#meta 2020-02-04

2020-02-04 UTC
aaronpk: okay! I'll see who I can rustle up on Wed the 19th!
[snarfed] joined the channel
hmm, /chatbot has no indieweb examples but a lot of generic analysis text, while /bot is a bit thinner but actually has the [benatwork] example there
I think the two need to be merged
or maybe /chatbot needs to be made clear it's only for text based chat?
though chatbot is also used in the context of "voice assistant" and the example of Siri here: https://medium.com/the-ai-issue-weapons-of-reason/better-loving-through-technology-b782c1e81eed so ... not sure
anyone here feel like they have particular experience or expertise (or strong opinions about how to structure information) with bot / chatbot creating / using? (aside from [benatwork] and likely [aaronpk] — though if you want to help clean up those two articles by merging or making one very specific and the other broader, go for it)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Tantek the IES grant I put in has development money to use HTML and microformat parsers and basic quartile frquencies to make a tutorial chatbot
.... Oh wait that didn't make the second submission, just the rejected last year submission....cut it in latest. Will give articles a review tomorrow
gRegorLove, [LewisCowles] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
edited /Mastodon (+434) "Moved criticisms from See Also into criticism section; Section for Instances; links into see also;"
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[tantek], [LewisCowles], gRegorLove and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I am so delighted to keynote IndieWeb Camp Online Conference 2020. Join us from February 8 - 9 2020 for an amazing 2 days of learning experience on #IndieWeb and #OER. #OER20 @jgmac1106 @goifoundation https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indiewebcamp-online-gUpSVUxbUKhv (http://sadik.goifnetwork.org/s/1exKlY)
GWG and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ There are Mozilla folks locally in TO, and I bet if you look at local open source, Linux, etc meetups you’ll find interesting people. Also IndieWeb. And! @csiTO
[Marlin_Forbes] and jamietanna joined the channel
Generated my BestNine picture from 2019 using https://bestnine.indieweb.app/ - very cool #indieweb service! https://t.co/8xesuwZpDW
jeremych_, [KevinMarks], [Rose], [fluffy] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
edited /search (+77) "/* Software */ add xapian omega"
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Do any of the people I know in the #IndieWeb know if it’s possible to follow individual Instagram users through http://Granary.io feeds (or similar) *without* having an account of your own? (https://mrkpw.xyz/t/2xP)
gRegorLove, [Marlin_Forbes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] GWG was there any reason to do session proposals on etherpad rather than on the wiki directly? It all seems to be written in wikitext anyway?
for people who do not have wiki accounts, same we did it last year? I wish I didn;t use the markup confused people
jermerycherfas not sure why the event isn't showing up, trying to figure this out as now there are three places you have to mantain for events
What is the TZ of the time shown in the Schedule?
It looks like we don't have a page for "TZ of the time shown in the Schedule" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "TZ of the time shown in the Schedule is ____", a sentence describing the term)
shah^ joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: want me to add Online to the homepage and the wiki sidebar for upcoming?
Do we have an emoji for online?
nek1113Discord[4, swedneck[m]2, borismusDiscord[, mattl, DiscordBridge[m4, card[m], xlcDiscord[m], Imnotsoimpressed, M8431[m], HenniDiscord[m], M123897974564Dis, radio_aliceDisco, SpicoliWhiteDisc, M}Discord[m], matyas_mustohaDi, EdEdorEddyDiscor, PermawebMatrixBr, DoggersUniteDisc, sekiDiscord[m], bostaDiscord[m], cesarosumDiscord, Tianyi[m], astraiaDiscord[m, gabrielbaron16Di, terryHDiscord[m], MesaDiscord[m], ksDiscord[m], richarddavisDisc, test123Discord[m, kbo8999Discord[m, n9tDiscord[m], denzuko-at-workD, prtfw[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, Lolicon[m], MatthDiscord[m], anthony-albertor, AblibuDiscord[m], EugeneDiscord[m], Senshi[m], wossDiscord[m], UsDiscord[m], thomasbDiscord[m, pcowgillDiscord[, RichardLittDisco, macerbi[m], CatManDoooDiscor, johanhermanDisco, Tianyi[m]1, alphapapaactualD, GuillaumeDiscord, sander[m], LokeLDiscord[m], dqxDiscord[m], nyarlathotepDisc, JungleHeartDisco, DigitalOilDiscor, OxyDiscord[m], M9672Discord[m], drbh[m], pr1meDiscord[m], talbDiscord[m], gmelodieDiscord[, neilDiscord[m], gozala[m], gregzuroDiscord[, nrtxrmndDiscord[, DaekiDiscord[m], koalalorenzoDisc, iiogama[m], chmanieDiscord[m, touzaikokonDisco, skillman623Disco, HexDiscord[m], braditzDiscord[4, KubeDiscord[m], doorknob88Discor, ReallySnazzyDisc, gkimbwalaDiscord, william_shakesDi, KevlarmonkeyDisc, ShadowJonathanDi, baluptonDiscord[, PhillmacDiscord[, sebsel, voxpelli, shah^, mhzDiscord[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], buztedDiscord[m], wossDiscord[m]1, codynhatDiscord[, macerbiDiscord[m, gtsDiscord[m], rappelDiscord[m], pbvieDiscord[m], xylanDiscord[m], EKLynxDiscord[m4, TristanDiscord[m, grvhiDiscord[m], armaniferranteDi, mikealDiscord[m], kppDiscord[m]1, mZ[m], bltavaresDiscord, distributedjoseD, WesDiscord[m], bushido711Discor, h2Discord[m], andrewxhill[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, allgoDiscord[m], thomasDiscord[m], freethinkingawa4, ritewhose[m], adinbDiscord[m], Mai-HsuanKevinCh, FusonDiscord[m], zgrDiscord[m], scandichainDisco, gumshedDiscord[m, obernardovieiraD, TH0RynDiscord[m], circlesDiscord[m, ivanDiscord[m], hyde__Discord[m], MissLavender5032, balupton[m], MairkurDiscord[m, MachiavelaDiscor and Giyomu[m] joined the channel
edited /2020/Online (+1785) "/* Schedule */ adding schedule"
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HaybalesDiscord[, jjuran, AltFreqDiscord[m, danyao, dee` and jolvera joined the channel
NVM, I see it in the Etherpad.
edited /2020/Online (-13) "/* Session Two 18:00 UTC, 9:00 PST, 13:00 EST 19:00 CET */"
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edited /2020/Online (-3) "/* "Session Four" 19:30UTC, 10:30 PST, 14:30 EST 20:30 CET */"
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edited /2020/Online (-119) "/* Schedule */"
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[Marlin_Forbes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Ideas for emoji for online: 🕸️ 🌐 🗺️ 📶📡🖥️👩‍💻⌨️ …
I like 🌐 but that may be because I am old.
Guest7590 joined the channel
We have a tito for the online event?
quickly clicks through
and I need to maintain three different pages for one event, guess the one that required a PR fell to wayside. I thought GWG did this, but we do need to think about cutting event pages down by one
Also: we run the Online event under the Mozilla Participation Guidelines? (As per Tito.)
So many small things to think about. It is not a fun flow.
this event is co-cosponsored by Mozilla as part of our OLX work
..well it was going to be until we raised enough moneyr to get a venue in Ghana, still I don't mind
Aah, cool!
yeah I am leaning to the wiki being more for the archive of the event, and using 2020.indieweb.org and events.indieweb.org they are duplicative but you need 2020.indieweb.org for ticketing
but I am in the weeds on the workflow right now, wait to see what emerges after Austin and how they handle it
We never requested a 2020.indieweb.org page because we only needed an events page
ahh okay thx
Makes sense to me. The more we can just handle though events the better, I feel.
As for the etherpad, we did it that way last year
I think we just copied
There's a typo on that page, can I fix it and if so how?
Figured it out
↩️ I find writing any kind of blog post challenging. That's why I go to Homebrew Website Club in Berlin! https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club We don't yet have a date for the next one in Berlin, but @WebReflection and @danpeddle are working on that
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Rose] feel free to add a Known session and move feed the feeds to earlier, even before intros and keynotes
we did session multiple times in multiple time zones last year, I can facilitate the later one, I do dumb stuff with my feeds all the time
I need to check my plans for Saturday. I just wish I'd been asked if the timeslot worked for me being it was assigned.
I thought an email went out, saying we were gonna finalize, but that is still our tentative
but really pick any slot during the weekend where one other person wants to talk feed set ups, I can go to anything after 6:30am edt
I will add to planning that an explicit request should go out to each session proposal when times aren't noted, thx for the feedback and again apologies
edited /2020/Online (+85) "/* Schedule */ adding note about feed the feeds, can you repeat somethign before it happen?"
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edited /2020/Online/Planning (+226) "adding notes as feedback"
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eliod joined the channel
I'm enjoying learning about IndieWeb and playing around with my own new site. But I'm finding it unpleasant to follow the #freenode_#indieweb:matrix.org channel via Riot/Matrix because of all the noise from the IRC bridge changing power levels back and forth between 0 and 1. Who maintains that matrix/irc bridge? Perhaps there is something we can do to get rid of that noise? I participate in other freenode-bridged rooms
via riot/matrix and don't encounter that kind of noise there.
↩️ Checkout HTTP, DAT, IPFS, SOAP, REST, oData, ActivityPub, IndieWeb grassroots, etc. protocols and XML, JSONfeed, CSV, and so on data formats. All these tech solutions have their pros and cons,but also plenty SDKs & tools exist for wide range of tech stacks. What do we want more?
gwg renaming session one: Introduction to IndieWeb: From the Why to the Building Blocks
removing any jargon from an intro session name
and rose the reason the WP session is so late is the big interest was from folks in BC, Canada
!tell gwg, @eddiehinkle I think I prefered the 24 session block of last year rather than trying to find the miracle UTC slots
fredcy_: I think it's the bridge run by IPFS community
There's also a lot of noise here because the matrix bridge is a little aggressive about joining people even if they haven't been active so there will regularly be a hundred quits or joins
ipfs runs the discord bridge do they do the matrix as well?
What is chat?
chat is informal messaging offered by numerous services, a few of which interoperate or bridge with each other, and also a set of brainstorms for what an amazing indieweb friendly chat web app/site could do https://indieweb.org/chat
[tantek] joined the channel
What is discuss/
Join the #indieweb discussions via the web, Slack, IRC, or Matrix interfaces now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss
i have no idea what a power level is either
What is discuss?
Join the #indieweb discussions via the web, Slack, IRC, or Matrix interfaces now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss
!tell [Sadik_Shahadu] and gwg can you add a photo and atitle, description to your keynotes, sadik let me know if you need help with HTML
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell rose when you know your Saturday schedule pick a slot and I will add a second feed the feeds
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
It's the normal matrix.org bridge afaik
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Matrix creates their own bridges to everything on freenode I think. So noone here would have set it up
[grantcodes]: [jgmac1106] left you a message on 2019-12-17 at 4:29pm UTC: any interest in organizing Online 202 with GWG, and I? Eddie too lead lastyear but not sure if he will still be on hiatus
Think I'm a bit late for that 😛
I'm guessing that some bot on the IRC side is changing some aspect of member status there (voicing -- I dunno, I don't use irc much) that the matrix/irc bridge translates to power levels on the matrix side. Power levels have to do with the permissions granted to the account.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Eg., mods on matrix usually have power level 50.
Yeah we use "voice" here to denote people registered with a website and photo for the chat logs
on irc you can make your client hide those or join messages if you want. I'd assume a matrix client would have a similar feature
But why would that status change back and forth? Wouldn't it persist for any given member?
People join and leave
Sadly, the Riot matrix client does not seem to have a way to suppress those messages. :(
sounds like a good feature request for them
It's unlikely that people are joining and leaving at the rate I see in power level changes.
Yeah, I'll try that too. But I suspect something is misconfigured on the irc side that causes the churn.
Joins are shown in the web logs so you could compare that
Some people run irc clients on their laptops and so every time their computer goes to sleep they leave the room
there's also the slack bridge which joins a user only when they say something and they time out after a half hour or so
but generally irc join/voice is just noisy and you configure your client to ignore the messages if it bothers you
need to get in practice of not doing multiphoto posts from Known since they are missing alt text, annoyance and bad habits for most, legal liability for me
stand corrected it is there, just same for each photo
The first #IndieWeb Meet Up of the Elm City Webmakers. Participants set goals, worked on graphic design and marketing skills, and played with video editing (https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2020-02-04-1)
aaronpk I forgot to add the link when I published to bridgy, so I edited and resent the webmention with telegraph, I have signed in with both my Known site and sent them when logged into Telgraph with Known,
I then repeated that from my own domain, and signed out of events and telegraph to make sure all the accounts matched but I am still doing something wrong, sorry I am being a pain,
do they need to be single not multi-photo posts?
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: oh i see what's wrong, your link says it's an h-feed
cause there's two mf2 objects on the page, and the h-entry does not have a url property matching the permalink
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
And in the end it was a microformats problem based on a mistake I was making
if you're going to have the h-entry and h-card next to each other like that instead of using the "u-author" property, then the h-entry needs to have a "u-url" property to say that it's the main object of the page
Ohh i used rel=canonical and forgot about class=u-url...shoot on every note I have published
I have the also on at the bottom for Bridgy stuff. Can i put the u-url there?
as long as it's inside the element that has the h-entry class
Thanks for the help. Works so well. Not sure why the Known webmentions didn't work...i just go must br a "ReclaimHosting thing" now
that was probably because the domain thing
i made it only allow webmentions from people who have logged in
until there's a moderation queue
Yeah i logged out and then logged back in with Known into both telegraph and events and sent them
But i use a subdomain if that impacts
that's what i mean
the domain of the post has to be one that you've logged in to the wiki as
Ahh okay now I know what you mean
[Rose] and gRegorLove joined the channel
Hmm, quick catch up on the logs, and wondering if we should note on /discuss that the matrix bridges are not operated by us
Discord bridge isn’t even mentioned?
What is Discord?
