#meta 2020-04-02

2020-04-02 UTC
edited /Web_We_Found (+62) "link youtube"
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Does Meet have PIN options?
and/or just keeping the link of Twitter should work
it's not a short meeting ID like zoom, so the link is the only way to join
but yea don't tweet the meeting link
[chrisaldrich], dougbeal|mb1 and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
edited /fraidycat (+44) "jacky added "https://fraidyc.at/blog/" to "See Also""
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aaronstrick joined the channel
[LewisCowles] and [schmarty] joined the channel; Nuve left the channel
↩️ @ChrisAldrich Thanks for your review of typlog. We are still working on other IndieWeb features.
My site's back! Posts and other #indieweb stuff will come later.
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Known (+142) "add myself to ex-users"
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edited /Hugo (+64) "add myself to users"
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[LewisCowles] joined the channel
created /commercial_free (+72) "prompted by [LewisCowles] and dfn added by [LewisCowles]"
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edited /commercial_free (+71) "[LewisCowles] added "https://commercialfreechildhood.org/commercialfree/" to "See Also""
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Naptra, lahacker, MissLavenderDisc, M4eekDiscord[m], WarrenDiscord[m], thestevewayDisco, JorropoDiscord[m, cwchristerwDisco, codynhatDiscord[, pps96Discord[m], TimeOnDiscord[m], touzaikokonDisco, wngrDiscord[m], cristobalDiscor4, TryptophanDiscor, AXEL-Brian[m], AnthonyCBuddDisc, Salt[m], Nebulous[m], FeNiXDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[m, simibacDiscord[m, CryptoEmpress[m], te0dDiscord[m], allgoDiscord[m], card[m], peterkDiscord[m], MesaDiscord[m], RockSteadyTRTL[m, M011000100111010, M3baidDiscord[m4, AraratDiscord[m], icaruszDiscord[m, RomaricDiscord[m, BossMANDiscord[m, johanherman[m]1, berDiscord[m], SuikaDiscord[m], virtual_vagrantD, HaybalesDiscord[, pankajmendkiDisc, gorhgorh[m]1, NetherwolfDiscor, QwertyWhoreDisco, JerbsDiscord[m], TeamIanDiscord[m, matyas_mustohaDi, ChubbyBoyDiscord, GiyomuDiscord[m], DaekiDiscord[m], cannabysDiscord[, psyonityDiscord[, ReallySnazzyDisc, gozala[m], mapachurroDiscor, CarboClanCDiscor, mhzDiscord[m], richtercamdenDis, phynite[m], LSJI07Discord[m], plexusDiscord[m], ivanDiscord[m], JohnnyMilkshakes, OlegStotskyDisco, Mai-HsuanKevinCh, pvienhageDiscord, lamborghiniDisco, hvergara[m], bengoDiscord[m], doodlemaniaDisco, Tianyi[m], test123Discord[m, M[AXEL]Darr[m], mattsseDiscord[m, placer14[m], olizillaDiscord[, WellinkDiscord[m, CantiTurtleCoin[, RichardLittDisco, ngamboaDiscord[m, KYZITEMELOS93Dis, hazDiscord[m], catmanDiscord[m], appDiscord[m], HielleMatrixBrid, nek1113Discord[4, chris[m], xtream1101Discor, OrkunDiscord[m], raulDiscord[m], NebulousDiscord[, freethinkingawa4, DiscordBridge[m4, romaric[m], Hsiu-PingNichola, l^discordDiscord, maparentDiscord[, brewskiDiscord[m, n9tDiscord[m], drshamoon[m], aswiththewildDis, RDeckardDiscord[, jazzy-jeff^_^Dis, pierreboc[m], lyon[m], andrewxhill[m], betamosDiscord[m, Luna14Discord[m], TianyiDiscord[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, KirushikDiscord[, nofwayyDiscord[m, snoopdoggydogDis, cyluDiscord[m], RenegadeDiscord[, malaclypsDiscord, fozzieDiscord[m], Romaric[m]1, itsmekntDiscord[, rklaehn[m], FranklinDiscord[, drshamoonDiscord, rittmeDiscord[m], NatoBoram[m], carstenmunkDisco, Dr_JayWDiscord[m, carsonfarmer[m], cardDiscord[m], npfoss[m], kevinbird15Disco, KisulkenDiscord[, AceFaceDiscord[m, vexlDiscord[m], AblibuDiscord[m], prtfwDiscord[m], AmineDiscord[m], UserDiscord[m], AtiqDiscord[m], ZapierDiscord[m], wossDiscord[m], vasaDiscord[m], thomasbDiscord[m, grvhiDiscord[m], MairkurDiscord[m, gkimbwalaDiscord, sacha[m], combrayDiscord[m, tttDiscord[m], corylDiscord[m], leoalvarezhDisc4, DoppelgngerDisco, distributedjoseD, fozzie[m], GuillaumeDiscord, marcocastignoliD, dunks411Discord[, SteffDiscord[m], rittme[m], coryschwartzDisc, lyonDiscord[m], new0ne[m], Oxy[m], realChainDiscord, paulmahoneDiscor, johanhermanDisc4, scandichainDisco, JungleHeartDisco, atj[m], sander[m], jklepatchDiscord, HuurooDiscord[m], tom85[m], chmanieDiscord[m, angrygnuDiscord[, M8431[m], manfred[m], cam4507[m], mikeal[m], jgmac1106Discord, gunttedDiscord[m, DamirDiscord[m], sprayDiscord[m], celso[m], AltFreqDiscord[m, rklaehnDiscord[m, KinnardDiscord[4, PamileissonDisco, swedneck[m]1, JustMaier[m], discord[m], amatuniDiscord[m, mikealDiscord[m], oed3[m], EKLynxDiscord[m], DavidFalconDisco, erlend_shDiscord, aaronpkDiscord[m, IgutinDiscord[m], eddocsillDiscord, solanavDiscord[m, cesarosum[m], dhenz3SpeakDisco, zoink92Discord[m, ShadowJonathanDi, aidxnDiscord[m], ScottSmileyDisco, xylanDiscord[m], CyOp0x00Discord[, Tianyi[m]1, cwDiscord[m], vbDiscord[m], eddy[m], sukarDiscord[m], SpicoliWhiteDisc, TrevorDiscord[m], TionisDiscord[m], msena3[m], DerekDiscord[m], johanherman[m], ShmultzDiscord[m, gmelodieDiscord[, khalnayakDiscord, NastyEbilPiwateD, aeddi[m], swedneck[GMT1]Di, Dby0Discord[m], thesage1014Disco, TristanDiscord[m, Googol30Discord[, PermawebMatrixBr, takev[m], HooftlyDiscord[m, Akshay[m], TH0RynDiscord[m], LordFenixNCDisco, buztedDiscord[m], SomeguyDiscord[m, HeysteinDiscord[, CharlieRaptoreum, astraiaDiscord[m, planetary_devDis, KeegenDiscord[m], jonbvDiscord[m], mZ[m], gorhgorh[m], daveatQCDiscord[, CocoonCrashDisco, pranayDiscord[m], sekiDiscord[m]1, manfredDiscord[m, M9uapawDiscord[m, pcowgillDiscord[, JonwelDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[4, flower88Discord[, boomshroomDiscor, ShadowLingDiscor, kppDiscord[m]1, mZDiscord[m], celsoDiscord[m]1, denzukoDiscord[m, llllllDiscord[m], koivunejDiscord[, janttoDiscord[m], koalalorenzoDisc, matsugenDiscord[, ZipperSKDiscord[, godparticleDisco, KubeDiscord[m], weedDiscord[m], WesDiscord[m], ptonerDiscord[m], balupton[m], zgrDiscord[m], Clment[m], JD9Discord[m], pr1meDiscord[m], celso[m]1, xlcDiscord[m], watDiscord[m], eshohetDiscord[m, lauren|Microspon, LuutheCoolDiscor, leoalvarezhDisco, poofDiscord[m], SpaceOutlawDisco, hubaDiscord[m], IPFSFanDiscord[m, mattcDiscord[m], tplookerDiscord[, M9672Discord[m], kanej[m], AuHau[m], baluptonDiscord[, jamietanna[m], CryptoEmpressDis, CantiTurtleCoinD, EatsDiscord[m], AnthonyADiscord[, NooooooWayyyyyDi, bonedaddyDiscord, M3baidDiscord[m], OxyDiscord[m], efnDiscord[m], haywirezDiscord[, nilocDiscord[m], RyonezCoruscare0, HyunwooLeeDiscor, aeddiDiscord[m], ambackDiscord[m], MMMMaggieDiscord, jmank88Discord[m, sbpDiscord[m], NatoBoramDiscord, raisDiscord[m], Ja3ood[m], dqxDiscord[m], gabrielbaron16Di, macerbi[m], megadogberthehim, RomainDiscord[m], ShruthiDiscord[m, jimpick[m], gtsDiscord[m], sekiDiscord[m], SnoochToTheNooch, MatthDiscord[m], tangoDiscord[m], Exca1iburTheWise, UsamaIrfanDiscor, tadpole256Discor, DioBrandonDiscor, chinsuDiscord[m], Elijah3321[m], jimpickDiscord[m, nrtxrmndDiscord[, TyphooNDiscord[m, robinzzzDiscord[, emakDiscord[m], XierumengDiscord, hacdiasDiscord[m, adinbDiscord[m], WidgetBotiocli1[, ArunDiscord[m], farhad312Discord, peatDiscord[m], FusonDiscord[m], KinnardDiscord[7, drbh[m], alphapapaactualD, katakotoDiscord[, Dazuck-3BoxDisco, TianyiDiscord[m4, ZipperSKDiscord4, rappelDiscord[m], Lilz|BetaMeDisco, vasa[m], bushido711Discor, vinDiscord[m], jenncloud[m], aphelionzDiscord, fexra|TRTLDiscor, Ja3oodDiscord[m], modigDiscord[m], armaniferranteDi, bekoDiscord[m], EdmundMDiscord[m, vasa|DappkitDisc, the_nikinDiscord, SchwartzDiscord[, aaronpk[m], DoggersUniteDisc, prtfw[m], KarlDiscord[m], SenshiDiscord[m], abhi_Discord[m], kppDiscord[m], nlkoDiscord[m], M|NecoDiscord[m], UsDiscord[m], Lilz|BetaMe[m], JordanKrageDisco, anthony-albertor, skillman623Disco, gorhgorhDiscord[, yabirgbDiscord