[tantek]IndieWeb folks, per the recent unexpected (appears to be first time?) job solicitation/invitation post in #indieweb, do we have a preference for which channel people should post that kind of thing if at all?
sknebelI guess I'd also make an exception for someone looking for something really indieweb specific (again, keep it brief, but if someone outside were to look for someone to help implement webmention in their product or or something like that I'd not want to send them away, even though the chances seem slim)
[tantek]GWG, aaronpk, sknebel, I think I agree with your opinions on the spam / job-posting. Perhaps we can clarify this on /discuss so we can point people to a community guideline if they spam, assuming they're motivated to improve
sknebelcodi is pretty neat, yes. well, from what I remember the code is the same mess all these things are, but that's not surprising. (the sync bit is quite difficult, so everyone just builds on top of Etherpads sync code afaik)
tantek.comedited /markdown (-17) "cluster two tweets for one point, escape the HTML (and white-space indentation!) from tweet text auto-extracted by Loqi" (view diff)