating! browsers render text elements in SVG just fine!
# 19:44 [jgmac1106] Alan levine has a bunch of splot templates for WP slide shows'...I worry I could send you into making a slide tpost kind
# 19:45 GWG [jgmac1106]: The State of the Word at WCUS was done using a plugin and Gutenberg.
# 19:46 [jgmac1106] slideshows in WP are easy if you think of each slide as a post or page and add rel and next buttons
# 19:47 Loqi [Ella van Durpe] Description
This plugin requires WordPress version 5.3 or higher! It works best if you also have the Gutenberg plugin installed and up-to-date.
Report issues, or collaborate, on Github.
Creates a custom post type “Presentation”, which will rende...
# 19:48 Loqi [cogdog] splotpoint: A Wordpress-theme SPLOT for presenting the SPLOT Way (on the web)
# 19:49 [jgmac1106] A slide show is just a collection of slides so a collection of notes would be no different
[dmitshur] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], clhendricksbc, [tantek], chrisaldrich, Mabo, [LewisCowles] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# 23:52 [tantek] Just watched "The Great Hack" documentary on Netflix. Highly recommended to everyone here. At the, one of the main folks in the film is announced as starting a campaign with #OwnYourData apparently. We've been using that hashtag for a while 🙂
# 23:55 [Michael_Beckwit coincidentally i found out about that one last night thanks to slides by Laura Kalbag slides
# 23:55 [Michael_Beckwit added it to my watchlist as well