#meta 2021-04-27

2021-04-27 UTC
timculverhouse joined the channel
↩️ Tech causes are people-based movements, like IndieWeb *camp*
[Rose], timculverhouse, [tantek], [chrisaldrich], IWSlackGateway and rsheftel joined the channel
↩️ Agreed; the whole site looks really good. On page 5 of 54 as we speak. Needless to say, you are very entertaining to read. This is @Cambridgeport90, by the way, from the Indieweb community account.
My short talk A Twitter of Our Own from last week's spectacular #OERxDomains21 Conference is now available (as is the entire schedule). #DoOO #IndieWeb #OER #EdTech https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/26/a-twitter-of-our-own-at-oerxdomains-2021-conference/
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://indieweb.org/
[tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich], jacky and [pfefferle] joined the channel
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://ift.tt/3gIGSWq 13
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://ift.tt/3gIGSWq 14
↩️ Note these are IndieAuth tokens, a decentralised identity, so they could be used with any independent service provider that accepts indieweb login, so @appwrite_io could use these tokens if they wanted (just ignore the OIDC fields).
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web”: https://indieweb.org/ Comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26950009
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://ift.tt/2PwjS1G
[tantek] joined the channel
slogan is getting some good uptake
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://ift.tt/3gIGSWq 17
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” http://dlvr.it/RyWmgJ
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://snip.ly/qggd94
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Orange site people being confused by Getting Started
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
IndieWeb:「企業Web」に代わる、人々に焦点を当てた代替手段 https://indieweb.org/
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://ift.tt/3exbUxL Your content is yours When you post something on the web, it should belong to you, not a corporation. Too many companies have gone out of business and lost all of t… https://indieweb.org/
My purpose is to build more transparent and open internet services, which is why I picked IndieWeb protocols for implementing the MIT licensed, notebook based zero tooling authentication server. [https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/auth]
[pfefferle], [grantcodes] and timculverhouse joined the channel
Yeah there's some good comments on there about being confused how to join / get started.
Wishing this podcast series - https://omny.fm/shows/sudhir-breaks-the-internet/someone-needs-to-save-the-world-from-silicon-valle Would include the contributions and ideas of the #fediverse, #indieweb, #dweb, #activitypub systems.
[kimberlyhirsh], [jgmac1106] and Balba joined the channel
[tantek] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://indieweb.org/ Article URL: https://indieweb.org/ Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26950009 Points: 100 # Comments: 40
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Must ... avoid ... reading ... comments
a lot of familiar confusions being highlighted, but belligerently?
actually feels like fewer bad takes than before, so that's a good sign
either the docs have improved or more people actually understand this now
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ok, I added "http://geekring.net/" to the "See Also" section of /webring https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75409&oldid=73624
book << Mark Watson, who identifies as IndieWeb, publishes his books in various formats on his own website https://markwatson.com/ many with Creative Commons licenses.
ok, I added "Mark Watson, who identifies as IndieWeb, publishes his books in various formats on his own website https://markwatson.com/ many with Creative Commons licenses." to the "See Also" section of /book https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75410&oldid=75251
edited /federation (+96) "/* Federation projects */ FediDB list of software/platforms supporting Fediverse"
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notices some familiar looking IndieWeb projects listed as members of the Fediverse here: https://fedidb.org/software What's really interesting to me is that some our friends like p3k and Koype have more status updates than instances with hundreds of users.
aaronpk++ [jacky]++
[jacky] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
aaronpk has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (175 in all channels)
IndieWeb: A people-focused alternative to the “corporate web” https://indieweb.org/
100+ is good right?
That HN post/comments makes me think it would be /fun if we had a building block that would more easily allow for the sort of aggregation/discovery functionality seen here: https://the-federation.info/ with the sub example https://the-federation.info/wordpress so that it would be easier to find people on the IndieWeb (and map it out in some way).
created /User:Kasperzutterman.com (+309) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Kasper Zutterman |url = https://kasperzutterman.com/ |photo_url = https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/21260838?v=4 |summary = |elsewhere = [https...""
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What is Ghost?
Ghost is an an open source blogging software project written in node.js, and also a hosted silo at https://ghost.org https://indieweb.org/Ghost
ok, I added "https://shobiz.hashnode.dev/webmentions-in-ghost-and-the-challenges-that-i-faced" to the "See Also" section of /Ghost https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75413&oldid=72075
↩️ I've wanted to try out Ghost, but this part has been a blocker. https://indieweb.org/webmention.js might be a place to look for some inspiration. I'd invite you to join us for this upcoming event which will certainly touch on your topic: https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA
[chrisaldrich]: lol! that's cause i report the total number of posts in my site in that status endpoint
even from before i started supporting activitypub
same with me - not too difficult to do since aggregation counts were already collected
that said, I _do_ like what [chrisaldrich] suggested - I think we can _kinda_ get that with some parsing of IndieMap, crawling of /chat-names and people's replies and building some sort of "Indie Index" that way
i did that with https://microcast.club basically
tho i guess that's more explicit since you specifically opt your feed in to that site
but the flip side is are people going to be surprised/annoyed if they get listed in directories automatically?
