2020-03-02 UTC
[Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
# 05:37 GWG aaronpk: The demo link doesn't work
[LewisCowles] and [tantek] joined the channel
petermolnar and [tantek] joined the channel
djmoch and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 11:28 Zegnat Oh, I hadn’t seen Kaja live update the wiki yet, nice!
# 11:28 Loqi Kaja has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
# 11:28 Zegnat Also fun how the tweet above is specifically about the event.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:58 aaronpk GWG: it should now. It was still uploading when I saved the wiki edit
aaronpk, [KevinMarks], [LewisCowles], [yo], [schmarty], [tantek], [jgmac1106], [Joe_Crawford], [Michael_Beckwit, [Jeff_Hawkins], [snarfed] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
gRegorLove and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[schmarty] and ketudb joined the channel
# 18:48 [tantek] Only Nottingham and SF HWC this week? [manton] is HWC Austin taking a break this week?
# 18:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:50 [tantek] aaronpk, one thing with the new events, there is no sign of who the organizer is by default which is a bit problematic for verifying it is actually happening. on the wiki at least we could check the Edit history. Perhaps the events could state *who* created them (URL) and when? (would help to know if an event was created long in advance and might not still be happening, or if it was created very recently and thus is much more likely to be
# 18:51 aaronpk Good idea. Do you think that should be publicly displayed? Or like the wiki where it's public but you have to go look for it
# 18:51 aaronpk I do want to add full edit history to it at some point, it's storing it publicly
# 18:52 [tantek] People are used to that from gCal and FB. Creator/organizer of the event is made *very* obvious
# 18:52 [tantek] I'm hesitant to add any events that don't look like "normal" HWC events
# 18:52 [tantek] because I don't know who is doing it, what the deal is etc.
# 18:54 [tantek] has anyone seen any sign of HWC Austin happening? [tomwiththeweather] maybe?
# 18:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:56 Loqi delegation has 1 karma over the last year
# 19:02 [tantek] [jgmac1106] great. Have you ever added it to the Mozilla Wiki before? Wondering how to summarize it
# 19:55 Loqi [gRegor Morrill] I was watching the beginning of Bang Bang Con (!!Con) and they talked about their code of conduct. I liked these three tips they gave to stay in line with their values:
“Avoid feigning surprise.” When someone says something like “I’ve never ...
[manton] joined the channel
# 21:13 [manton] [tantek] Oh yeah, I meant to make an announcement today. No meetup in Austin this week.
# 21:15 gRegorLove [manton], is the next one scheduled? I'd like to give my librarian friend a heads up
# 21:16 [tantek] [manton] thanks for the confirmation. Hmm, I wonder how would we indicate a non-event like that in the new events site when a regular one is expected?
# 21:16 [tantek] On the wiki we'd just put a list item on the date stating it had been canceled so anyone who was wondering would be able to discover that
# 21:16 [manton] [gRegorLove] Yep, usually the first Wednesday, but neither Tom or I can make it this week, and we figure with IndieWebCamp last week we'll just recover and wait until next month.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 21:17 [tantek] or on the one wiki page for the day, we could explicitly document canceled locations
# 21:17 [tantek] maybe that's another feature request for Meetable. to be able to explicitly indicate when a periodically regular meeting is canceled
# 21:17 [tantek] recover and wait is a good idea [manton] — or more like bask in the glory of all the uploaded videos and demos!
# 21:18 [manton] I hope that eventually our meetup in Austin will be big enough where if I don't show up, no one even notices. 🙂
# 21:18 [tantek] DIY Virtual Austin IndieWeb Meetup! cue-up one of the session videos from IWC Austin this Wednesday evening and chat about it in the channel!
