aaronpkOk I'm starting to think we need to track down the matrix bridge folks and ask them to clean up the list of users because there are far too many matrix lurkers who are probably not even looking at the channel
[jgmac1106]another question, smarter not to publish etherpad links until last minute, it would be the nerdiest of zoombombing but maybe a good precaution?
[prtksxna]I think you’re right, yep. The channels you can see is based on your /role/. And some roles you can pick, and others are given to you by mods or admins
aaronpk_, [jgarber] and strugee joined the channel
Loqi[shokunin[m]3] If you recall, we setup a bridge between the Matrix chat and our IPFS & Protocol Labs Discord, which you can find on http://permaweb.io/discord
aaronpkso i'm tempted to just kick all the discord users to get our numbers down, especially since we can't even tell people to join via discord right now anyway
ZegnatSo they someone managed to change their nick, within the bridge? Guess that could be possible. And then the [m] gets forced by Matrix or something?
ZegnatHmm, whenever the same nick is bridged twice, the one lacking the Discord-suffix is the getepona.com one. So maybe the bridge only adds the suffix when the name is already taken, and in this case those that connected through the getepona.com bridge got in first?
ZegnatAh, missed that then, didn’t see any bridge work done over the weekend and mentions were very much broken when I tested on … Friday it was I think
aaronpki'm guessing we're going to see a lot less spam, and a lot fewer people asking generic non-indieweb questions about wordpress or web development
aaronpkso if shokunin or swedneck come around again and want to set up the discord bridge again, that's fine, as long as there's a way to make it join users only if they actually say something
aaronpki heard there is a setting in the matrix bridge to make that happen, but i have no idea how to set it or whether that's a global bridge setting or per channel
Loqi[Greg McVerry] Listening to @SR_Toliver describe how the "writers workshop" weren't the quiet stereotypes make me wonder about "quiet working hour" I see in so many different meet yups reinforces dominant culture. #SpeculativeEd
aaronpk_, deathrow1 and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Zegnatquiet working hour in the EU vHWC was hardly ever upheld from how I remember. Sure if people happened to come in while already working on a thing, there was less talking. But when people came in to socialise, it was just as quickly thrown aside.
[jgmac1106]granted writers workshops are different...but it was a great talk in hearing how the idea "of quiet" writers differentiated from community perspectives of collaborative writing...but ageee vHWC was always more hang it was fun