#meta 2021-10-15

2021-10-15 UTC
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
good to share some references to our adjacent/overlapping projects / efforts which have A LOT of shared values
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/GovParsonMO/status/1448697768311132160" to the "See Also" section of /ratioed https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77432&oldid=75371
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
nertzy__, jjuran, justHaunt1, Zegnat and nertzy_ joined the channel
This is a test. This post should automatically posted on twitter when bridgy crawl my website. (https://robbinespu.gitlab.io/indieweb/211015034814/)
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
FYI this is mostly about Facebook, but Cory gives a very clear and powerful case for the Indieweb and POSSE --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyU2cZLFsik
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
↩️ we did it with Indiewbe a couple of times too https://indieweb.org/SWAT0
yaya OStatus and statusnet wait, did SWAT get implemented by anything apart from Indieweb @evanpro? #bluesky
[Ed_Beck] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
↩️ even though I'm a IndieWeb member, I still think that AP has its place, and that eventually the two communities will be able to coexist and interoperate together.
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
edited /rsvp (+175) "/* Calendar integration */"
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jamietanna has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
For the new calendar tool!
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
looking pretty good!
nertzy joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
↩️ A few of us have been keeping lists of some of these tools for thought at https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book#Platforms so one can test, try, or compare user interfaces for building one's own custom version. Contributions to this public wiki welcome. (http://boffosocko.com/2021/10/15/55797382/)
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/CatoMinor3/status/1448551636905955329" to the "See Also" section of /commonplace_book https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77435&oldid=77434
GWG, was there a photo for Create Day? I though we did one?
[chrisaldrich]: I don't remember. Did I take it?
If there was one, you would have taken it I think. I remember someone wanted to have their default zoom avatar cropped out....
gRegor joined the channel
I remember there was a photo because I noped out of it.
Maybe tantek took it?
GWG took it yes
I remember the specific GWG prompting to please look at your camera 🙂
We should definitely get that in there, it was a sizable group!
I would have uploaded it immediately, so I didn't forget, are you saying I didn't?
GWG, it's ok you were distracted actually creating things 🙂
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
One second
How's that?
Thanks capjamesg[d] !
jamietanna: GWG left you a message on 2021-09-10 at 3:41am UTC: As prior attendees whose chatnames I remember, can you add your available dates for an IndieAuth followup session in October? https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Sessions#IndieAuth_2
lol yep, it's tomorrow :D
[fluffy], just to confirm, is it ok that your alias and static cartoon thumbnail (with text "chill") is in the photo? Or would you prefer that the entire rectangle be blacked out? Or another option?
Yeah it’s fine to keep that in. I didn’t have any objection to my thumbnail, that was someone else.
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Oct 9, 2021 9:00am IndieWeb Create Day" changed description "link to archived etherpad" https://events.indieweb.org/event/285/history/927/diff
created /quit_facebook (+27) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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delete facebook << 2021-10-12 Washington Post: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/10/12/leave-facebook-alternatives/ You’ve decided to quit Facebook. Here’s how to migrate your online life elsewhere.] / Saying you’re ready to quit is easy. Finding out where to go next is the hard part.
ok, I added "2021-10-12 Washington Post: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/10/12/leave-facebook-alternatives/ You’ve decided to quit Facebook. Here’s how to migrate your online life elsewhere.] / Saying you’re ready to quit is easy. Finding out where to go next is the hard part." to the "See Also" section of /DeleteFacebook https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77438&oldid=77397
edited /Facebook (-18) "/* Collects App Data Usage from Android Apps even when Not Installed */ shorten heading"
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edited /DeleteFacebook (+225) "How to section, assuming folks starting finding this page and want next steps"
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edited /DeleteFacebook (+705) "move most see also to an Articles section, cluster same media posts"
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Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
edited /DeleteFacebook (+204) "shorten alt, link to image so clicking it shows it directly"
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btrem joined the channel
Newsletter looking good. Well done with getting three events with photos in there folks! GWG++
GWG has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
Unintentionally pushed the /DeleteFacebook page to the top edited article but seems topical for the past few weeks 🙂
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-15.html
I've been away from these - I need to get back
Seirdy joined the channel
edited /code-of-conduct-examples (+386) "link IA version of CC0 CEPC, latest CEPC to W3C's own license"
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edited /code-of-conduct (+72) "add "gratuitous or off-topic sexual (body part)" (fair use https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/#unacceptablebehavior) to avoid; "text, names," per incident this past week in the informal [[discuss]] chat channel of alias "v...d...", chat seen by GWG,gRegor"
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created /mail_server (+47) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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GWG, gRegor, [Ana_Rodrigues], and anyone else (especially Organizers) please review: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=code-of-conduct&type=revision&diff=77446&oldid=73072 per the informal chat incident this past week. That should be sufficient verbage for Organizers (and anyone) feel empowered to suggest/take corrective action should a similar incident occur.
I'm still embarrassed about that, my screen cut off the full username
Well, to be honest, not unhappy I didn't see it, but...
Seirdy joined the channel
That's a good chat client limitation to be aware of
Either way, what's done is done, and gRegor acted quickly enough to hopefully limit damage.
GWG, the question is, are the above additions to the code of conduct sufficient to make you feel empowered to ask the person to change their name (if something happens like that in the future), AND are the additions to the code of conduct focused enough to avoid undesired silencing effects (false positives)? If you think so, feel free to explicitly +1 here in chat. If not (or if you have alternative suggestions), please say so 🙂