#meta 2022-02-14

2022-02-14 UTC
antrdnv[d], Seb[d], corenominal[d], P1000[d], hans63us[d], Seirdy, jacky and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
edited /User:Jacky.wtf (+91) "add note to use fluent for translations"
(view diff)
Seb[d], [tw2113_Slack_], P1000[d], Zegnat, Ruxton, [jgmac1106], hans63us[d], sknebel, antrdnv[d], corenominal[d], doosboox, GWG and cygnoir[d] joined the channel
I just discovered https://bookwyrm.social and decided to create an account just to learn if it has any potential. #indieweb #reading (https://r12t.nl/b/1Rc)
petermolnar, [grantcodes], [James_Van_Dyne] and sayanarijit[d] joined the channel
GWG come 3/1 I am officially done with Covid (well personally been done for long time but socially and civically done 3/1) back to live events for me
[jgmac1106]: I can understand that. Just I think society has to adapt slightly. For example...I have learned that I like space.
As in, not being crammed into a small space.
[pfefferle], Ramon[d] and jacky joined the channel
aaronpk joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
[tantek] and barnaby joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: When you want to start discussing a NYC event details wise if you think you have a venue, happy to brainstorm. Dusseldorf was the only recent IWC and it was limited.
[schmarty], jacky and marksuth[d] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I appreciate the energy to organize an IWC! Before putting a date in stone, perhaps add the city you’re thinking of in /Planning near the top of the 2022 list and put out a call for co-organizers.
In particular, even if you find a venue, find a co-organizer or two before figuring out dates. Our experience is that solo-organized IWCs tend not to work well and leave a lot of details unhandled, and that was before Covid
And speaking of, on your /Planning page entry, please document the current and expected changes in the covid/masking protocols for that city so interested folks can take that into consideration
I expect I'll volunteer to help co-organize but I will echo and amplify tantek's call to _take it easy_.
[schmarty]: Ditto
jacky, angelo and barnaby joined the channel