#meta 2020-02-06

2020-02-06 UTC
^^^ critique and feedback please!
[snarfed] joined the channel
ha nice edge case
[KevinMarks] and jjuran_ joined the channel
"edge case"?
[jgmac1106], danyao and jolvera joined the channel
Edge computing
dee` joined the channel
edited /local_first (+1035) "First means first"
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Deleting the page to make it look new again
it happens often enough "redirect page changes to a page with new content" that it's borderline whether it's edge or not.
I would consider adding proper support to the newsletter for that
cool. I'll file an issue!
thanks aaronpk, appreciate being open to that
puts aside the Local First blog post he was writing to file this issue first. The Local First blog post will have to come second.
[tantek] #18 IndieWeb newsletter should treat pages edited from a redirect to actual content as new...
bridgy++ for actually setting the label enhancement automatically from my issue post markup! yay!
bridgy has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
indirect, Dr_JayWDiscord[m and [andre] joined the channel
created /Template:maxwelljoslyn (+49) "Created page with "{{irc user|www.maxwelljoslyn.com|Maxwell Joslyn}}""
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maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
I am confused about how to properly configure my user template on the Wiki. If you check my use of the template for my name on /2020/Online there is a mysterious trailing ({{{3}}}) afterward. How do I rid myself of this hanger-on?
↩️ (attended my first indieweb meetup and i’m so excited ;__;)
↩️ @t @indiewebcamp Omg exciting! Thank you. Unfortunately I’ll be without Internet this weekend
mblaney joined the channel
hi maxwelljoslyn standard practice is just to copy someone else's template mine is https://indieweb.org/Template:mblaney if you want to have a look
also sorry about my planet not being friendly! did you get an error message?
chrisaldrich and [schmarty] joined the channel
"...this is true with any cloud service, especially those you're not paying for or using outside their main use case. They can go away at any point." This is why you need to own your data #IndieWeb https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/02/self-sovereign_blogging.shtml
[Marlin_Forbes] and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
all good I sent the webmention again manually and worked out what the bug was!
I'm at my first Homebrew Website Club in three years, and It's the San Francisco Meetup in the Mozilla office! I feel like I've made a pilgrimage to a spiritual centre of the indieweb. All of us indie-folks are really fortunate that the indieweb is such… https://Kongaloosh.com/e/2020/2/5/im-at-my-f
While I'm thinking about icons, what about 🍝 for the /PASTA page? (see also /fun)
edited /Category:syndication (+849) "brainstorming section for icons indicating syndication"
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strugee and nst^ joined the channel
New post set sail: RSVP for IndieWebCamp Online 2020 https://trxtp.com/7h
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
!tell [jgmac1106] Have we finalized the schedule? I saw talk
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[KevinMarks] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
is it time yet to remove the /2019-12-indieweb-gift-calendar from the sidebar of the Wiki?
[tantek] joined the channel
Still needs to be completed and blogged about
[chrisaldrich] want to add the Friday entries for the newsletter?
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[tantek] I'm not sure what you mean by Friday entries?
All those empty Fridays on the December calendar? What was the community doing on all those Fridays?
published every Friday!
↩️ A meetup? homebrew website club chapter? un conf?
contributing to the newsletter!
↩️ @pfefferle In der Tat! Wir freuen uns auf den nächsten Homebrew Website Club am 04.03. mit Dir.
edited /environmental_impact (+204) "/* Posts About */ + "Data-Driven Guide to Effective Personal Climate Action""
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[Rose] joined the channel
Does anyone know what's happening with IWC Dusseldorf this year? I just realised the dates are likely the end of April
[Rose]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day, 19 hours ago: when you know your Saturday schedule pick a slot and I will add a second feed the feeds
I saw that, I was wondering when it will be confirmed
when organizers step up to do so
I don't remember seeing any discussion on it that's all. I'd be happy to help, but if it's not talked about... 😉
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gwg, I would say finalized. [Rose] did you want to add an earlier feed the feeds session when you are available?
