#meta 2020-09-26

2020-09-26 UTC
jeremycherfas, [mrkrndvs], [tw2113], swentel, [Chaitanya], [James_Gallaghe], jeremych_ and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Hey, you know you're coming by the #stream TONIGHT because you like Good Tunes, Great Chat, and the Greatest Tits, so here's the link: http://montrose.is/chatting #streaming #streamer #youtubesucks #youtube #twitchsucks #TwitchStreamers #discord #discordsucks #ircforever #indieweb
[James_Gallaghe], jeremycherfas, jeremych_, Kongaloosh_, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty] and nickodd joined the channel
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Sep 26, 2020 9:30am Making IndieWeb Friendly WordPress Themes" changed description "etherpad" https://events.indieweb.org/event/152/history/605/diff
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Sep 26, 2020 9:30am Making IndieWeb Friendly WordPress Themes" changed cover_image "etherpad" https://events.indieweb.org/event/152/history/606/diff
edited /PKCE (+137) "/* See Also */"
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jeremycherfas and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel
talking of other things our organisers do remember @JamieTanna homebrew website club has a #Hacktoberfest take over this month
jeremycherfas and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
created /User:Onetwoxu.de (+1178) "Created page with "I'm some average boring german dude who likes coffee and punk rock a lot.<br> In real life, friends call me Groschi.<br> I'm also the moron responsible for a bilingual music b...""
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jeremycherfas joined the channel
edited /POSSE (+333) "/* Software */"
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[chrisaldrich]: Don't forget to post the picture
[snarfed] joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
[michael_lewis] joined the channel
edited /Mastodon (+115) "/* POSSE */"
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[grantcodes], jeremycherfas, [fluffy] and [tw2113] joined the channel