I would say this is a case for 'robots.txt' and what not
if you look at the HN comments a lot of people are specifically looking for something they can *do* to *join*
like they think there's something other than just existing on the internet that makes something "indieweb"
being on the Internet's too easy / common-place; they wanna get _nice_
i like "get nice"
lol I'm down for it
but tbh, there _is_ a sense of MVIW (minimum viable indieweb) tho
depending on how much interactivity/engagement/interactivity you want with your site
that's supposed to be what indiemark is :)
I was _just_ typing that lol
if they want something to do, they can work through indiewebify.me
again it always comes back to what audience is the home page for? everyone expects these things to address their particular perspective
there is the thing that taking some action to join makes you more committed too
yeah and tbh that's fine if it doesn't address everyone
like realistically this is the story of the travelling father, son and the horse
yeah the comments on HN are good
[epeus] It is a very ugly term; 'eat what you cook' is clearer. The point is that rather than theorising about 'what people want' you should build tools that solve your own problems, and practice with your own site first. This was important early on in Indie...
also lol the fact that Loqi can extract specific text from comments
epeus is me…
[ducharmdev] Imo the issue is not that this ambiguity prevents growth, but more that it contradicts the principles described here. If you have a community that strives to be different than siloed monocultures, then it's important to make participation in the comm...
Vou me empenhar pra colocar meu sitio https://indieweb.org. Entrem no meu sitio ehuaehuhuea http://dio.dev
ahhh lol
[epeus] How to Join the IndieWeb
i do wish indiewebify.me was a little more up to date
suggesting micropub and microsub you mean?
edited /federation (+102) "the-federation.info details"
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[tw2113_Slack_] and [schmarty] joined the channel
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
got my vote though I saw it late
nertzy, fredcy_, jamietanna[m] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
How do I log into the wiki?
(asking to see what Loqi will respond, if at all)
Maybe that's a reason to add a few how questions?
I _think_ the need to have a human answer might be a bit of a spam blocker tbh
Even the wiki instructions can be a bit difficult for someone who's not on the "inside", but may want to be. For example: https://twitter.com/BiswasSholanki/status/1387109093152727046
@ChrisAldrich Thank you @ChrisAldrich for giving these 2 pointers. I am excited to participate in the event; just 1 question though: how to RSVP yes? Checked and clicked a few links but couldn't seem to get it done
Is it worth adding some details to events.indieweb.org that give people pointers for RSVPing to events?
Something along the lines of:
- Visit [IndieWeb chat](https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/) and let us know which event you're attending.
To RSVP to an event, do one of the following:
- [Post your RSVP on your own website](https://indieweb.org/rsvp#How_to_publish) and send a notification using [Webmention](https://indieweb.org/Webmention), either using your software or [manually](https://telegraph.p3k.io/send-a-webmention).
- [Log into the system with your website](https://indieweb.org/How_to_set_up_web_sign-in_on_your_own_domain) and click the "I'm Going" Button
Incidentally if the RSVP in meta includes the URL of the event then the permalink#fragment of that part of the chat could be used to send a manual webmention to the event...
yeah that looks good to me tbh
or even on a standalone page that's linked to
so it'd be easier to update across multiple events (I dunno if there's a template of sorts)
that's an idea... i could add something to the RSVP section so we can edit RSVP instructions that appear everywhere
there's no templating system in the event description right now tho
Even something in the footer or in/near the RSVP button would be helpful. I feel like I've seen a few people ask the question now.
I was a bit delighted to see that my mention of the event got picked up, but even moreso to see that the person's reply to it on Twitter got picked up as an informal RSVP. So even posting to Twitter saying I'm going to this URL would apparently work?
the event pages receive webmentions yes
the ones from twitter get picked up via bridgy, but only if it's a reply to someone's POSSE'd tweet that sent an actual webmention to the event
that's thanks to bridgy's promiscuous in-reply-to URLs
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
You can programatically create IndieWeb identities in @observable notebooks now https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/identity Including a handy password protected one for a super-minimal-yet-secure testing identity.
Untappd << https://islandinthenet.com/publish-untappd-check-ins-to-micro-blog/ article for publishing Untappd checkins to [[micro.blog]]'s [[Micropub]] endpoint using [[Zapier]]
ok, I added "https://islandinthenet.com/publish-untappd-check-ins-to-micro-blog/ article for publishing Untappd checkins to [[micro.blog]]'s [[Micropub]] endpoint using [[Zapier]]" to the "See Also" section of /Untappd https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75415&oldid=70084
[aciccarello], [snarfed], [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
I'm also ok with "How to" being semi-human operated
part of the challenge is the teaching problem, i.e. people don't often ask precise "how to" or "how do I" questions in chat.
in contrast to, people do ask "what is ..." informally in chat
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel