#[tantek]GWG, you asked me about "easy to remember", my question to you in return is, is that really the most important goal for pop-ups? Or what in your opinion are the most important goals for pop-ups?
#tantek.comedited /Micro.blog (+200) "/* MacOS Desktop Client */ add official client, OSS, note existing 3rd party app" (view diff)
[manton] joined the channel
#[tantek][manton] I think I've made all the updates to the wiki pages to note the new open source repos of the various micro.blog apps. Could you review this one in particular? Is the 3rd party MacOS desktop app still a thing, or was it the basis of the official app, or something else? I couldn't find any connection so I didn't assume any: https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog#MacOS_Desktop_Client
#[tantek]GWG, yes, a good representation of the community that's interested in the topic is a good goal for pop-ups, and that should be more than one person 🙂
#GWG[tantek]: The idea was to make it regular so people could plan.
#GWGThat worked in one sense, but fell down in the regularity means that people will regularly not be available.
#[tantek]regularity planning implies you want (or want to encourage specifically) the same "set" of people (at whatever frequency), which I think is a false assumption for topic-specific pop-ups
#aaronpkPersonally I don't think there is a need for a regular date in any calendar system. But it's also too slow to poll everyone for dates that work. So I think a good middle ground is someone taking the initiative and setting a date far enough in advance that most people will be able to plan around it if they want to attend
#GWGThe section of the main page that says IndieWebCamp, how could we modify that to incorporate both IndieWebCamps and Pop-ups?
#[tantek]There's also the next Gardens & Streams pop-up right? [chrisaldrich]
#[tantek]Previously we've planning IndieWebCamps by proposing dates and having people vote for them for a while, and then when there is an obvious best candidate, chosen one. I don't see why it needs to be any different for pop-ups
#GWG[tantek]: The question is how much while? A single session doesn't need as much as a whole weekend
#GWGSo, I would suggest trying something for September
#GWGThere's already an event on August 28th which at least 3 people are attending.
[jacky] joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /pop-up (+154) "plural dfn, provide actual likely to be interest quick links at top, move online background to online section, rm some weasel words" (view diff)
#aaronpkI also don't think there is a need to space them out by an arbitrary amount
#aaronpkespecially since different topics wil likely have a different set of people interested
#[tantek]!tell barnaby I couldn't find where there was a community poll (was there one?) to figure out the date for the upcoming Microformats pop-up, so I created one, please add your preferences: https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Sessions#Dates — incidentally I can't make the 31st
#[tantek]Actually, I'm going to go out on a limb and delete the meetable event because it seems to have broken from the community custom (expectations) of polling folks for a date, and better to have no event than misrepresent certainty like that (and meetable doesn't have the ability to post a "future" event without a specific date)
#GWG[tantek]: There is a postponed property in Meetable.
#[tantek]that's not actually true either, it wasn't really planned
#[tantek]and I can't find the way to delete an event lol
#Loqi[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Jul 1, 2021 deleted" changed name, start_date, start_time, end_time, status, website, meeting_url, description, tags "blank to delete lacking an explicit delete feature, set date to date of deletion" https://events.indieweb.org/event/251/history/856/diff
#[tantek]!tell GWG,aaronpk,barnaby I added September possible dates for the Microformats pop-up as well. Please add your prefs! https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Sessions#Dates — open to all who want to chat & help resolve technical issues about microformats (specs, code, parsing)
#[manton][tantek] Thanks for updating the wiki! That looks good. That other third-party Mac app was different, so makes sense to keep listing it separately. (Don’t think it’s maintained anymore but maybe someone else will want to pick it up at some point.)
#[manton]Should we put in a few potential dates for the Microsub pop-up? Seems to be a lot of interest in it.
#[manton]I’m also up for a July pop-up if people are available. I missed the last one but want to try to make most of them even if I’m lurking on some topics.
#aaronpkSince Tantek cancelled the microformats session in July we could do microsub on that date instead
#Loqiaaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 7 hours, 54 minutes ago: I added September possible dates for the Microformats pop-up as well. Please add your prefs! https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Sessions#Dates — open to all who want to chat & help resolve technical issues about microformats (specs, code, parsing)
#LoqiGWG: [tantek] left you a message 7 hours, 56 minutes ago: I added September possible dates for the Microformats pop-up as well. Please add your prefs! https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Sessions#Dates — open to all who want to chat & help resolve technical issues about microformats (specs, code, parsing)
#@autiomaaAre there Micropub servers (or similar) that run on AWS Lambda / Netlify Functions?
Would like to have an API endpoint to post short status updates to personal website. #IndieWeb (twitter.com/_/status/1410983601567567876)
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-07-02.html
#GWGWe should have that online organizer meeting maybe
#[tantek]1 we should discuss and give general guidance to local organizers re: in-person HWC meetups, and then ultimately delegate the decision-making / responsibility to them since they (hopefully) understand local conditions better
#[tantek]2 we should discuss stronger guidelines for in-person IWCs since those involve more people, and (likely) much more time indoors
#[tantek]Note that Beyond Tellerand postponed all 2021 in-person events for example
#[tantek]In cases where we have had IWCs adjacent to another in-person event, we can follow the lead of that other in-person event (at least in terms of postponement)
#[tantek]If/when they do decide to host an in-person event, we can ask their co-organizers what they think of also having an adjacent IWC for participants, and get their opinion / help with venue(s) for that
#[tantek]For IWCs organized on their own, we still have to make case-by-case (city-by-city) specific decision, and so for that will need local organizer input as well
#GWGI still ask if an in person event is in the cards in 2021
#[tantek]I wonder that too. I am about 50/50 hopeful there's a chance
#[tantek]The biggest challenge IMO will be venues and rules for venues
#[tantek]I am definitely for requiring proof of vaccination for any in-person events at any indoor facility for the forseeable future (until we see cases drop to 0 in a city for at least two weeks)
#[tantek]The informal XOXO meetup presents an opportunity in September in Portland (for something adjacent), IF we find a venue
#[tantek]we may also have capacity limits (imposed by the venue or by organizers)
#[tantek]GWG, which cities do you want to have an IWC (that you think at least a few others may go to)? see if you can find and track those cities new case numbers, and perhaps give a heads-up when it drops to say <1 per 100k population per day.
#[tantek]that's a good sign that a city is close to hitting 0 new cases per day which would mean we may be able to optimistically pick a weekend for an IWC
#[tantek]those are my opinions of course around erring on the side of safety for folks. other opinions welcome
#GWGWell, we also have to think about where we have venues and people
#GWGI fear if we don't keep looking to make a comeback we might find it progressively harder
#sknebel(not that relevant to the principle, but I thought btconf Düsseldorf is still planned for november?)
#sknebel(which for me is very much in the "would be possible, but don't know yet how I'll feel about it then" time range)
#[tantek]sknebel, oh wow is it really? I must have misread/heard, will double-check. I'd consider IWC DUS in November if Marc (and maybe Joschi too?) was up for it and the numbers look very good in Germany by then
#[tantek]hmm, thought I was on their newsletter but I'm not seeing it in my archives.
#[tantek]nevermind, it says I'm already subscribed. odd
#[tantek]now I found it in my archives. ugh Gmail search is so bad
#[tantek]as of June 21: "Let’s cross fingers for November and as soon as I get the venue and hotel confirmed, I will open ticket sales again, to sell the rest of the 30–50 tickets that are left."
#[tantek]looks like we're not going to hear any updates til August, so we can wait to figure out IWC DUS then