barnabywalters^^^ I stubbed a parsing issues section for the popup, please add any additional issues you’d like to bring attention to, and vote so we can prioritise what to spend “IRL” time on
[KevinMarks], Saphire and [tantek] joined the channel
SeirdySo freenode staff is taking over channels, shutting them down, and creating alternate channels with different ops. This happens to any channel with the word "libera" in the channel topic. (alt: gopher:// If a migration occurs, please do not mention the word "libera" in the channel topic.
Loqi[Seirdy] @amolith @liberachat ok holy shit, it’s 10x worse than that: open channels on Freenode that mention “libera” but haven’t moved are getting shut down:20:05 --> freenodecom [freenode-placehol] ( (~com@freenode/staff) has joined...
@GrapheneOS@whitequark They appear to have taken over any channel mentioning in the topic even if they weren't moving away from freenode. Their stated intention is to retaliate against anyone moving to other networks even if they aren't specifically moving to libera though. (
Ruxtonwhy move to another network which inherently has the same problems? (a core group of mods that have the final say on things and set the tone for what's appropriate on the network)
LoqiA commons is a centralized web content hosting site, where users are able to freely contribute content, and easily retrieve it, typically each others' content as well
RuxtonI just think it's inevtiable you'll face the same (and other) problems elsewhere because ultimately as a group, we lack a say in how exernal services are run. If we can run a whole plethora of other group-related things, why not an IRCd?
jjuranJust because it's theoretically possible that the same fate will befall the new location in twenty years doesn't mean that moving now isn't a good idea
Ruxtonanyway.. getting nowhere.. do whatever, It's just seems super silly to speak about an independent web, but our conversations are always held on realms we have no say in and when presented with opportunity the solution is to do it again.
aaronpkIt's a nice idea in theory to aim for the same goals in chat as we have for the web, but in practice it means making progress overall even more slowly since there's an even higher barrier to entry
aaronpkNo that's the point, somoene has to step up to volunteer to maintain the irc server if we were to do that. And to ignore that (large) admin task is irresponsible at best
Ruxtonsomeone has to manage EVERYTHING we do.. yet that's never stopped us from doing the most independent option. I'd happilly admin an IRC server if it meant we gained that independence
RuxtonI'd happilly offer management to anyone in this group willing to assist, i dont care for the power, you just made it a pain point that someone had to admin it and I dont consider that a difficult task at all
Ruxtoni just find it funny that there's some lord gripe with freenode and our response is "move to the next garden" instead of the more typical, "how can we solve this problem?" that this group tends to go for
aaronpkand some "gripe with freenode" is a pretty gross understatement of the situation and I would encourage you to read some more details about what is happening and who is involved
Ruxtonit is 100% a gripe, people are irritated by and object to the actions of a group of people responsible for the administration of the network.. i've read enough, i'm not here to debate what happened, I was debating the groups reaction to it.
RuxtonMr. Lee has been angling to takeover freenode for the last 4-5 years. The staff knew that in their hearts, but they still gave it benefit of the doubt and waited for him to do it
petermolnarhowever... while a part of me would love to have federated matrix rooms which we all keep alive together, it's bloody complicated and resource intensive
LoqiA platform in the context of software/services is a collection of related APIs/protocols/formats that can be used to build sites/apps, and sometimes misleadingly used to refer to apps themselves, or suites of apps, to exaggerate their sense of importance, value, or impact
petermolnarfrom the posse/pesos/bridging perspective, the ideal solution would be to bridge any irc networks' #indieweb* to any other irc networks' #indieweb*
petermolnaraka bri'ish summer time, also known as it's 13 C outside, and the sun is shining at from a weird angle to highlight all things with dark grey clouds above them.
Loqi[Seirdy] Adapted from a comment I made in the wrong thread:
It's hilarious that rasengan is complaining about Libera "fracturing the FOSS community".[0]
For example, #newsboat members decided to move by June 5th, and we've been deciding between OFTC and Liber...
Loqi[Seirdy] Adapted from a comment I made in the wrong thread:
It's hilarious that rasengan is complaining about Libera "fracturing the FOSS community".[0]
For example, #newsboat members decided to move by June 5th, and we've been deciding between OFTC and Liber...
barnabywaltersonce I started looking into matrix a bit more, there’s quite a lot of criticism about how difficult and costly it is to run a server, how fast the spec moves and clients can’t keep up, etc
[chee]the reference implementation of the server is a python3 and is pretty noisy and expensive of ram. but i have a massive dedicated vps that i run all my stuff on, and it is OK there
@withknownWant to talk Known? We still hang out on IRC - but you'll find us on the indieweb-known channel on Libera.
(A previous tweet listed it as just "known" - that's not correct.) (