#meta 2021-02-01

2021-02-01 UTC
That is a bit concerning
[benatwork] joined the channel
not sure why they felt need to say "Non WordPress" unless they were thinking only wordpress.com
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Aaron has commented about them recently if you search the logs. Be careful...
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
↩️ Heck yes! I have already started doing that, or am in the process. Who knows, might end up getting businesses interested on the way? #indieweb
↩️ While y'all are here, I feel I need to add this. In preparation for an exodus from Twitter, should it come to that, please consider creating your own blog on your own domain & joining the free #indieWeb @microdotblog community. I am http://bit.ly/mu-blog-tbc there.
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ yeah I’m looking for the #IndieWeb POSSE approach — Post On your Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. Where “elsewhere” should meet native expectations of that platform, I think that’s key. #xp
willnorris, mattl and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /game_play-ru (+31) "Added addyourself tag, fixed examples header"
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created /donation-ru (+1376) "Created russian version of donation page with local examples"
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marinin[t] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /Celestial () "(-1052)"
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[pfefferle], [Rose], [timothy_chambe], alex11, [xavierroy], [fluffy] and jamietanna joined the channel
hirusi rusingh re Celestial, I've just spotted that if I use the me `https://www.jvt.me` but then actually authorize as `https://www.staging.jvt.me`, Celestial thinks I'm running as the former, not the latter - is there a bug tracker I can raise something for this?
fredcy_, BudaDude[m], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
sounds like a good thing to add to the IndieAuth test suite as well, thought that's more of a #indieweb-dev discussion
edited /2021-01-01-commitments (-23) "not sure why it said see example dot com"
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jmac_ and aciccarello[m] joined the channel
created /IWC_2016 (+17) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /2015/Schedule (-27) "/* Saturday 2015-07-11 */ rm errant link to Brighton schedule"
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Bringing this to Meta for discussion
Who is up for a quarterly Microformats discussion on the calendar?
To try to finally catch up with our Microformats backlog of discussions?
Sounds good to me
I'm very down
Great... usual weekend time? I'll work on the proposal
what time is that?
We have done 100% of the popup sessions on Saturday morning around 9:30-10 pacific
I'll have to nudge myself to be up a bit earlier then (I'm usually up at ~8 but sleep in on the weekends)
Really intrigued by #indieweb concept from @aaronpk. Perhaps I’ll have a look at @microdotblog or a similar… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1356318025184665600
I will put out a call for dates
marinin[t] joined the channel
GWG, tbh it's been not a great time for me because that's usually when I have a large block of time to go do my weekend training long runs 😕
like ~8am (or later if I slept in) Pacific to whenever in the afternoon I finish
sorry that's more like #indieweb-chat material 😕
[Rose] joined the channel