#meta 2021-04-12

2021-04-12 UTC
[snarfed], [KevinMarks], [tantek], jjuran_, mattl, prtksxna, [chrisaldrich] and [Joshua_Sim] joined the channel
Happy #TechNott day all! Looking forward to seeing you later to hear a bit more about what the #IndieWeb is, and the ways you can get involved owning your data and building cool things for yourself https://www.technottingham.com/events/tech-nottingham-april-2021 (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/04/t4vph/)
edited /commonplace_book (+153) "Add Gatsby starter kit"
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edited /Roam_Research (+354) "Tools for extracting data from Roam"
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[grantcodes], tomlarkworthy, [raph_l], [Rose], nertzy, [KevinMarks], GWG_, oedmarap, [snarfed], Sam1, [tw2113_Slack_] and [tantek] joined the channel
wow so no one actually tried to steer the dev conversation in #indieweb into the #indieweb-dev channel 🤦‍♂️
Loqi tried
and people wonder why sometimes even IndieWeb seems intimidating
Not long now till you'll be able to hear me talking about the #IndieWeb at tonight's #TechNott - hope to see some of you there to learn what it is, why some of us want to own our data and be our own platforms, and more! (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/04/49fni/) https://twitter.com/technottingham/status/1381571321344196616
so this exists 🥲 https://indieweb.org/ bye twitter imma self host a site
waiting for Loqi to start giving people timeouts when they repeatedly trigger dev warnings like that within a few days. you know, like devoicing for 24h 😛
another alternative, adding even more poignant messages when an /Organizer triggers a dev warning
c'mon [KevinMarks], as an organizer you know better than that. Invite the new developers to the #indieweb-dev and continue the conversation there.
[chrisaldrich] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, and this is why you need to be more disciplined about steering people to dev and especially NOT answering their dev questions in main channel, you're reinforcing bad behavior: https://chat.indieweb.org/2021-04-12/1618250429145600
[Poorchop] I'm responding to a comment that was made in this channel
I like the idea of http://Indiebookclub.biz as an indieweb alternative to things like GoodReads, but the way it presents your data back is … a bit naff. Is there a smart way of utilising the data you feed into this in a more graphically pleasing way? https://indiebookclub.biz
what is naff?
It looks like we don't have a page for "naff" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "naff is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[schmarty], [Rose], oedmarap and [manton] joined the channel
Kind of related, who ended up registering indiebook.club? It was available last year and I remember wanting to reserve it just in case, but not sure [gRegorLove] got it or someone else.
Hmm. It's registered on namecheap with all contact info scrubbed. I had to check to be sure it wasn't me. (it's not 🙈)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
not i
I thought about it too, but didn't
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
naff is a Polari word that's entered UK slang for tacky, poorly done
[frank] and [scojjac] joined the channel
Создал страницу о себе и своих планах в IndieWeb wiki.
edited /annotation (+249) "/* Silo Examples */ Fermat's Library"
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[KevinMarks] joined the channel