#[tantek]aaronpk, it's not that novel, like a blog was kind of like a literal "soap box" stand on and air your views. a blog is also kind of like a (speaking) platform that you stand on and air your views.
#[KevinMarks]Their idea of a platform is to gather emails and phone numbers so they can send "donate plz" messages to people
#aaronpkI just mean it's literally an out of the box campaign management platform yet it's being framed as something totally needs
#@tw2113@ouraring On the topic of ownership, I'm curious if there is any official stance on data ownership for the user. Does Oura allow exporting a user's data for their own personal storage and use? Can one take ownership of the information collected, in full? (twitter.com/_/status/1389771622203068419)
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "desk" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "desk is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#[chrisaldrich]Good to see that the Voldemort's web developer is dreadful at UI. Clicking the hearts on his desks (aka /notes) does nothing. (I almost expected it to go to his donations page to be honest.) Sharing to Twitter works, but truncates them horribly even though they're within the character limit.
#[chrisaldrich]He doesn't have a feed of any sort on the page. And the permalinks for the posts are wrapped on his name instead of on the date/timestamps as one might expect.
#@voxpelli↩️ Can we add them to GitHub Stories as well then? And talk about them Clubhouse style?
Joking aside: I love the open and simple approach of @indiewebcamp where one technically can interact with any entity and any interaction becomes an entity. (Making a UX for it is harder) (twitter.com/_/status/1389882260627857412)
#[fluffy]Yeah, that’s unfortunate. What about an online summit, then?
#aaronpkyeah I would not count on an in person event here in the next few months
#[tantek]ugh I've been in so many online summit like things I can tell you it is draining and demoralizing 😞
#[fluffy](although I was hoping for an annual excuse to head down to Portland, but I could probably figure out some other reason to go down for a vacation)
#[tantek]I don't want to do that to a volunteer-based community.
#[jgmac1106]come to my town for a meet up, they are building a hipster trailer park to charge people to act poor, you can even pay extra to get a lock box for your phone to disconnect
#[tantek]yeah I was a bit surprised OR & WA weren't more thoroughly purple
alex11 and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
#@ade_oshineye↩️ I find the IPFS messaging to be too totalising for me to absorb. Perkeep and Kumbaya (like the #indieweb movement) made it feel like a small group of friends could adopt it and be happy even if no-one in the world ever got onboard the bandwagon. (twitter.com/_/status/1390081274321244169)
#jackywhich is good b/c to do otherwise is to replicate a digital form of globalization and that turned out .... like this
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
#GWG[tantek]: Would you give a state of the Indieweb you usually do as a pre-recorded thing we put out?