#meta 2020-02-26

2020-02-26 UTC
ooh TIL
edited /2020/Austin (+392) "/* Blog posts and articles */ adding my blog post"
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Hey #poetryport #literacies #clmooc #writingcommunity I finished up my poetry page at @IndieWebCamp Austin (plus a few bug fixes and registering podcast today). Check it out: https://jgregorymcverry.com/mypoetry Welcome feedback!! (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/m8uqW)
Can subscribe to podcast, or subscribe to audiopoems, featured poems, small poems,. and poets I read, in your RSS reader or try an #IndieWeb social reader which combine the reading and writing spaces #writingcommunity #poetryport #literacies (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1EVr7Z)
I know I’ve done a good job integrating my social media posting into my site when I want to reply to my own posts. #indieweb #posse (monkinetic txt-1f24862)
gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2020/Austin (+464) "/* Blog posts and articles */ chrisaldrich project"
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nickodd, [tantek] and [manton] joined the channel
edited /Untappd (+826) "tweaked the headings a bit for parallelism; chrisaldrich IFTTT example"
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uploaded /File:Untappd_Purchase_Location.jpg "Screenshot of Untappd mobile app with a variety of inputs including Purchased Location with a greater than symbol to indicate clicking on it to choose a location. https://indieweb.org/File:Untappd_Purchase_Location.jpg"
uploaded /File:Untappd_select_location.jpg "Screenshot of Untappd mobile app with a search box to find a venue above various options based on current location of various retail venues categorized into recent and nearby. https://indieweb.org/File:Untappd_select_location.jpg"
uploaded /File:Untappd_Purchased_at.jpg "Screenshot of Untappd mobile app Activity screen with the user name and avatar, drink name followed by Purchased at Trader Joe's > and other data. https://indieweb.org/File:Untappd_Purchased_at.jpg"
edited /acquisition (+960) "Silo example: Untappd with images of their mobile UI"
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↩️ Indieweb community see under @indiewebcamp And there website https://indieweb.org/ as well as other community networks based on a mesh Architecture https://www.netcommons.eu/?q=telecommunications-reclaimed or other protocols under development, e.g. @dat_protocol And #ipfs https://ipfs.io/ ol
[tantek], swentel and Naptra joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Taking back control of my content, I’m pulling my (modest) book reviews from Goodreads back to my blog. An underrated favourite of mine is Last Chance to See by the astounding Douglas Adams. #indieweb #books #ownyourdata (https://b-ark.ca/w0eSG6)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas], [jgmac1106], [manton], [tantek], [snarfed] and [Rose] joined the channel
Still improving my tech talks. This tribe with lighting talk about personal blogs, indieweb and static site generators.
↩️ For book start/finish posts I’m using IndieBookClub. For reviews, I’m just posting to my blog. Hopefully http://Brid.gy supports Goodreads syndication soon (and if not I’ll write that code myself)! Ravelry support would be amazing! #indieweb (https://b-ark.ca/wQcI2U)
Muzammil and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /context_collapse (+479) "/* See Also */ article: How (and Why) to Disable Algorithmic Feeds on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
"But as I thought more about what I wanted for my blog, and read more about the IndieWeb movement, I realized my idea of what a blog could be was incredibly limited." ❧ —Brett Kosinski (@brettkosinski) https://boffosocko.com/2020/02/26/i-realized-my-idea-of-what-a-blog-could-be-was-incredibly-limited/
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk, I'd like to get that photo into the newsletter https://twitter.com/jarjandev/status/1232696693201788929 — what's the best way of doing that now? do we have to create a fake after the fact event?
Still improving my tech talks. This tribe with lighting talk about personal blogs, indieweb and static site generators. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERtrGtfXsAA_dNJ.jpg
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
yes, just like before
except now on events.indieweb.org
not sure what you mean "fake" event tho
tantek why not send @jarjandev a POSSEd tweet inviting them to add the event to events.indieweb.org if not permisssion to include the event
edited /license (+177) "Sessions section; see also: licensing; link to Jaime Tanna article"
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edited /licensing (+31) "see also: license"
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jjuran, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
yeah the wiki was more suitable to "archival" events as opposed to events that looked "real"
like a record of what happened, as opposed to looking like something was actually organized by the IndieWeb community
we had many "event" pages that were little stubs of actual events organized by others
that's what I mean by "fake" event, poor choice, more like a 'stub' event that references the real one
poor *word choice
Design suggestions welcome, the intent was always that the new site can have event pages for events organized by others
↩️ @CharlieRoseMari Yeah! I created a follow list at https://unicyclic.com/indieweb/directory that you can subscribe to. I use it with my microsub server.
We're using it for events my team at Okta is going to, the vast majority of them are conferences with their own websites, but I like the aggregated view it makes here. https://oktadev.events I'm not sure there is much needed other than an external url and text describing the event to make it clear the event is organized elsewhere.
edited /2020/Austin (+280) "/* Blog posts and articles */ macgenie's article Getting Started With The IndieWeb"
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[jgmac1106] and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /IndieAuth (+210) "/* Articles */ Your Website Is Your Passport by Desmond Rivet"
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petermolnar has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
jjuran joined the channel
chrisaldrich has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (26 in all channels)
this part was difficult for me to understand: https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Questions#How
2nd paragraph specifically