#meta 2021-04-17

2021-04-17 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
UX Fest by our Clearleft pals in Brighton (hosts of IWC UK/Brighton for many years). Digital conference on UX with a pretty amazing line-up of speakers: https://2021.uxlondon.com/ — highly recommended for any dev wanting to grow their UX skills. Opening keynote by [Jeremy_Keith]
GWG joined the channel
Did someone record an indieweb zoom call recently? I just got a notice that we're over the storage limit
Not I
I'll check
The only thing is something from September 2020
It was uploaded to Archive.org
There you are
[jeremycherfas], jjuran_, jdmdm, jdmdmjsnd, [suze_shardlow1], sebbu3 and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /2021/Pop-ups/Sessions (+108) "Added IndieWeb events link and tentative date."
(view diff)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ And my original proposal wasn’t perfect or fully formed out of the fares either. The indieweb community provided invaluable feedback that helped me move my original “final” version to what it is now. https://veganstraightedge.com/articles/2016/02/02/indiewebcamp-logo-study#proposed-new-indiewebcamp-logo
↩️ It was not created in a vacuum though, of course. *Everything is a remix*, after all. Mine is an evolution of the original by Cris Beasley (@crystaldbeasley), who also cofounded IndieWebCamp. Mine doesn’t exist without theirs. Srsly. https://indieweb.org/File:indiewebcamp_logo_1600px.png
I’m still super proud of the @indiewebcamp logo that I designed in 2016 (during vanlife days) while posted up in LA (Eagle Rock, I think).
I haven't seen anything from him in ages. Hope he is well
[manton], [Rose], [KevinMarks], [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
it's great to hear from [shaners]
what is logo
These are the official versions of the IndieWebCamp logo https://indieweb.org/logo
I’m still super proud of the @indiewebcamp logo that I designed in 2016 (during vanlife days) while posted up in LA (Eagle Rock, I think). https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EzMNt_fVUAAicIU.jpg
[manton], [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel