#meta 2020-11-08

2020-11-08 UTC
created /read-write_web (+555) "Created page with "The '''<dfn>read-write web</dfn>''' is philosophy and vision for the web that involves the web being a participatory experience. Notably, the first web browser WorldWideWeb...""
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created /WorldWideWeb (+349) "Created page with "'''<dfn>WorldWideWeb<dfn>''' is the first web browser, created by Tim Berners-Lee for NeXTSTEP. It includes a WYSIWYG editor to enable a [[read-write web]]. The original sou...""
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[tw2113_Slack_] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /discuss (-13) "/* See Also */ rm redundant link"
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created /privacy_controls (+21) "Redirected page to [[privacy]]"
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created /GitHub_sucks (+392) "needs to be fleshed out"
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created /github_sucks (+26) "Redirected page to [[GitHub sucks]]"
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created /User:I.colbyrussell.com/Draft:BYFOB (+1627) "Created page with "'''<dfn>BYFOB</dfn>''' (Bring Your FOB[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_operating_base][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocket_watch], a corruption of Bring Your Own Front...""
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edited /User:I.colbyrussell.com/Draft:BYFOB (+70) "fix typo + OAuth as an example + wording/clarification"
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edited /User:I.colbyrussell.com/Draft:BYFOB (+16) "+benefit "cheap as hell""
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[chrisaldrich], [tantek], [tw2113_Slack_], gRegorLove, nickodd, stevestreza, jbove, prtksxna, mattl, danyao, willnorris, craftyphotons__, voxpelli, jmac, genehack, [Raphael_Luckom] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Need help: I have some troubles with the #indieweb #wordpress plugin "semantic-linkbacks" from @pfefferle https://wordpress.org/support/topic/semantic-linkbacks-data-metabox-missing/
↩️ Stimmt, aber im Zweifel hilft Englisch anderen mehr, die vielleicht einmal das gleiche Problem haben ;-) PS: Vielen Dank für das Plugin und die coolen Indieweb Themes Autonomie & Sempress
[snarfed], zack1, [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], [jgarber] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel