#meta 2020-12-19

2020-12-19 UTC
edited /photo_grid (+404) "Add my example from earlier this year!"
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[Raphael_Luckom], btrem, [KevinMarks] and Loqi joined the channel
↩️ On January 7 we asked, how can we work toward a future Internet that is egalitarian and empowering? @jackjamieson tackled this question in a presentation about the #IndieWeb https://www.meetup.com/Civic-TechToronto/events/pfzllrybccbkb/
hirusi, [tantek], nickodd, [fluffy], [jeremycherfas], gRegorLove, [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Having said that, I'm gonna update my website soon two that you can filter the RSS feed by tag, eliminating shit you don't wanna see. I can do that because I own my website, unlike on this hellhole where we're beholden to twitters awfulness. #indieweb
Right, clearly that first-post revealed some kinks that needed working out. Here are some kittens. #IndieWeb dorothea-oldani-unsplash (https://tobykurien.com/second-post/)
[Alan_Smith] joined the channel
created /User:Www.alanwsmith.com (+537) "Made the initial version of my page"
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TeeKay joined the channel
I wish the indieweb had more content that wasn't about the indieweb
Sounds like someone needs to follow some more people ^^
nickodd and jolvera joined the channel
↩️ If you're building a blog api, come on over to http://chat.indieweb.org as we have a lot of people doing that too
[chrisaldrich], [Ana_Rodrigues], jeremycherfas and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Making an announcement about @withknown later this weekend. I’m excited about it. #movingforward #backinthegame #indieweb
jeremycherfas joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Not sure where this fog came from … need to hurry up and make a list of the shit I need to do before the ideas keep running out of my head. Have been looking at random #indieweb sites today, and now I want to do some things with my site that involve… https://cambridgeport90.org/?p=160
gRegorLove joined the channel