#meta 2021-06-01

2021-06-01 UTC
↩️ Twitterへの投稿は基本エディタから自サイトのindiewebに投稿して流してるんだけど、同時にScrapboxにも自動的に追加していってる。そんな感じで何も考えなくてもできるようにならないとつらいかな。https://scrapbox.io/tkskkd-world/2021%2F5%2F12
[snarfed] joined the channel
edited /User:Boffosocko.com (+458) "Created Backlinks section for mentions/examples of me on the IndieWeb wiki; link to wiki contributions;"
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tomlarkworthy and [capjamesg] joined the channel
created /Lulu (+93) "prompted by petermolnar and dfn added by doosboox"
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barnaby, ben_thatmustbeme and [capjamesg] joined the channel
hah! a japanese indieweb entry, nice!
[jacky], [Murray] and [snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ Previously @agentofuser, @ChrisAldrich, and @TrailMarks gave feedback. Thank you! The goal here is user owned data, and it is likely to be helpful for #ToolsOfThought apps as well -- "keeping" your tweets in blog format. Micropub / Indieweb integration would be stretch goals.
Loqi, stevestreza and barnaby joined the channel
edited /personal_library (+116) "/* Silo examples */ Libib , a website & app that catalogs books, movies, music, and video games"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
aaronpk, I noticed that webmention.io gives an h-feed of mentions of indieweb.org (the root URL it seems) at http://webmention.io/api/mentions.html?target=https://indieweb.org&sort-by=published&sort-dir=down. Is there a similar available feed of Webmentions of _everything_ on the wiki one could plug into a reader for discovery?
edited /MediaWiki (+245) "/* Chris Aldrich */ article about transcluding bi-directional links"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
chrisaldrich: looking at the API docs (https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io#api) it looks like we would need the wm.io token for indieweb.org in order to get at that data.
[aaronpk] webmention.io: Easily enable webmentions and pingbacks on any web page
Thanks[schmarty], I'd looked there too and tried hacking on that URL a bit. My gut indicated the need for a token, but thought perhaps there might be something public that I just didn't know about? I was sort of surprised that I was able to get what I had, though it's all obviously public, just not aggregated.
that might be something worth piping in here, as we do with tweets
that might be a bit much, but hard to tell. maybe something like stream.indieweb.org fed from it? that might be easy-ish to setup for aaronpk
yeah I have no idea how often indieweb.org receives webmentions
wm.io provides feeds like that... but of course they need an API token 😂
[schmarty]: right, but e.g. stream.indieweb.org is just a view on aperture, so get aperture subscribed to that feed and "done"
sknebel: great point!
[fluffy] joined the channel
This came about because I was looking at transcluding backlinks to wiki pages last night (example) and wondering why we're not eating our own cooking by showing webmentions on wiki pages (yet).
sort of wants to document features on my own site and webmention the wiki with an `example-of` to have things added to the wiki automagically.
jjuran, [KevinMarks] and barnaby joined the channel
edited /Lulu (+324) "fix link; add indieweb relevance; section for examples; see also"
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