#meta 2022-02-07

2022-02-07 UTC
dtw, Seirdy, presgas[m], Seirdy0, [schmarty], [fluffy]1, balupton[d] and tj1 joined the channel
doubleloop[m], diegov, mambang[m], binyamin[m] and jamietanna[m] joined the channel
What is an antilibrary?
It looks like we don't have a page for "antilibrary" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "antilibrary is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is an anti-library?
It looks like we don't have a page for "anti-library" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "anti-library is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Lo de #DevolvedLaCuentaAAlvise es otro ejemplo más de por qué los creadores, divulgadores etc de cualquier tipo no pueden centralizar todo su contenido y seguidores en una única red social. Hoy es muy buen momento para dar a conocer la práctica #POSSE https://indieweb.org/POSSE
↩️ Indiewebben – @indiewebcamp – då ju Twitter trots allt blott är en mikroblogg och vi lyckades vara tämligen sociala redan i bloggosfären. Och en blogg kan man ju hostea på en Raspberry Pi i garderoben i nödfall. IRC (genom svenska arvtagaren till Freenode, @liberachat)
capjamesg[d]: well now I'm curious. books? code? :D
↩️ Njae. Inte om du skickar med ett namn i mailet och mailet lämnar EU.
↩️ Det är ju egentligen bara silos som har problem med GDPR och USA. Ta en teknik som e-post, du kan ju utan problem ha din e-post server i Europa, till och med i Sverige, och ändå skicka och ta emot gentemot hela världen. Och med indiewebben och IRC blir det liknande
↩️ Sant, just e-post kan ju routeas genom servrar lite kors och tvärs vilket är problematiskt, men lagringen av det man tagit emot blir okej Sedan är ju e-post alltid att se som vykort. Skriv inga känsliga uppgifter i det :)
sknebel The antilibrary?
If so, books 🙂
I have a number of books that I want to read but haven't quite gotten around to yet.
I can only really read when I am on holiday so quite a few books go unread.
... yeah, pandemic has lead to multiple moments of "oh, I could read that book *order*" ... and then not reading said books because I keep prokrastinating in different ways. so an antilibrary is a to-read list? :D
I haven't heard about it used for code.
Is that code you want to write but have never written?
*evokes memories of "wouldn't it be nice to build..."* haha
or code thats aggressively not packaged for reuse ;)
edited /2019/Düsseldorf (-42) "some after-event edits"
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created /2019/Düsseldorf/Demos (+536) "stub with link to IRC to get demo descriptions from"
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edited /2019/Düsseldorf/Demos (+76) "cat, see also schedule"
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!tell aaronpk did we have a recorded stream for the 2019 Düsseldorf demos? I see other sessions recordings were linked but not finding one for end of camp demos: https://indieweb.org/2019/D%C3%BCsseldorf/Schedule#Sunday
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /2019/Düsseldorf (-116) "remove incomplete list of only two sessions, complete list already on the schedule page"
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↩️ There are TONS of us, but we're often silenced by rampant hate speech and exclusivity within crypto / web3. That's slowly changing.. Indieweb is loved by many in Web3, but widely regarded as abandonedware. Projects like @ceramicnetwork are picking up the torch, though!
↩️ But I find it amazing; IndieWeb citizen, cryptocurrency enthusiast, and pagan all at once. I have not yet encountered that.
[manton], jacky, nertzy, Ramon[d], petermolnar, sarahd[d], daiyi[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], Jeremiah[d], rattroupe[d], aspenmayer[d], sayanarijit[d], Seb[d], Murray[d], shaunix[d], Zegnat[d], corenominal[d], aaronpk[d], hans63us[d], capjamesg[d], Osvik[d], hoenir, mossymaker[d], Myst[d], balupton[d], P1000[d], wackycity[d], marksuth[d], dovedozen[d], Christian_Olivie, MarkJR84[d], barnaby, ben_thatmustbeme, cygnoir[d] and edburns[d] joined the channel
what is abandonedware
It looks like we don't have a page for "abandonedware" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "abandonedware is ____", a sentence describing the term)
created /abandonedware (+38) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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[Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
and now having looked at that page and its sections, I think we need better ways of distinguishing abandoned, unmaintained, and unreachable
jacky joined the channel
unreachable should only be for projects that appear to have no or have lost any open source presence, not just for projects whose main sites are gone
is there any interesting difference between abandoned and unmaintained?
