#meta 2020-03-04

2020-03-04 UTC
gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Tutorial_Set_up_micro_dot_blog (-5) "removed extraneous brackets"
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[KevinMarks], gRegorLove, [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /timezone (+133) "Zach Holman talk; see also: time"
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jeremycherfas joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
Well... Show by example! There is an incredible community in the Indieweb which does exactly this! Https://indieweb.org
[KevinMarks], [LewisCowles], [jeremycherfas], [jgmac1106], [grantcodes], [g33kcentric], [datashaman], Hart, mattl, Naptra and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://buff.ly/2pTyo6E #startup
[grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /User:Fireburn.ru (+205) "/* Plans and possibilities */ added ?q=food"
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Mikaela, Mikaela0, [Michael_Beckwit and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[yo], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] I plan on coming tonight but it’ll be a bit later (like right after the quiet window)
takes me longer to get to SF now πŸ™‚
[yo] πŸŽ‰ we'll keep the couches warm for you
bring a demo!
πŸ€” I think I have something close to one but it’s more of a prototype than a functional demo tbh
Another thought for the ticketing pages, I'd like to include an "Organizers" section that shows everyone's name and friendly photo similar in presentation to the keynotes section in the past Summit (though without the talk title obviously) β€” so that the event has a clear sense of, here are the humans putting this together, rather than some abstract "organization" β€” WDYT folks?
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] [Ana_Rodrigues] [calumryan] any objection? Can use your icons from /chat-names unless you prefer something else
[snarfed] and [calumryan] joined the channel
No objections from me
We call that PESOS "Publish Elsewhere Syndicate on your Own Site". I prefer a POSSE model "Publish on Own Site Syndicate Elsewhere": It is part of my philosophy of my website being my common place book: https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/BGPgf)
[jgmac1106] ^^^ in-reply-to missing? context?
actually may want to document, person was upset I was adding link bc they felt they had to click on it
will post thread, disregard politics
edited /Netlify (+181) "/* Netlify Users */"
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@petrock Sanders way out spent Biden $ not close. Biden did not spend in Mass and TX really, and won them both. The lesson for Bernie Sanders: majority of people do not want to nominate a socialist to be a candidate of the Democratic Party (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1FNoAe)
↩️ And reading your bio seeing your support for GNU/Linux and progressive politics I think the #IndieWeb community would fit your values very well. If you ever want to learn more I would love to share. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/XlfXL)
[schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ @lmorchard If you get tired of self hosting, https://micro.blog is low friction, static blog hosting(Hugo based). Indieweb friendly.
[LewisCowles] and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Netlify (+113) "/* Limitations */"
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[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Sounds good to me!
πŸ‘‹ Carol
[carolgilabert] joined the channel
πŸ‘‹ Jamie
[carolgilabert]: see if you can set up your profile on the wiki! https://indieweb.org/wikifying
robinzzzDiscord[, baluptonDiscord[, chris[m], [Michael_Beckwit, [jgmac1106], [email096] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /read (+85) "nice-reads on glitch"
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[yo] joined the channel
For Joe and my RSVPs on https://events.indieweb.org/2020/03/homebrew-website-club-san-diego-bSBT0ZceMIHo, should there be a "yes" or "attending" heading? I see there's a Maybe heading for Charlotte
[jgmac1106]: i think tantek was wondering why there's nothing you're replying to? it's not even in the tweet version: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1235256797440741376
We call that PESOS "Publish Elsewhere Syndicate on your Own Site". I prefer a POSSE model "Publish on Own Site Syndicate Elsewhere": It is part of my philosophy of my website being my common place book: https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/BGPgf)
gRegorLove: I think I hid that intentionally. maybe it's not redundant when there are also "maybes" though
it looked silly to have "RSVPs" and "Attending"
but i guess when there's also "Maybe" or "Not Attending" then i could add the header back in
that makes sense
i'm more curious why it didn't find your name/photo
My weird h-feed homepage I think
oh right
Which I did tweak some at IWC Austin. I need to double check and try re-sending, I think it might work now
wasn't i working on a fix for that?
in my parsing code
aaronpk: I have been trying to watch the Austin demos.
Not sure. I thought I remembered it being sort of a mistake the way I had it published? It's been a while, hah.
Hotel wifi will not let me get a 5.8GB file.
hm yes i have some in-progress code that was supposed to do this
I think I was trying to do the top-level h-card on the homepage similar to you, but it ended up inside the h-feed by mistake
GWG: does the archive.org web player not do it chunked like youtube? i didn't think you had to download the whole thing to watch it
aaronpk: It does, but not adaptive bitrates.
But I'll watch it when I get home
edited /2020/Austin/social-readers (+1942) "+video, notes from chat"
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[ColinMorris] joined the channel
Aaronpk means I simply forgot the url in reply field. Breaking thread... Do it occasionally... I fix on my site but any POSSEd thread will stay broken of course
[KevinMarks], lahacker, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty] and [Brian] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] I did get your message. I was hoping to get replies on Pine.blog working soon so I could reply via WebMention, but I’ve fallen behind lately. I’m planning to be there