#meta 2021-05-05

2021-05-05 UTC
jjuran and [tantek] joined the channel
welp, some of us kinda expected something like this was inevitable
Well, a broken clock is right twice a day
This isn't particularly novel, but what is interesting to me is the branding of it as a "platform"
you get a platform, and you get a platform, and you, and you!
this is nothing, wait til his site adopts Webmention 😬
as in "brace yourselves"
aaronpk, it's not that novel, like a blog was kind of like a literal "soap box" stand on and air your views. a blog is also kind of like a (speaking) platform that you stand on and air your views.
Their idea of a platform is to gather emails and phone numbers so they can send "donate plz" messages to people
I just mean it's literally an out of the box campaign management platform yet it's being framed as something totally needs
new not needs wtf
If trump can do that, maybe I should brand my website as "a novel communications platform" on my resume
KevinMarks, you mean set them up for recurring credit card charges they didn't agree to
sparseMatrix1 and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
asking the hard questions https://twitter.com/tw2113/status/1389771622203068419
@ouraring On the topic of ownership, I'm curious if there is any official stance on data ownership for the user. Does Oura allow exporting a user's data for their own personal storage and use? Can one take ownership of the information collected, in full?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /Nuzzel (+238) "[chrisaldrich] added "[[Twitter]]'s [[acquihire]] of [https://scroll.blog/2021/05/04/scroll-is-joining-twitter/ Scroll] is causing a [[site-deaths|site-death]] for Nuzzel on May 6, 2021. https://blog.nuzzel.com/nuzzel-is-going-away-for-now/" to "See Also""
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What is a desk?
It looks like we don't have a page for "desk" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "desk is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Good to see that the Voldemort's web developer is dreadful at UI. Clicking the hearts on his desks (aka /notes) does nothing. (I almost expected it to go to his donations page to be honest.) Sharing to Twitter works, but truncates them horribly even though they're within the character limit.
He doesn't have a feed of any sort on the page. And the permalinks for the posts are wrapped on his name instead of on the date/timestamps as one might expect.
goes to #indieweb-chat
sebbu and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
↩️ Can we add them to GitHub Stories as well then? And talk about them Clubhouse style? Joking aside: I love the open and simple approach of @indiewebcamp where one technically can interact with any entity and any interaction becomes an entity. (Making a UX for it is harder)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ Some notes on publics here https://indieweb.org/publics - obviously way more in social theory - @zephoria has been patiently explaining this for years
sparseMatrix and alex11 joined the channel
↩️ Yesterday I also mentioned http://IndieWebify.me which helps you make your web apps a part of the Indie Web. What's the Indie Web? https://indieweb.org It's the basis for things like: Bridgy: https://brid.gy ActivityPub: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ And others.
[schmarty], [aaronpk], [tantek], paul3, [barryf] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Are there any plans to have an IndieWeb Summit this year? I still don’t see anything on events.indieweb.org
oh gosh it's already may isn't it
this year is just flying by
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
after watching some of the older videos, i really kind of wish there was an XOXO this year cause I’d be interested in attending
good question [fluffy]
hmm, this needs a chart: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Portland,_Oregon <--aaronpk get some local pdxtech folks to make a Portland cases etc. chart to include there
XOXO is great, yes, and I do miss it.
[fluffy] to be clear, Oregon as a whole is fourth surging https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/oregon/ which means at least a few months to get it back under control
Yeah, that’s unfortunate. What about an online summit, then?
yeah I would not count on an in person event here in the next few months
ugh I've been in so many online summit like things I can tell you it is draining and demoralizing 😞
(although I was hoping for an annual excuse to head down to Portland, but I could probably figure out some other reason to go down for a vacation)
I don't want to do that to a volunteer-based community.
Hm, fair.
like no need to compound mental health stresses etc.
more in #indieweb-chat about heading to Portland
[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Quill (+30) "/* See Also */ add Quill to list of Micropub clients"
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random: is it possible to edit the MediaWiki theme such that pages like ^ are h-feeds?
or some sort of Microformats-friendly container format?
I have a small agenda lol
i guess that's technically possible?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek] agree I would rather like a window of smaller safer summit gather in a gLocal approach then one more online conference
there's also a very extensive MW API tho
and micro.blog ha a meet up
[jacky] not the theme but I did it manually to make a feed of badges before so it is probably possible
hmm okay then
come to my town for a meet up, they are building a hipster trailer park to charge people to act poor, you can even pay extra to get a lock box for your phone to disconnect
tbh heh, I should probably lean on that API
I wonder if I did on the badge page on the wiki, I know I have edited the theme so a page is an h-entry..so making an h-feed not different
especially with the newer visual editor
my agenda is to show/parse the "IndieWeb Examples" of an app if it's there and show those h-cards in the consent screen for Sele
to make it a bit more personal
you should connect with [Sadik_Shahadu] and our Dagbani wikimedia team..we doing all kinds of fun data structure stuff
ooh cool idea
would it be bad to punt the summit altogether this year?
as a way to give the community a bit of a break?
I aint planning nothing
I am just tired on a human leve;
(side-note: my partner's employer is like giving people a whole month off partly because of COVID and the number of online meetings)
that's where I got the idea from
edited /archival_copy (+786) "/* Tools */ archivy, perkeep, wallabag, linkace"
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^ love me some wallabag haha
[New Event] ohhelloana.blog created "May 12, 2021 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" https://events.indieweb.org/ifLXpB2l4d4c
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+186) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[New Event] www.jvt.me created "May 12, 2021 5:30pm Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham" https://events.indieweb.org/vAEPOZTD3MkU
sparseMatrix joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+168) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
jacky, we kinda punted summit last year. I'm ok with delaying and then making a call based on case rates, vax rates etc.
this is a map I'm looking at to (re)consider where to potentially host Summit: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/03/health/covid-herd-immunity-vaccine.html
That's "Willingness to Get Vaccinated" from 49% to 91% (white to purple)
per county
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
oooh maybe in NYC? o.O lol
is heavily biased towards that choice
I have a map for that too hold on
edited /maps (+144) "subheads for long section"
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jacky, note NY is actually fourth surging quite a bit: https://indieweb.org/maps#NYT_C19_4th_wave
personally I like visiting NYC too, they just to clean up their C19 discipline
just *need to
it does look like from that original map that California and the middle purple state (I have _no_ idea where that is, lol) are best bets
yeah, definitely wouldn't have guessed that
that's kinda sad (agh)
yeah I was a bit surprised OR & WA weren't more thoroughly purple
alex11 and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
↩️ I find the IPFS messaging to be too totalising for me to absorb. Perkeep and Kumbaya (like the #indieweb movement) made it feel like a small group of friends could adopt it and be happy even if no-one in the world ever got onboard the bandwagon.
which is good b/c to do otherwise is to replicate a digital form of globalization and that turned out .... like this
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[tantek]: Would you give a state of the Indieweb you usually do as a pre-recorded thing we put out?
ade++ nailed it
ade has 1 karma over the last year
GWG, ugh not really wanting to do a pre-recorded anything
I really like this summary: "a small group of friends could adopt it and be happy even if no-one in the world ever got onboard the bandwagon"
That feels like an implicit principle we've had for a while, and I wonder how to capture it
Almost like a local expansion of cook what you want, eat what you cook.
Cook what you and your friends want, eat what you and your friends cook.
IndieWeb potluck!
[tantek]: I know... just trying to figure out how to keep thing's going in small ways
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
i’m fully vaccinated, for what it’s worth
yeah I think if we did do an indoor event we'd consider making fully vax a requirement
+1... but major "if"
[schmarty] joined the channel
i keep wondering how to do an outdoor HWC 😂
GWG, want to help plan an actual camping IWC?
the place will need nice tables and weather. bring: a hotspot and a couple of car batteries and a 12V to 110V inverter???
As in... in the woods?
As in… outdoors. The woods is one possible example of outdoors.
Other possibilities include, the desert.
a new choice for IWC: Choose Your Terrain 😂
the prairie
we could invite people to come build their Little Home(page) on the Prairie
🏖 ⛰ 🌋
yes the beach/sand would be good to schedule a parallel JSDRcamp to build your Little Sandcastle On the Beach
Would also be kinda amazing to bring out a giant unfurling solar panel setup for IndiePower
The demos must stop when the power drops!
alex11 and [aciccarello] joined the channel
this is an excuse to get a very high lumens projector for doing demos outside isn't it?
I'm curious how that would work