@theanarcat@vmbrasseur and it's not just a policy oversight. known trolls have been given oper status, #freenode is talking shit about "jews" right now, and rasengan is taking over channels. yep, i'm out already. (twitter.com/_/status/1396820229200678915)
sknebelapparently they got one of the old staff to return to help with things in exchange for the promise not to treat channels that point user towards libera as "spammers" that they can take the channels away from... which tells a lot about how much they need capable people
Loqi[Event Updated] aaronparecki.com updated "Jun 26, 2021 11:00am IndieWebCamp Pop-Up: Very Sensitive Data on Your Personal Website" changed name "remove duplicate info from title (date, event)" https://events.indieweb.org/event/249/history/816/diff
[tantek]dianoetic, interesting feedback on /Getting_Started. Though I'm not sure it that's the place to start for "#indieweb explained" so it may have been somewhat of a mismatch
[tantek]whereas "Getting Started" is very much for folks who are already have enough of an understanding (concept, explained etc.) that they are convinced they *want to start*