Discord is a proprietary freeware VoIP application and digital distribution platform—designed initially for the video gaming community, used by a variety of groups for IM https://indieweb.org/Discord
And not mentioned there either …
What is Discord bridge?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Discord bridge" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Discord bridge is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[snarfed] joined the channel
Happy to speak about our upcoming Mozilla @MozOpenLeaders at UDS Navorongo campus. Join us for IndieWeb Camp Online Conference from 8-9 February 2020. #OER20 #OER #IndieWeb #IndieWebCamp @jgmac1106 @xolotl @GOIFoundation https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indiewebcamp-online-gUpSVUxbUKhv
gauthamDiscord[m, takev[m], AceFaceDiscord[m, dostDiscord[m], koivunejDiscord[, wourslerDiscord[, hvergara[m], TianyiDiscord[m4, enricomarino[m], codynhatDiscord[, pranayDiscord[m], macerbiDiscord[m, M[AXEL]Darr[m], buztedDiscord[m], gtsDiscord[m], wossDiscord[m]1, mhzDiscord[m], grvhiDiscord[m], rappelDiscord[m], pbvieDiscord[m], armaniferranteDi, TristanDiscord[m, kppDiscord[m]1, xylanDiscord[m], EKLynxDiscord[m4, Sm03leBr00tDisco, distributedjoseD, bltavaresDiscord, bushido711Discor, h2Discord[m], Mai-HsuanKevinCh, andrewxhill[m], allgoDiscord[m], scandichainDisco, gumshedDiscord[m, thomasDiscord[m], ritewhose[m], freethinkingawa4, zgrDiscord[m], mikealDiscord[m], obernardovieiraD, FusonDiscord[m], adinbDiscord[m], mZ[m], TH0RynDiscord[m], WesDiscord[m], ivanDiscord[m], circlesDiscord[m, Giyomu[m], hyde__Discord[m], MairkurDiscord[m, MissLavender5032, balupton[m], nek1113Discord[4, borismusDiscord[, mattl, swedneck[m]2, DiscordBridge[m4, card[m], HenniDiscord[m], xlcDiscord[m], Imnotsoimpressed, M123897974564Dis, M8431[m], radio_aliceDisco, M}Discord[m], EdEdorEddyDiscor, matyas_mustohaDi, sekiDiscord[m], PermawebMatrixBr, SpicoliWhiteDisc, DoggersUniteDisc, bostaDiscord[m], cesarosumDiscord, Tianyi[m], terryHDiscord[m], astraiaDiscord[m, gabrielbaron16Di, MesaDiscord[m], richarddavisDisc, test123Discord[m, denzuko-at-workD, kbo8999Discord[m, wossDiscord[m], ksDiscord[m], prtfw[m], n9tDiscord[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, MatthDiscord[m], macerbi[m], Senshi[m], AblibuDiscord[m], anthony-albertor, UsDiscord[m], Lolicon[m], pcowgillDiscord[, EugeneDiscord[m], thomasbDiscord[m, sander[m], RichardLittDisco, Tianyi[m]1, alphapapaactualD, CatManDoooDiscor, johanhermanDisco, LokeLDiscord[m], GuillaumeDiscord, nyarlathotepDisc, dqxDiscord[m], JungleHeartDisco, pr1meDiscord[m], talbDiscord[m], DigitalOilDiscor, iiogama[m], OxyDiscord[m], gmelodieDiscord[, M9672Discord[m], neilDiscord[m], nrtxrmndDiscord[, gozala[m], gregzuroDiscord[, koalalorenzoDisc, DaekiDiscord[m], drbh[m], HexDiscord[m], touzaikokonDisco, skillman623Disco, chmanieDiscord[m, PhillmacDiscord[, doorknob88Discor, william_shakesDi, ReallySnazzyDisc, braditzDiscord[4, KubeDiscord[m], gkimbwalaDiscord, baluptonDiscord[, KevlarmonkeyDisc, ShadowJonathanDi, sebsel, voxpelli and a2b2x2Discord[m] joined the channel; WWDiscord[m] left the channel
↩️ @writeas__ https://github.com/writeas There are IndieWeb developers on @MastodonProject doing good stuff https://indieweb.org/ RSS still All newspapers should be using @joinpeertube or YouTube alternatives by now to disengage from big data which invariably skews their "content".
aaronpk it was totally my fault. I was using the find links tab of telegraph not the sen webmentions tab
and missing u-url on post of course
[schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
[schmarty]: did you wanna make an HWC event page for HWC NYC later this month?
yeah! uh. i haven't done a weeknight in a while and forget the usual times. 6-8pm work?
yeah that's great
a-done! putting it at the usual location now but may change if needed. https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indieweb-meetup-nyc-GSlzpBwleWLT
attempts to RSVP
!tell jmac heads up! with aaronpk coming to town, we've got a next HWC NYC: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indieweb-meetup-nyc-GSlzpBwleWLT
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [snarfed], [fluffy], [Michael_Beckwit and [LewisCowles] joined the channel