@voxpelli↩️ Virtual big conferences: Not worth it.
Smaller barcamp style conferences: Still works and is generally, virtual or not, superior to the others in my book.
Primary example of the latter: @indiewebcamp (twitter.com/_/status/1398246473024872459)
[Murray], barnaby, [dianoetic] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[tantek]^ [chrisaldrich] IMO this is good highlevel way of expressing how a "digital garden" is different from the "common place *book*", and thus worthy of its own page accordingly
maxwelljoslynhm, looks like Loki messages only arrive after I speak my first message. note to self: functional reason for saying "morning indieweb" or some other greeting
Loqican: [jgmac1106] left you a message on 2019-05-02 at 10:33am UTC: you look at my open collective receipts and process my reimbursement, had to pay the credit card bill
[chrisaldrich]I'll look at it in a bit myself later tantek when you're done with your merge as we could do a better job at making that distinction and highlighting some examples there.
[chrisaldrich]On the Maggie article: Perhaps the cognitive dissonance you've got tantek is that maybe we need the word "digital" in front of commonplace book? to better differentiate between a physical book version and a digital one?
[chrisaldrich]Without being able to point to a particular "receipt" at the moment, I'm relatively certain that Maggie's work only references the idea of a commonplace book from a historical perspective because of our wiki page.
[chrisaldrich]Maggie in particular provides the start of this idea to Mike Caulfield's post. More people in these spaces only go so far back to the 1945 Atlantic article "As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush.
[chrisaldrich]I view this as similar to the all-too-positive tech bro framing that we've seen more recently with the rise of social media in the early 2000's without thinking about either our cultural history or the longer term ideas and consequences. Bush didn't suddenly invent this idea or come up with this brilliant flash of genius overnight, despite what the techno-utopians may wish were true.
[chrisaldrich]Incredibly few are aware of the broader cultural pattern going back centuries, which I think can be even more helpful for potential design principles for evolving it as a space.
[chrisaldrich]In any case, attempting to divorce the ideas and the long history, regardless of what name you want to give it does it a massive disservice in my opinion.
[chrisaldrich]It would be a bit like saying Gutenberg invented "the book" and forgetting about scratches in the dirt, early visual art, orality, wax tablets, clay tablets, papyrus, handwriting, scrolls, codices, manuscripts, incunabula and everything in between in service to a new gimmick, marketing or a recent "fad".
[chrisaldrich]Now if someone wanted to take Raymond Llull's idea of combinatorial creativity seen in Llullan wheels from the 12th century and build that into their online commonplace book, then we'd have something! 😉
tantek.comedited /discuss (+956) "/* Email */ add logs and log reading shortcuts here because it makes the most sense for people who prefer email-like reading of the past" (view diff)
angelochrisaldrich leave your book inside and go into your garden/yard and identify each plant, walk up to it, investigate its size/shape but also its state (flowers in bloom? light green fresh growth?); in one month each and every single one of those plants will be in a new state; does the new state (growth) cast a shadow upon a once illuminated neighbor? how does this interconnectivity scale out to the
Loqiangelo: [chrisaldrich] left you a message on 2020-07-31 at 6:51pm UTC: I didn't think there was one already, but there is a /Jupyter page on the wiki if you want to add a more fleshed out version of your example use.
angelogood catch tantek; ties in with the previous graphic better now.. i see many positive uses of "growth" and many negative uses of "pruning" yet plant pruning literally encourages, focuses and intensifies growth
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