[m, kanejDiscord[m], dy5es41Discord[m, zcopleyDiscord[m, felixschlDiscord, gnunicornDiscord, AutoAIDiscord[m], talbDiscord[m], bmiller59Discord, matschafferDisco, gauthamDiscord[m, panDiscord[m], JaoheahDiscord[m, jwheelerDiscord[, fredcy_, freethinkingaway, bostaDiscord[m], Lolicon[m], DreamingInCodeDi, kerlanTDiscord[m, MachiavelaDiscor, mZDiscord[m]1, sfromentDiscord[, ritewhose[m], loodDiscord[m], HexDiscord[m], neilDiscord[m], AXEL-Lee[m], sblinnDiscord[m], tobowersDiscord[, felixschlDiscor4, gumshedDiscord[m, KevlarmonkeyDisc, nek11Discord[m], Keegen[m], dostDiscord[m], crestDiscord[m], FrenchBackBoneDi, suleDiscord[m], obernardovieiraD, MisterGoreDiscor, pierrebocDiscord, Rick[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, M123897974564Dis, iiogama[m], dowlandaielloDis, enricomarinoDisc, Imnotsoimpressed, ksDiscord[m], RockSteadyTRTLDi, wourslerDiscord[, captain-nemoDisc, ianlopshireDisco, nocentDiscord[m], chrisDiscord[m], M}Discord[m], cesarosumDiscord, reddDiscord[m], blzDiscord[m], amimDiscord[m], pbvieDiscord[m], SteelixDiscord[m, babaitDiscord[m], doorknob88Discor, chmanieDiscord[4, johanhermanDisco, Expherience[m], nyarlathotepDisc, r5723013Discord[, ShokuninDiscord[, PhillmacDiscord[, JayWelsh0845[m], thomasDiscord[m], braditzDiscord[m, DigitalOilDiscor, emersen234Discor, william_shakesDi, carsonfarmerDisc, celsoDiscord[m], andrewxhillDisco, LokeLDiscord[m], Discord[m]1, macerbiDiscord[m, CatManDoooDiscor, a2b2x2Discord[m], richarddavisDisc, TroyDiscord[m], SirMemesALotDisc, RodolfoEDiscord[, sethforkDiscord[, ianfixesDiscord[, thatguyDiscord[m, circlesDiscord[m, SmileRobotDiscor, CathyLDiscord[m], borismusDiscord[, nek1113Discord[m, jenncloudDiscord, wossDiscord[m]1, PhiDiscord[m], EdEdorEddyDiscor, OboDiscord[m], MikeShultzDiscor, M4star3starDisco, h2Discord[m], eddyDiscord[m], yjhmelodyDiscord, M0zAND1zDiscord[, enricomarino[m], icaruszDiscord[4, drbhDiscord[m], nebulerDiscord[m, JustMaierDiscord, SpidermanDiscord, sachaDiscord[m], bltavaresDiscord, funwhilelostDisc, zwelsternDiscord, HarryTmeticDisco, achingbrainDisco, new0neDiscord[m], sfroment[m], hvergaraDiscord[, MichaelTenDiscor, ddahlDiscord[m], hyde__Discord[m], PerinDiscord[m], kbo8999Discord[m, ExpherienceDisco, shivankDiscord[m, tom85Discord[m], gregzuroDiscord[, MasonDiscord[m], SnowballDiscord[, RobotLordimperia, doopDiscord[m], jessicaschilling, kevinkDiscord[m], gregjeanmartDisc, AlekseyDiscord[m, Giyomu[m], Gorka[m], Senshi[m], M5310Discord[m], KinnardDiscord[m, RealSnazzy[m], HenniDiscord[m], f-r-e-dDiscord[m, gnunicorn[m], bitspillDiscord[, braditzDiscord[4, EugeneDiscord[m], zegordoDiscord[m, ttocslliwDiscord, Sean|FortmaticDi, denzuko-at-workD, neohexDiscord[m], placer14Discord[, arjanvaneerselDi, JoejoeDiscord[m], radio_aliceDisco, stuartDiscord[m], Valium[m], SweatDiscord[m], RDeckardDiscord4, silent_Activist[, Mairkur[m], terryHDiscord[m], cristobalDiscord, ithithDiscord[m], shokunin[m] and [g33kcentric] joined the channel
edited /Template:ashwinvis (+37) "Remove backfeed intention"
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edited /Pelican (+548) "List a few plugins that are relevant to Indieweb"
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swentel joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+201) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[jeremycherfas], [jgmac1106], [xavierroy] and petermolnar joined the channel
↩️ ohh 100% agree on the learning programs, its what @goifoundation does, wikipedia, wikidata, and #indieweb #OER I thought you meant that actual use of wikimedia the software....that requires four PhDs #OER20
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs () "(-563) update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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↩️ Why I kinda like the #IndieWeb approach to plurality and development, a thing doesn't exist until there are consuming use cases, you build for yourself towards a shared goal, aligned to principles and guided by a decent CoC But there are grants to find to support FOSS
should we add something here: https://indieweb.org/remote_participation about hiding public video chat urls?
↩️ I have organized the last two @indiewebcamp Online conferences and others in the community have forgotten more about remote presenting than I will ever know. Happy to help anyone plan, really like the video, etherpad, wiki, and blog approach #OER20
[kimberlyhirsh], [g33kcentric], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
Clearing it out now in Slack
Bunch of weird spam in #microformats
Was not limited to #microformats, #indieweb got it too
I see it hit #indieweb as well
I just hope it isn’t a signal that the IRC spam bots are back
cleaned up the slack side
Zegnat, if you're up for helping with the IRC logs: https://github.com/indieweb/indieweb-chat-archive/pull/16 please review 🙂
[tantek] #16 retry removing jkk dj spam
I saw the emails for the PRs roll in. Can’t step away from work at the moment though. If nobody has been able to do it before I end my work day I’ll review !
not sure who else is up & around
just set up auto-sync both ways on the logs, we'll see if that works in 9 minutes
aaronpk, do we have a preference between just removing spam vs deleted:true?
i think for the obvious spam we should just delete
I figure anything with URLs should just be removed, don't want to be contributing to visibility of those at ll
ok I agree
it's still in the git logs if we really want to dig it up
deleted:true does prevent it from being rendered in the web UI though
that was more relevant before these were stored in git though
sweet auto deploy worked
lahacker joined the channel
i wish the discord bridge didn't join and quit 100 users at a time
done with PRs for logs (for now)
lol seriously I saw that
[tantek] has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (121 in all channels)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
#indieweb miazamoraphd: Mia kicks opff off descibing all the amzing activity and the response to covid-19 and moving online
[xavierroy] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
oops forgot to remove the hashtag in noterlive
kevinmarks++ for noterlive
kevinmarks has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
Zoom << clarification by Zoom about end-to-end encryption (keys centrally managed, but no decryption on server unless required for connectors or recording): https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/facts-around-zoom-encryption-for-meetings-webinars/
ok, I added "clarification by Zoom about end-to-end encryption (keys centrally managed, but no decryption on server unless required for connectors or recording): https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/facts-around-zoom-encryption-for-meetings-webinars/" to the "See Also" section of /Zoom https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=69378&oldid=69376
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://buff.ly/2pTyo6E #startup
gRegorLove, [_iamdave], gRegorLove_ and swentel joined the channel
And for folks who've rightfully come out of @paulienuh's talk at #WiTNotts wanting to start blogging, there's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham which is every other week (online) and is a great space to put two hours aside to blog / work on your website (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/04/mxwoy/)
jamietanna has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
crumbler, [manton], [chrisaldrich], jamietanna, [snarfed], [Michael_Beckwi], nderitu, andysylvester, gRegorLove__ and [jacky] joined the channel
sknebel: good idea about ignoring the photo property for RSVPs though: https://github.com/aaronpk/Meetable/issues/92
[aaronpk] #92 Ignore photos on RSVP posts
lahacker and alina joined the channel