GWGA full weekend is fun, but I think it only works when we are all together in the flesh. I think online it is time to make things smaller. Less pressure to attend, etc.
GWGSo, why not pick the same time every month and plot it out, and then fill in which session it will be, with enough time for people to hear about it.
lahacker!tell jacky my original intention was to invite members of the various DWeb communities to the InDWeb pop-up.. alternatively we can keep it indie and discuss their offerings in a use-case centric manner without distraction
GWGlahacker: I think a few people commented that it interferes with other activities. However, not if we schedule it farther and at a defined interval.
lahackergwg: ideally those that want to attend can have some say in the day/time.. but changing the date/time on the official event page doesn't bubble back up to the RSVP'd..
sknebelprobably something where its worth considering jitsi, that in my experience works better for just dropping in because you dont need a host, so it can really just start whenever someone wants to
sknebele.g. one group im in has a "chatter zone" (Vaguely translated) jitsi room that people just drop in on evenings when theres something planned or something going on they want to do together
sknebel(been meaning to update my server for that, but each time I think "ok, going to do that today!" I log on, check load, and someone is running an event somewhere using my server and forgot to tell me about it :D)
Loqijacky: lahacker left you a message 19 hours, 32 minutes ago: my original intention was to invite members of the various DWeb communities to the InDWeb pop-up.. alternatively we can keep it indie and discuss their offerings in a use-case centric manner without distraction
jackylahacker: that's a good idea! I _think_ we could actually benefit from doing both - kind of similar to what Twitter did with their "federated social" report thing
jackylike we compile a list of dweb/hashweb things we'd be curious about and some things we'd def want to see (like for hypercore/dat, multiwriter is like a hard req for it to work with the IndieWeb)
[tantek]really should be rewritten to be updated for h-feed, then renamed accordingly, and then there should be a separate page for h-entry accordingly