#meta 2021-05-10

2021-05-10 UTC
[jeremycherfas], ytqb[m] and vilhalmer joined the channel
↩️ Wait. hentry? WebMention support? Or only microformats? (Which would be great on its own) To answer the question: IndieWeb!
[KevinMarks], [dianoetic_net], [jeremycherfas] and sparseMatrix joined the channel
↩️ Makes me want to ensure that I syndicate my stuff to my own site, @indiewebcamp style, like @adactio does with @adactioLinks
↩️ It’s harder than tweeting, so only special people do it. #indieweb
jeremych_, [jacky], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
true dianoetic. hopefully we can keep making it more approachable to more people
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+1) "https my icon to see if it helps"
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[dianoetic_net] joined the channel
How does Loqi choose tweets to echo here?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
last i knew, it’s just listening for hashtags or keywords
Oh, good. One more way for me to stay off Twitter 😁
sparseMatrix joined the channel
Yes it's quite helpful!
edited /personal-domain (+120) "Add emoji domain criticism"
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[KevinMarks], [snarfed] and [girrodocus] joined the channel
Ooh I like the link section, RSS feed and twitter account for @adactioLinks (mentioned in above tweet). I wonder how all that joins up and how they enter the data at the beginning.
[dianoetic_net] and [Jeremy_Keith] joined the channel
The website is the canonical home for links; the RSS feed is basically another template (like the HTML view); syndicating to Twitter happens with IFTTT (watch for a new item in the RSS feed and then tweet it).
Oh, and the original link data is entered via a bookmarklet—when I’m on a link I want to visit, I press the bookmarklet; it pops up a new window with a prepopulated form.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Jeremy_Keith] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
Sounds like huffduffer.com