sknebelI guess a question is the audience - do you want people like us to be able to grab points or places where we want new people to jump in? because a spec isn't exactly the thing I expect new contributors on, unless someone coached by us :D
ZegnatActually, hmm, there is a separate Micropub repo on . Linked from the spec on Wonder which one is canonical now :o
jamietannasknebel so in terms of the Hacktoberfest side of encouraging contributions for IndieWeb things, I'm not necessarily thinking of completely new OSS contributors, but folks who've not yet contributed to anything in the IndieWeb, but who have been thinking about it, and maybe this can help be a nudge?
sknebelright. As I said, happy to add it to a bunch of things, also happy to add it if people request certain repos to be part of it (not sure if we can communicate to people potentially interested somehow?), but I want for e.g. aaronpk or someone else more involved with the code there to give an opinion too before I go add the tag
aaronpkGiven that it's 100% opt in now, there are going to be dramatically fewer repos available for people to contribute to, so adding the tag will make the repo very visible
jamietanna[m]OK, fair enough. I'll see if there's anything particularly open for folks, but it may be that I'll have to look at non indieweb projects to contribute to