#meta 2021-02-06

2021-02-06 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [schmarty]1, [KevinMarks]1, [tw2113_Slack_] and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
Spent some time working on my #POSSE setup with #syndication along with #IndieWeb. I have some challenges with the translation to the #WordPress Block Editor and how #Micropub posts are handled by my theme. (https://wp.me/p1tFvq-2VN)
alex11, dopplergange, gRegorLove_, nickodd and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Doesn’t quite sound like the #Indieweb idea of #OwnYourOwnData but it seems close. Don’t know what to think about it yet. Those 'fringes of the internet' though... I've seen these discussions on my #Mastodon, #Pleroma and other #fediverse accounts. #Solid #Inrupt #TimBernersLee
jamietanna joined the channel
>GAFAM< I think "GAMFA" would sound much better >.>'
Though I guess it works as "big scary acronym"
Whoops I accidentally lojban word template
GAFAM sounds like the noise Goofy makes
edited /consent_screen (+16) "/* See Also */"
(view diff)
edited /consent_screen (+41) "/* WordPress IndieAuth Plugin */"
(view diff)
alex11 joined the channel
Ooh that's nice and tidy
[KevinMarks], alex11, [snarfed], nickodd, [benatwork] and ouya joined the channel; nickodd and ouya left the channel
↩️ So as an experiment I have turned off all my #indieweb functionality during this period to help me answer the questions like - what do I really need? - what is frustrating me that I can't do? - do I miss it?
Work on my website has been slow over the last few months. Not had the mental space. But it has given me time to reflect on the #indieweb functionality I have built and if I *really* need that functionality or if I built it because I could regardless of need.
^ that's real
very easy to get into the "ooh shiny" facet of things
ouya left the channel