tantek.comedited /tweetstorm (+6) "/* Service Examples */ expand on what kinds of services which are pretty much all unrollers so far, move Stormcrow to a separate apps section" (view diff)
aaronpkwhat we actually should do is document the limitations we've run in to with Jitsi which are the reasons we use zoom, just so we can keep track of whether jitsi ends up solving those
[tantek]alex11, we can try jitsi, our experience is that jitsi doesn't scale (video sucks after a few people), and they fail to have a decent gallery view like Zoom has
@miklbDidn’t wind up touching any code this weekend during #indiewebcamp. I did do a lot of writing that I hope to publish at some point. Which is kinda the point in having a blog. And as it often works out, the code issue I wasn’t seeing jumped right out tonight. (twitter.com/_/status/1328162057213136896)
@ultrazool"My goal with monetization is to cover domain name registrations for this site and to keep a finger on the pulse of this “indieweb monetization” idea" (twitter.com/_/status/1328170315663413251)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "monetization" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "monetization is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqibusiness models are ways to offer indieweb products and or services that users pay for both for their own benefit, and in support an open indie web https://indieweb.org/business-model
jamietanna[m]Re use of Jitsi we used it for several months for one of the meetups run but had to fall back to Zoom as Jitsi unfortunately didn't run that well, and we had a tonne of issues running on Firefox, and had several network dropouts mid-call
[chrisaldrich]I have no immediate plans for organizing other camps this year. I am contemplating at least one more pop up and am very open to being Tom Sawyered into helping others/facilitating doing a pop up or two on topics of their choice.
[chrisaldrich]Another option would be to do a one-day camp or a mini-half day camp before year's end. This will cut down on some of the commitment and work for organizers while still being fun.
[chrisaldrich]He's not in chat, but Bill Bennett (https://twitter.com/billbennettnz) mentioned to me that he'd be interested in organizing something for New Zealand/Australia time zones. I wouldn't expect them to do anything before the New Year, but if others are interested in assisting him and a few others to get the infrastructure up and running....
[chrisaldrich]Friday 12/27 or Saturday 12/28 might be sort of fun for a one day event... everyone's families worn out from the holidays and with folx likely having some time off between the 25th and the 1st....
[chrisaldrich]oops... I had the wrong calendar page... it would be Saturday 12/26 or maybe Sunday 12/27 or even monday 12/28 if people have that monday off
ZegnatDepending on work greenlighting it, I am taking like 3-ish weeks off around the holidays and new year's and whatnot. And so far all plans we have had with the family have fallen through.
[tantek]appreciate the date suggestions & constraints jeremycherfas, chrisaldrich, jamietanna(m) — I added a candidate dates section, could you add your suggestions / tips of things to avoid?
ZegnatIf I am home, I would love to take you up on that hack day too, GWG ;) This atheist here happens to not celebrate anything during the end of december
ZegnatMy employer does the yearly big fireworks here in the city ... it just came out this week that they are skipping it this year. Not much celebrations.
sknebelat least my current mood is that I'd probably be not much help for a camp during the rest of 2020. could see more relaxed one-off sessions/hackdays though
ZegnatBut yeah, all that aside. EU IWC sounds amazing. Though I know some of us were talking about different ways to also reflect the usual social aspects more. E.g. sknebel was showing me https://workadventu.re/ where you get to walk around a venue, and you can automatically connect with voice-video calls to people that stand within a circle.
[tantek]Zegnat, I could see participating in a 1-day Saturday IWC EU that went from say 11am-7pm which would make it reasonably attendable for East Coast folks (5am-1pm)
jeremycherfasAh. I am i Rome. I was in Florence 10 days ago, at the start of the second lockdown. Luckily we were right by the Mercato Centrale and had a small kitchen.
petermolnargotcha, it wasn't me, I actually picked it up from indieweb-chat myself: (2020-09-22 17:46:56) lahacker: is anyone else at gather.town right now for dweb-berlin?
[chrisaldrich]I was in a session a few weeks ago using https://www.rally.video/ which seemed like an interesting, more relaxing, and more flexible version of zoom that could be an interesting choice for a more social camp.
ZegnatSeems to be doing much the same thing, yeah, but not open-source? I am interested in trialling a couple things. Still sorting out my thoughts from the IWC East weekend.
petermolnarworkadventu.re seems to be a bit more focuses on chat-only; gather.town basically has a virtual gallery feature, but that is unneeded for us
petermolnarsknebel: open source or not, gather.town is a nicer experience so far; I played a bit with it's world builder and it's definately workable for a small conference
[tantek]!tell gRegorLove, [fluffy] I carried over your 2019 IndieWeb Gift Calendar inspirations to 2020, can you take a look and verify that they're still things you want to try to do for the calendar (or haven't otherwise already been completed)? https://indieweb.org/2020-12-indieweb-gift-calendar#Inspiration
[tantek]yeah that's right! feel free to liberally edit that ^^^ including just outright dropping stuff you're not sure about. can always add more later
sknebelstill has no clue how "this approach could also be interesting, but we haven't figured out any details yet" turned into "the old idea is now *deprecated*" ...
[fluffy]That’s fair. I felt like there was a pretty strong consensus that it was too complicated and TicketAuth was a much simpler path forward to provide the mechanisms that are necessary to support the end goal.