[jgmac1106]: [fluffy] left you a message 15 hours, 58 minutes ago: Just saw the keynote invite, only a month later, heh. IWC chat isn’t the best way to get in touch with me, clearly. 🙂 I’d have been interested but it’s prooooobably a bit too late for me to throw anything together and obvs the schedule’s already pretty filled up anyway. Thanks though!
jg I'm not sure when I'll be available this weekend yet. I'm currently suffering from a sore throat and had a migraine yesterday. At this rate I'll spend my entire weekend sleeping
sounds divine, the sleeping not the throat, sorry you are sick
will record it, if you want to add a series of questions or ideas, happy to see if people smarter than I can address them
[grantcodes] joined the channel
created /Template:bekopharm (+159) "Create sparkline template for Beko Pharm"
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[calumryan] joined the channel
[Rose] it’s been organised in the past by [jkphl] - but I’m happy to help out if he is unable to this year. I’ve booked for Beyond Tellerrand Düsseldorf in April so I will be around then
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /service_worker (-2) "unlink lack of page, link local support"
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ellliod and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
> The way to keep giant companies from sterilizing the Internet is to make their sites irrelevant. If all the cool stuff happens elsewhere, people will follow. We did this with AOL and Prodigy, and we can do it again. #IndieWeb https://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm#heavyclouds
[LewisCowles], jolvera, mattsseDiscord[m, [Michael_Beckwit, [grantcodes], [schmarty], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [manton], chrisaldrich and Arcosruth joined the channel
↩️ IONO, I think it was pretty good. Besides, the fashion is coming full circle, I am sure there some IndieWeb designers somewhere doing exactly this again...
[snarfed], [LewisCowles], [tantek], jeremych_, EFSHDREGAS, [fluffy], [Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
who all is attending iwc 2020 austin?
I completely forgot that I had that slated
edited /facepile (+100) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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jacky, I still need to make travel plans
Is there a remote viewing party?
edited /service_worker (+168) "have had a service worker since 2019-10-20"
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edited /local (+35) "[tantek] added "[[local first]]" to "See Also""
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[jgmac1106]: Do you need me to update the wiki with the schedule or have you?
I updated the events.indieweb.org You can check to see if it matches wiki, you may want to send a note about 48 hours until.....
edited /offline (+512) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add Jeremy and myself, move existing tools to an IndieWeb Tools section (distinct from personal sites)"
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edited /offline (+10) "/* Tantek */ 2019"
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hey all [Sadik_Shahadu] is looking for swag for our IWC launch, anything micro.blog stickers, wembentions, indieweb, Mozilla, your random extras contact me for shipping details
aaronpk who do we use for a t-shirt vendor? We are going to order some.
what is swag?
swag is indieweb apparel and accessories you can purchase https://indieweb.org/swag
really just stickers, didn;t mean to type swag...just went into marketing mode
erm....swag is an Amnerican slang word, of Scandinavian origin, for junk bands give out and sell. Now used for marketing crap vendors push on you
you wanted the link for the t-shirts
it's on that page
ohhh ha ha
yes and the stickermule button perfect
(the deadline next to the t-shirt button seems wrong - guess that was for some group-buy back then?)
↩️ Its still possible! Sign up for http://Micro.blog and/or join @indiewebcamp. I regularly write content on my website / microblog that is automatically published as Tweets for my followers. But, I prefer just interacting website to website using Webmentions :)
cleverdevil has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
cleverdevil++ for posting positive
gRegorLove joined the channel; EFSHDREGAS left the channel
not sure how/where to document this but feel it is relevant to privacy and the IndieWeb (in contrast to the silo surveillance web) and want to reference it / make it discoverable somewhere: https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2019/08/23/deconstructing-googles-excuses-on-tracking-protection/
I just launched a new show "Online Learning Survival Guide" In the first season we will cover active reading. https://jgregorymcverry.com/myvideos#ActiveReadinginCollege add the show to your RSS feed or #IndieWeb social reader and don't miss an episode
[tantek]: gotcha! I just had to remember to get housing
thankfully I'm no more than an hour by public transit to the place and the airport