# 21:18 aaronpk there's always the low-tech version of creating an event and naming it "CANCELLED: "
# 21:19 aaronpk that's what i would do on calagator when we cancelled some meetups
# 21:19 [tantek] It's like all the remote IndieWeb fun with none of the Covid fears
# 21:20 aaronpk i mean "CANCELLED: homebrew website club pdx" or whatever
# 21:21 [KevinMarks] That's a good tombstone for a calendar feed if an event was there before. Otherwise it silently vanishes
# 22:38 [tantek] [jgmac1106]++ and reminder to take a photo if you can!
# 22:38 Loqi [jgmac1106] has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (81 in all channels)
# 22:55 [tantek] ooh I thought of another one! Explicit Code of Conduct URL(s) on Meetable events!
# 22:55 aaronpk ooh nice yeah that deserves a callout like the rest of the special fields about the event
# 22:55 [tantek] This is because Meetable has an RSVP button function, which can (should) pop-up a dialog linking to the codes of conduct and making the user check them explicitly saying they have read them!
# 22:56 [tantek] can we make that only when it’s all caps like THIS IS
# 22:57 aaronpk i was going to say only if it's under some amount of characters
# 23:01 [tantek] though this makes me wonder how we do agreeing to Codes of Conduct with federated RSVPs via Webmention
# 23:02 aaronpk i'm 100% in favor of a code of conduct URL called out
# 23:03 aaronpk the step of requiring reading that before RSVPing is turning it into an actual ticketing system
# 23:03 aaronpk so i'd like to leave that for a separate discussion
# 23:03 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] Meetable events should have a Code of Conduct field for one or more URLs
# 23:04 [tantek] hmm I didn't think that needed to be "an actual ticketing system"
# 23:04 [tantek] so that way we can separately discuss whether it is a ticketing system or not 🙂
# 23:05 [tantek] I'd still prefer some minimal / lightweight adding of a dialog to confirm you've read the Code(s) of Conduct
# 23:05 aaronpk which as you observed, is one of the things that falls out of adding that kind of feature
# 23:05 [tantek] it's more like a UI that then spurs a need for a protocol discussion, eventually
# 23:06 aaronpk i'm thinking i'd actually like to change the header of the RSVP section
# 23:06 [tantek] the UI should not be dependent on the protocol in this case. it's the other way around. UI innovation drives future protocol requirements
# 23:06 [tantek] again this is proving your point of separate issue that can use separate discussion from "just" entering/displaying Codes of Conduct links
# 23:07 aaronpk also the wiki never had anything like a mechanism to make you acknowledge you read the CoC before being able to add yourself to the RSVP section
# 23:09 [tantek] that's very good point, that's the "good enough" bar to at least get back to where we were
# 23:09 [tantek] still think it should be an explicit field so that explicit UI can be tied to it
# 23:09 [tantek] and it can be explicitly presented right by / before the RSVP UI
# 23:17 [tantek] ooh aaronpk, how do you feel about specially flagging/tagging an RSVP that is from the creator of the event?
# 23:17 [tantek] as in, we've definitely had HWC events created by organizers who can't attend them but made sure there would be space etc.
# 23:18 [tantek] and seeing on an event an explicit RSVP tagged (Event creator) or (Event organizer) automatically (since they're all the same personal URL) would provide an additional level of confidence to showing up at an event
# 23:18 [tantek] btw we used to do this on the wiki with I think "(organizer)" or "(host)"
# 23:19 [tantek] since for now all Meetable could know is that the person *created* the event, I think it's all we can do for now is to explicitly say (event creator)
# 23:19 [tantek] we can't necessarily automatically conclude that that same person is organizing or hosting even if typically they are
# 23:19 [tantek] hmmm now I'm wondering if we could use h-card "role" for this
[ColinMorris] joined the channel
# 23:27 [tantek] aaronpk, before I file any more, are the current issues I've filed on Meetable granular and actionable enough?
# 23:28 [tantek] hoping I can at least streamline that part of the "project planning" aspect for you
# 23:28 aaronpk i haven't read them yet, still working on other things
[KevinMarks] joined the channel