#meta 2022-01-16

2022-01-16 UTC
aspenmayer[d] joined the channel
edited /emoji (+186) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /emoji (+328) "rewrite dfn in terms that relate to common indieweb usage, move History to separate section, add Criticism section, merge Links and See Also sections"
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edited /timeline (+58) "/* Similar Resource */ another graphical timeline tool"
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edited /featured (+924) "brainstorming / Featured Images in Feeds with citations and examples"
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nertzy and sayanarijit[d] joined the channel
↩️ Since most podcatchers focuses on downloading episodes rather than streaming them, I guess not that many? Downloading videos rather than streaming them is a so-so. That said: Would be neat with an IndieWeb YouTube-style aggregator / feed reader :)
↩️ Could probably leverage Micropub to get a client for publishing: https://indieweb.org/Micropub
hi-its-me joined the channel
I wrote a note: Slowly pulling in tools for site flow #NodeJs #IndieWeb #POSSE #Blog https://randomgeekery.org/note/2022/01/slowly-pulling-in-tools-for-site-flow/
jamietanna, Seirdy and jjuran joined the channel