they sound like synonyms to me
It would be good if we could use some of this to motivate better more positive decisions in the future
at least when discussing projects rather than services
services go to /site-deaths
e.g. unmaintained projects should provide good motivation for folks to consider using an existing well maintained project rather than starting their own, or at least creating something with collaborators rather than going it alone
and unreachable projects should provide motivation for folks to open source (at least parts of) their projects early and often, rather than postponing and then it never happening
capjamesg[d], as someone who recently helped move a bunch of /projects over to /former-projects, what are your thoughts on this?
also curious to hear aaronpk's thoughts because there's a bunch of /former-projects that that look like he tried them out and then left them
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 6 hours, 1 minute ago: did we have a recorded stream for the 2019 Düsseldorf demos? I see other sessions recordings were linked but not finding one for end of camp demos: https://indieweb.org/2019/D%C3%BCsseldorf/Schedule#Sunday
oh huh
created /former-projects (+28) "Redirected page to [[former projects]]"
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hmmm i don't have any of the 2019 videos where i normally keep my archived copies
i have austin and summit (before and after dus)
day 1 videos were archived somehow
yeah weird, i don't know why they aren't in my normal archive
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
It's difficult to separate abandoned and unmaintained.
I have tried to phrase a semantic difference but cannot do so because it feels arbitrary to me.
Unreachable feels a tad different though. An unreachable project may be offline but the code might still be open source / worked on.
For instance, someone might have chosen to make a public instance of a project and then decided to make it private again.
But whether there are lots of examples of that is something I'd be curious to see.
jacky joined the channel
let's merge abandoned and unmaintained then because I can't remember a reason for distinguishing them, maybe we should check the history of the page?
binyamin[m] and jacky joined the channel
capjamesg[d], there is a possible distinction between abandoned projects that were "indieweb core" (like full on readers like Redwind, or CMS projects that people in the community actually used on their own sites), some subset of those that were only ever "single user", and projects that were "indieweb tangential" (like libraries that could be used as part of an indieweb supporting CMS etc.) or "other" that didn't really try to
support Indieweb building blocks
which is a better term, abandoned or unmaintained?
"abandoned" is an active verb, "unmaintained" does not imply action
to me, "abandoned" sounds like someone actively decided to stop working on the project
whereas "unmaintained" sounds like it just hasn't been touched in a while for some reason, but maybe not active disinterest
yes I think those are potentially useful aaronpk
subtle difference tho
or would those be useful to distinguish single-user indieweb projects (abandoned by the one person who was primarily developing & using it), from projects which had multiple participants and users ("unmaintained" collectively, rather than singularly "abandoned")?
I'm thinking the separation of single-user/developer "Abandoned" projects may help provide motivation to new devs to not just try creating something on their own
and instead try building something with existing solutions or with other people
interesting point, for a multi-person project to be considered "abandoned" i would expect all participants to have decided to quit
which rarely if ever happens
usually someone somewhere keeps the lights on, if barely, merging PRs etc.
jacky and presgas[m] joined the channel
edited /former_projects () "(-5172) brainstorming a page update"
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aaronpk, capjamesg[d], tried to capture some reorganization thinking there ^ /former_projects#Page_Update — please feel free to expand or add other ways to reorganize the content that could be more useful
diegov joined the channel
I think an unmaintained project has a chance of making a comeback.
Indigenous was unmaintained but then a new maintainer took the torch.
But an abandoned project would imply to me something that is not going to comeback without significant work.
Like a decade year old Python library for version 2.X.
But that’s just my opinion 🙂
that makes sense
mambang[m] joined the channel
and conventionally (I think) unmaintained projects are announced to be so by the former owners
abandoned are done without explicit notice
ha that's the opposite of what i said
but you're right about posting a notice on the repo that says "unmaintained". that's already established practice
posting a notice saying unmaintained is still more inviting than "abandoned because this was the wrong approach"
aaronpk I don’t think there is a right answer with this one 🙂
matching known existing behavior is probably the closest to a "right" answer!
doubleloop[m], mambang[m], diegov, presgas[m], binyamin[m], jacky and angelo joined the channel
another consideration for /former-projects and documentation thereof: I'd like to be kind to /creators, especially to folks formerly active in the community, in the hopes that they feel welcome to rejoin at any time, and contribute at any level, not necessarily the way or form they did before.