#meta 2021-02-24

2021-02-24 UTC
benwerd joined the channel
seemingly normal things
[scojjac] joined the channel
↩️ Very cool to see you both embrace #indieweb stuff!
benwerd, sknebel, strugee, [KevinMarks], [snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_], [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
Saphire: No, because formatting is a matter for theming in WordPress, not plugins. It is just complicated
It would be nice if WordPress helped out more.
But being as Bridgy is looking for markup on the page, and the plugin doesn't handle markup, the theme does...there's a limit to what a plugin can do to change that
Any post that says "IndieWeb" and "the implementation" is missing the point and can be ignored
Drop the "the." Just "implementations." It's plural
The individual in question was in the WordPress room earlier.
jacky joined the channel
No, it’s not yet publicly linked from my site. Yes, the activity ring is animated on load. #IndieWeb #OwnYourData
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
😮 I just realized Jonathan there is CTO of a company one of the clients at my dayjob works with
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
benwerd and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /Blogspot (+159) "/* See Also */ fix img width and alt"
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[New Event] calumryan.com created "Mar 3, 2021 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" https://events.indieweb.org/NV7GTLx3KEk1
miluni joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+170) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[KevinMarks] joined the channel
It's Wednesday...HWC Day.
I am starting to think the “build for yourself” principle is being misunderstood
@scojjac Possibly it always will given the heavy emphasis on building things for yourself. Are you going to stick with it?
It was in there to fight against a very specific kind of attitude in the standards world
[tantek] joined the channel
and in the startup hype product pitch world
here's my new fancy solution for everybody (else)! hey everybody come join and use my thing that I'm not even using myself!
Maybe we need to redo the principle description
I think it’s being misinterpreted again and again to suggest that we think everyone wshould build their own website instead of use tools and services created by others
i think thie missing part of the principle is the invisible first part of that sentence
it’s more like, *if* you are going to build something, then make sure you are building something you will use yourself
and, specifically don’t build something just because you think it will be useful to other people, unless you will also use it yourself
↩️ Here is a good example on how it can be done: https://indieweb.org/icon
aaronpk: I add little features for others, I rarely add entire projects or days long work
Either way, there's a difference between building a cabinet from scratch and building an Ikea cabinet
The Indieweb may be, in some cases, some assembly required... but that's a choice. You can hire someone like [manton] to deliver a fully assembled cabinet
aaronpk, [tantek]: What is the equivalent of Use What You Make for people using Micro.blog where they may not be building from scratch?
That may be worth saying how you can still live out that principle
that's my point, the principle is not targeted at users, it's targeted at people who are building things
no it's targeted at everyone. this is why we don't use the term builders
GWG, that's the right kind of question!
look no one is assuming or suggesting building "from scratch". that's a bit of a strawman and anyone implying as much on twitter etc. is concern trolling at best
like in cooking / baking. I've baked a few pies. I've never made the pie crust "from scratch".
part of the point here is to recognize that *everyone* whether they realize it or not is a "maker" of some kind, whether its content, writing, art, design, typography, style, layout, interaction, coding (any language)
everyone makes something, even if it's just composing text or taking photos and sharing with friends and/or family
GWG, what do you think of the current https://indieweb.org/eat_what_you_cook page?
what is use what you make
It looks like we don't have a page for "use what you make" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "use what you make is ____", a sentence describing the term)
use what you make is /eat_what_you_cook
created /use_what_you_make (+30) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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I might emphasize creating content as applicable
agreed. there are entire crafts to creating different kinds content, even writing is an artform that spans microcopy, tweets, poems, short posts, medium posts, long form articles, books etc.
Maybe I'll look when I take lunch at some gardening
GWG, happy to collaborate if you want to pair
this is important stuff, or even good topic for HWC
edited /principles (+19) "/* See Also */ life matters"
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The Indieweb means different things to different people, but people assume it is much more monolithic because other communities are
edited /principles (+0) "/* See Also */ actually, happens"
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GWG, people assume monolithism because they view it through their personal lens / expectations / wants & desires
"I tried out the Indieweb..it didn't work for me." Acts like it is a technology, not a philosophy
good for inspiration, bad for artificial perception of limited scope
The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the "corporate web".
Maybe we should add the word community
The IndieWeb is a community of people who believe in a people-focused alternative to the "corporate web".
Or, Soylent Green style
The Indieweb is people
gRegorLove joined the channel
I think it's good to have the broadness of "people-focused alternative"
you can be on / part of the IndieWeb without having to be in "the community"
there's the IndieWeb (very broad), and there's also the IndieWeb community
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
GWG, more urgently, I'd like to update/replace "scratch your own itch" (which is the counterpart to use what you make)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
How's that one?
'Create for Yourself'
interesting and good to capture as a proposal!
the yourself vs your want/needs contrast is worth exploring.
ooh these would be great HWC topics
[tantek]: You should propose that to the host tonihgt
You have Use What You Make as the companion principle to the Scratch Your Own Itch principle.
So, you should create things for yourself and then use those things actively.
I do want to challenge folks to think about / prioritize needs/wants rather than frivolous messing around, or worse, tail wagging the dog of implementing features just because there's a protocol
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[tantek]: I may be guilty of frivolity.
GWG, it's ok to have fun once in a while too, that's why it's an explicit principle
I do wonder if my weather tracking beyond basic conditions and temperature will have a practical use
aciccarello[m]: Yes, but you have to accommodate people who have large and small scale building ideas.
That's what we are seeking to clarify to people who misunderstand what we are advocating for
[fluffy] joined the channel
“Why The IndieWeb?” - Another fantastic art piece by @heydonworks. Heydons videos are entertaining, informative and well produced. Support him, if you can: https://opencollective.com/webbed-briefs https://briefs.video/videos/why-the-indieweb/
[KevinMarks], jeremycherfas and [schmarty] joined the channel
[Event Updated] jacky.wtf updated "Feb 24, 2021 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - The Americas" changed description "fix etherpad link" https://events.indieweb.org/event/215/history/745/diff
edited /Salmon (+85) "change language and mention that [[Bridgy Fed]] uses it"
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jeremycherfas, [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
interesting, I can believe that but due to Bridgy OStatus support though right, not AP? I don't think any AP sites depend on Salmon (AP has its own protocols to do that)
Jacky ^
also maybe snarfed
ahh you're right
I only edited that because I was looking at the resolver from Bridgy and noticed that
edited /Salmon (+34) "adjust to reflect that Salmon == OStatus-centric"
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[github] Successfully deployed aaronpk/micropub.rocks to https://micropub.rocks