#meta 2021-05-14

2021-05-14 UTC
[KevinMarks], [tw2113_Slack_], sparseMatrix, alex11, gRegorLove and [fluffy] joined the channel
jacky regarding #InDWeb i can talk about making an h-entry multi-writer by handing out tokens and backing Micropub updates with a CRDT.. i can talk about sprinkling Braid on top to eg. create an etherpad where jacky.wtf/hwc-2029-035 and angelogladding.com/hwc-2029-035 operate as expected (and without a central server).
i can implore some of the Braid/CRDT guys to join us for the chat and put an h-card on their homepages. i've only ever lurked about the hypercore community. i'd like to hear how you're thinking of using append-only logs in an indieweb context. i say put this off until late June so i can try to have a workable demo.
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
gRegorLove and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Name.com did sponsor some things, I believe
gRegorLove, rsheftel14, [manton], [tw2113_Slack_], [schmarty] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
created /User:Chee.snoot.club (+149) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = chee |url = https://chee.snoot.club |photo_url = https://chee.snoot.club/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/FULL_CHEE-400x400.jpg }}""
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nertzy, jamietanna[m], fredcy_, jeremycherfas and [dianoetic_net] joined the channel
What is on https://stream.indieweb.org/ ?
It looks like we don't have a page for "on https://stream.indieweb.org/" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "on https://stream.indieweb.org/ is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tomlarkworthy, alex11 and [chee] joined the channel
oh i didn't expect doing that to put my giant face into the slack
[KevinMarks], sparseMatrix and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
freenode trouble: https://p.haavard.me/407 (apparently this leaked early, but at least some freenode staff confirm the gist of it...) - keeping an eye on it
↩️ Oh, and @faebornNetworks will soon have a Pleroma instance... if all goes well. If you're not following that account yet, you should. I do most of my #IndieWeb news spreading up there.
oh wow
That doesn't sound good.
alex11 joined the channel
The IndieWeb outside of Facebook is full of opportunities - The Garage https://www.are.na/block/1643758
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
gRegorLove, gRegorLove_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
wes joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
[schmarty] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
[girrodocus] joined the channel
edited /2021/homepage (+1942) "add potential graphic ideas"
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Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
↩️ (Search endpoints are available -- as are other formats like json, rdf. Planned: rss, ctzn/fission storage, indieweb integration.)
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
[snarfed] and [dianoetic_net] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
edited /on_this_day (+1026) "Why section with quote and article; Cory Doctorow example"
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sparseMatrix joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
[dianoetic_net] stream.indieweb.org is a /discovery -esque feed curated by aaronpk that has IndieWeb related people/posts. I'm not sure if he's published criteria for it or how to be included. The news.indieweb.org feed or https://indieweb.xyz/en/indieweb/ are similar feeds that one can submit to using webmention.
So, once again, I have redone my homepage. This time using Cryogen. https://vgai.de/posts/redone-again/ #Cryogen #IndieWeb #Clojure #microformats
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-05-14.html
[fluffy] joined the channel
tracydurnell++ for a page full of ideas at /2021/homepage
tracydurnell has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)