#meta 2021-06-23

2021-06-23 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
barnaby++ yes! good start optimistically venue planning for in-person IWCs!
barnaby has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
what is Vienna
It looks like we don't have a page for "Vienna" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Vienna is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]: Any thoughts on closer venues?
rockorager and [jacky] joined the channel
GWG, nothing I haven't put in /planning already. If you have more thoughts, or questions for particular cities, please feel free to add them in the heading for each city!
created /type_of_an_untyped_webmention (+74) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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[tw2113_Slack_] and [snarfed] joined the channel
edited /commonplace_book (+666) "/* Examples in the Wild */ Jake Reeder's Return to Cinder site and related Databyss platform"
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created /User:Www.rquinlivan.net (+30) "Created page with "Homepage for Robert Quinlivan.""
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[chrisaldrich] and gRegor joined the channel
edited /backlink (+531) "extended MediaWiki example and added backlinks to this particular page"
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Is it worth it to create a custom Template to get all wiki pages to show their own backlinks the way that https://indieweb.org/backlink#Backlinks does?
That page seemed like it needed it, if for no other reason than to serve as its own example, but is it worth doing it for all of them?
I'd say no offhand, given that this is not something say Wikipedia does by default
and it's already accessible from the sidebar
"What links here" is the first link under "Tools". and yes I also find myself using it at least once or twice a week
edited /Technorati (+165) "more neutral tone dfn, note use for backlinks discovery and display"
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[chrisaldrich] I am noticing the /backlink page for the first time and it makes sense as a concept. A couple of questions / suggestions. Is a backlink really the same as a bi-directional link or is it one half of one? E.g. link + backlink = bidirectional link.
From what I recall / have read, bidirectional links are inherently so, rather than composed, and are more associated with pre-web hypertext systems like Xanadu.
I'm wondering if it really make sense to have them in the same article (feels confusing), or if they would benefit from being in separate articles
I see that reading as logical tantek, but in my experience they're generally interchangeable...
it may be that "bidirectional" link has been co-opted in modern usage to mean what you're saying. I'm saying originally it was not that, and TimBL actually deliberately called that out in his HTML proposal IIRC (one-sided links instead of bidirectional links)
or I should say they're used as interchangeable... usually the use is specific to context, but most often the context is presumed and the shorthand becomes the default (if this makes sense)
we could certainly define them more closely so that the distinction is preserved rather than diluting it
Wikipedia has a /backlink article already that does not mention bidirection at all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backlink so I'm not sure the "used interchangeably" is actually well established?
Wikipedia also has a redirect from "bidirectional link" to just "Hyperlink", so that's another piece of data for not conflating it with "backlink": https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bidirectional_link&redirect=no
I'm also curious what makes something a "backlink" rather than just "a link"?
Is a backlink, a link created from Y to X where a link from X to Y already exists?
most of the conflation is in the space of note taking apps like Roam Research, TiddlyWiki and the digital garden space... outside of that I don't hear either used very frequently
I would say that your definition "a backlink is a link (automatically) created from Y to X where a link from X to Y already exists" and then the pair could be called a bi-directional link
since they're usually defined automatically in many of these cases, there's a chicken/egg problem of which comes first the link or the backlink? or the perspective of one page looking at the other
and the idea of a backlink (its use and functionality) seems different when used in the different contexts of SEO and digital gardening where the reason for creating such a thing either has a negative connotation or a potentially positive connation respectively
I don't actually see the "pair" as the same as a "bi-directional" link despite it seeming to behave similarly in a static system.
The problem is different expectations (and realities) of reliability. A "bi-directional" link is expected to never be broken (it would "just" disappear if either end disappeared). Whereas a "pair" is necessarily similarly fragile, and falls back to a "broken link" state if either side goes away.
I don't understand the use of "backlink" in SEO or digital gardening because in those in particular they seem like just a "link" — there is no "backness" required. Or maybe it is a topological assertion? Some "lesser" resource (SEO spam blogs) creating a link to a "bigger" resource (article seeking pagerank inflation) is considered a "backlink"?
Some of the issue comes down to who controls the links as well. In the closed systems of digital gardens, the software internally controls the auto-linking and maintains the bi-directional links so there's never any fear of either being broken (and in practice if you rename a link at one end, it automatically renames at the other end).
like Mediawiki then, local links within the site at least
yes, the distinction of who controls the links (forward, back, both) is good one to point out
From garden to garden linking (using raw links or something like Webmention) there's definitely the chance (and a reasonably high likelihood given the rate of linkrot) that one or the other links in a bi-directional pair will become broken and one or the other "just" being a "link".
I wonder if we can use a different term for such pairs as opposed to system created inherently bidirectional links
something like reciprocal links
since they usually involve a second party "reciprocating" the initial link by linking back
that seems sensible and better delineates clearer versions of what each of them are... my head is getting too fuzzy to do it tonight, but I can circle back tomorrow to take another look... similar words to "reciprocal" would be worth thinking about too.... I wonder if maybe the webmention spec uses a particular descriptor (though there it's more about notifications and may not be explicitly mentioned in the spec) and the link
back is only done within the implementation
feel free to take a crack at it yourself if you like...
agreed, it's getting late enough to let the brainstorming sit for a bit. perhaps the Europe based folks will have more ideas to add as they wake up
I think I've got a set up for a template to automatically transclude a backlinks section on any pages we'd like to add one too that isn't as manually painful as the above example.
I'd created one for my userpage a short while ago as another example of it as well: https://indieweb.org/User:Boffosocko.com#Backlinks
potentially useful for seeing examples of one's own site within the bigger wiki for editing/updating entries
gives two thumbs up
[fluffy] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[Event Updated] calumryan.com updated "Jun 23, 2021 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London (5th Anniversary edition)" changed meeting_url https://events.indieweb.org/event/263/history/848/diff
[Murray], [jacky], rockorager, gRegor, barnaby and bear1 joined the channel
#indieweb and #activitypub social reading suggestions; instead of using ISBN to refer to and find books, why not use their open library classification instead? I wonder how one would implement that on something like http://indiebookclub.biz.
[Murray], gRegor and barnaby joined the channel
Hey @depone. Muss man um am hwc Meeting teilzunehmen bei IndieWeb eingeloggt sein? Würde gerne mal reinschauen :)
alex11 joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[jacky] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[Ana_Rodrigues] and [schmarty] joined the channel
This begs a question.. should we try in person HWCs pre trying in person IWCs
[tantek] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
presumably being smaller, and more local, there would be less risk
also being smaller, there's the chance of finding outdoor venues like parklets at cafes
[tantek]: The only big downside is Manhattan is a pain to get to for just a night
solution: spend the whole day there :)
[fluffy] and gRegor joined the channel
I hear there's lots of empty spots in Manhattan since so many folks left
edited /2021/Pop-ups/Very_Sensitive_Data_on_Your_Personal_Website (+8) "/* Post Properties: visibility and audience */"
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[Event Updated] www.maxwelljoslyn.com updated "Jun 26, 2021 11:00am IndieWebCamp Popup: Sensitive Data on Your Personal Website" changed description "add schedule" https://events.indieweb.org/event/249/history/849/diff
[Event Updated] www.maxwelljoslyn.com updated "Jun 26, 2021 11:00am IndieWebCamp Popup: Sensitive Data on Your Personal Website" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/249/history/850/diff
[Event Updated] www.maxwelljoslyn.com updated "Jun 26, 2021 11:00am IndieWebCamp Popup: Sensitive Data on Your Personal Website" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/249/history/851/diff