#meta 2020-03-08

2020-03-08 UTC
[Michael_Beckwit, [KevinMarks], [Jeff_Hawkins] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Is there a way to to use Indigenous to publish a note privately? I can save a draft, or send it unpublished, but not make it private or protected. #IndieWeb
After reading just a few posts by @thedezzie, I'd like to nominate her to give a keynote at the upcoming #IndieWeb Summit in June. I totally want to hear her give a talk on The Year of Intentional Internet. https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/07/intentional-internet-desiree-garcia/
[LewisCowles], [Jeff_Hawkins] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+242) "/* Remote Participation */ Add further details"
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[github] Pull request opened by calumryan: https://github.com/indieweb/2020.indieweb.org/pull/30
edited /2020/London (+251) "/* Hotels */ add suggestions"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Spent morning rebuilding @goifoundation website https://goifoundation.org/ Got all the media loaded again, Installed #IndieWeb WordPress Theme, started home page design with @Elementor page builder, need to get outside (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/R3cUU)
[Grant_Hutchins], [KevinMarks], [datashaman], [schmarty], [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, were we ever able to get the video recordings posted of the keynotes from IndieWebCamp Berlin2? E.g. https://indieweb.org/2019/Berlin2/towards-a-more-civil-and-thoughtful-social-web (I wanted to post about it for IWD2020)
Actually, I finished an edit of it just before I left for Sofia, and forgot to bring it or upload it.
Thank you for reminding me
I had some issues and I wanted to try to use the alternative audio track, but I can always swap the video later
One second
Uploading now
Again, sorry about the audio. I really need to up my game on initial creation so I don't have some many challenges in post
edited /2019/Berlin2/Schedule (+98) "/* Saturday */"
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[tantek]: Done
Great! Can't wait to watch it!
Were you also able to get Yulia's keynote?
Yes. But the post-processing on that got lost in a hard drive failure so I have to redo it.
I have a great version with the slides and her voice I have to redo.
I also need to replace the microphone I used in SF because it went into power saving mode several times, which annoyed me greatly.
That would be good too!
So, I am already going to fix a bunch of things for next time.
Either way, now that I'm back, I'm getting back to all the projects I couldn't handle while I was away
Congratulations to @optoutools on their anti-misogyny browser extension release for #IWD2020! https://twitter.com/optoutools/status/1236253985457295360 #opensource & works in #Firefox (see tweet video) Disclosure: we hosted an Opt-Out hackathon @IndieWebCamp @MozillaBerlin last November. https://tantek.com/t55V2
I need some task organization techniques to keep track of all the projects I have on my list
GWG++ thanks posting Teresa's keynote!
GWG has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (137 in all channels)
petermolnar and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /2020/Austin/Schedule (+135) "/* Saturday February 22 2020 */"
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jkphl joined the channel
hi all! haven't been around the channels for a looong time, mostly because life happened and ate up all my attention ...
jkphl: tantek left you a message on 2018-02-03 at 12:41am UTC: could you add your preferences here? https://indieweb.org/2018/Planning#Possible_Dates
jkphl: [tantek] left you a message on 2018-12-29 at 7:03pm UTC: For HWC in 2019, since we haven't had a HWC meetup in a couple of weeks now, we could start 2019 with either January 2nd, or January 9th. The 9th would be the regular date, two weeks after the 26th when we had scheduled but canceled. So that's what I'm leaning towards. Fellow HWC organizers WDYT?
Welcome back jkphl!!! ❤
jkphl has 1 karma over the last year
that's also why i, unfortunately, can't jump in and organize a düsseldorf IWC this year prior to btconf, which means that this will be the first time in a few years that there will be none .. ;(
BUT: after a 2 years break, i'm strongly considering hosting another IWC in nuremberg in july again. it's on the wiki for quite a while already, but so far only tantek and rosemary indicated their interest
i would have to register the event with the nürnberg digital festival until march 27th, so i would ask you to update https://indieweb.org/Planning#Nuremberg in case you might be interested. i'm not decided on a date yet.
btw i backed out of the organization of the nürnberg digital festival (due to the same reasons), so i'm now just a participant and event organizer. :)
after such a long hiatus i would love to see and welcome at least some of you again!
jkphl++ yaaay
jkphl has 2 karma over the last year
edited /Planning (+36) "/* Nuremberg */ interested"
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thank you, sven! ;)
jkphl, would be great to make it to IWC Nuremberg! Happy to help any way I can (assuming we still have intl air travel then)
jkphl: I'll commit to remoting in at the least
edited /2020/Austin/Schedule (+366) "/* Saturday February 22 2020 */"
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[tantek]: If we don't have international air travel, I'm in serious trouble.
jkphl++ yay! welcome back!
jkphl has 3 karma over the last year
oh yes, no one can really know about what's going to happen. cross your thumbs that nothing like that will affect our material conference in iceland next week ... would love to have you both, tantek & GWG!
and you of course as well, aaronpk! :)
jkphl: I just spent two months in Europe. I wouldn't mind visiting a new city though. The only part of Germany I've been to is Berlin for IWC
jkphl, sorry to miss Material — really would LOVE to make it to it one of these days. I'm running 50mi this Saturday and next weekend going to a friend's wedding
GWG: i'm sure you would enjoy nuremberg, and being here during the digital festival might be interesting as well (although there aren't too many events in english language, however)
TBH I'm not afraid myself, I know what precautions to take. However I feel there are irrational decisions being made by authorities
jkphl: Will see. Just want to stay home for a bit, but the time you are thinking of I'll be ready by then
jkphl, the Planning page gets minimal input — don't mistake it for lack of interest
tantek: it would be lovely to have you at material one day! crossing fingers for your run in any case. (brian and i never really think about the next time but i'm sure there will be one, some day, somewhere, maybe even 2021 again)
tantek: yeah, it's more about the date than about if at all
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
i'm up for both of the dates but i'd lean towards the more popular one
ping sebsel Zegnat :D
sknebel has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (53 in all channels)
Cidjjvnrefg joined the channel