#meta 2022-05-04

2022-05-04 UTC
created /Template:fncll (+590) "Created page with "<includeonly><span class="h-card" style="white-space:nowrap">{{sparkline|https://en.gravatar.com/userimage/408/f2096c27b5f1677eb79704d9e2199c0a.jpg}} User:Chrislott.org|Chri...""
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edited /2022/Pop-ups/Sessions (+12) "/* Interest */"
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edited /2022/Pop-ups/Sessions (+12) "/* Interest */"
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edited /2022/Pop-ups/Sessions (+12) "/* Interest */"
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[aciccarello]1 joined the channel
Seirdy and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[Chris_Lott] joined the channel
Twitter as my comment platform for #Hugo, see example: https://im.youronly.one/snoworld/%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%AC%EB%93%9C-grid-explained-2022116/ Powered by #IndieWeb #Webmention #Microformats2 with the help of #WebmentionIO and #Bridgy services.
jamietanna joined the channel
#PixelFed developer launched, what I think to be, the easiest #Fediverse guide available today. If you've been hearing a lot about #decentralization #federation #web3 #Mastodon #Hubzilla and #IndieWeb, Check it out! https://fediverse.info/ #ActivityPub #socialmedia #sns
mambang[m], [Chris_Lott]1, kinduff, Vikasheher[m], lkhrs[m], zack[m]1, callym[m], AramZ-S[m], [tonz] and Seirdy joined the channel
edited /Webmention (+787) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ added myself"
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jamietanna1 joined the channel
This is why its important to not rely on platforms you don't have any control over. You should Publish on your Own Site (POSSE) and syndicate to other platforms. https://indieweb.org/POSSE #IndieWeb (Not trying to single out this person, if you know them please don't)
edited /User:Im.youronly.one (+692) "profile update"
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Our contribution to the "Glossary of decentralised technosocial systems” (http://policyreview.info/glossary) in @PolicyR is now out: an entry on "Independently-hosted web publishing". w/ @vmarinj https://policyreview.info/glossary/independently-hosted-web-publishing #webpublishing #ownership #decentralisation #dooo #indieweb
RT @silviamaggi@indieweb.social Design, Digested 28 is out! Discover the designers misguided concerns about disabled bodies; the future of accessibility standards; the infinite scroll effect; the influence of 80s cult phemon Max Headroom and more. #Accessibility #UX (1/2)
How do we make it more clear that webmention and other building blocks are not intended to be user facing features?
@ChrisAldrich LOL yeah I mean it's not hard technically, but if say I want to comment I need to send something on my website and send a webmention on to yours, it's not exactly noob-friendly XD I want something that's even easier to use so that I could push those things to artists and so on
This should be handled by whatever software runs your site and not something the user ever has to think about
Is anyone taking the lead at HWC Pacific tonight? I will be there, but this has been a hard week, and I'm not sure how energetic I'll be.
[aaronpk] by providing better "user facing features"-centric docs on the wiki, both by updating existing pages, and as a general policy on new pages. Also by steering folks promptly from #indieweb when they deep dive on coding & protocols.
Too many "usuals" in the community are trying to be kind by engaging in dev-dialog on #indieweb when doing so is actually harmful & offputting to all the silent non-devs, including those that read logs, or discover IndieWeb in the future, etc.
edited /mediawiki-customization (+348) "+FAQ / Why are talk pages disabled, quoting/paraphrasing/summarizing answers from ChrisAldrich & AshMcAllan[m] in chat"
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Do we need to add an explicit ban on "ad exchange" spamming the chat channels?
doesnt even warrant an extra rule, its obviously not ok
is it worth deleting that from the logs? or only unlinking it? (like changing .com to (dot)com in the logs)
villasv joined the channel
edited /User:Willtmonroe.com (+35) "/* Website */"
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edited /User:Willtmonroe.com (+10) "/* Working On */"
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edited /User:Willtmonroe.com (+188) "/* Working On */"
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↩️ A lot of the features I added (besides the UI overhaul) were QoL improvements. Especially adding @NetlifyCMS for writing posts. Other fts: short story collections / novels are now possible, @indiewebcamp Webmentions, and @anchor widget for stories + poems
Looks familiar 👀
scojjac and [Murray] joined the channel
Eine müde aber glückliche Crew kehrt zurück von 3 bzw. 5 ereignisreichen Tagen auf dem @indiewebcamp, der @btconf und dem heutigen @a11yclub-Meetup in Düsseldorf. Danke allen, die Teil der Reise waren! Wir kommen mit vielen, neuen Eindrücken nach Hause.
edited /annotation (+158) "/* Opinions */ try an h-cite, -*"
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jkphl has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
tantek++ for documenting the wiki talk pages functionality from #indieweb. I thought it was on the wiki somewhere and was halfway through searches to find and/or document it last night when I got sidetracked.
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (76 in all channels)
I couldn't find it in <30s so I documented it where it may be discoverable. Figuring it's easier to that and de-dupe/redirect later
scojj joined the channel
I didn't find it either and that was the page I both expected/intended to put it on from the start.
gets to close a handful of tabs now. wheee!
also very cheap to add links/redirects from elsewhere
Dedicaré los siguientes 7 meses a pasar mis interacciones de estas redes al indieweb con todo lo que requiera aprender. dejar todo en copiona
edited /Web_sign-in (+98) "[tantek] added "To do: clarify this page is written for developers, and where to go as a user." to "See Also""
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strugee_ joined the channel
↩️ Indieweb's POSSE model should be the normal publishing workflow for any cultural institution
jacky, scojjac and scojj joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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scojj joined the channel
musician << example: https://ceruleansounds.com/cerulean-sounds (who also has a redirect from the clever short link https://ceru.li/sten)
ok, I added "example: https://ceruleansounds.com/cerulean-sounds (who also has a redirect from the clever short link https://ceru.li/sten)" to the "See Also" section of /musician https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81257&oldid=77414
<tracydurnell> @GWG Angelo and I have some ideas for topics if no one brings anything they want to talk about or demo 🙂
jjuran joined the channel
Puttering on stuff in 15 minute increments is challenging. Floating in my head now: how to do #indieweb Webmentions and h-cards on multiple self-owned sites. A distinct h-card for each site, or point back to one as p-author for entries?
edited /scrobble (-14) "/* See Also */ remove duplicate of setlist; moved category up"
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[Will_Monroe] joined the channel
wonders if he missed anything re: upcoming events
jacky joined the channel
<Loqi> misses anything re: upcoming events too
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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^ aaronpk note that most recent tweet and how it talks about "how to" in terms of protocols/formats, instead of user features
[fluffy]: lol
jacky, strugee and scojjac joined the channel
Mastodon << [[discovery]] service for people and topics: https://fediverse.info/explore/people
ok, I added "[[discovery]] service for people and topics: https://fediverse.info/explore/people" to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81260&oldid=81172
scojj joined the channel
tracy & angelo: y'all ready for tonight?
[Event Updated] jacky.wtf updated "May 4, 2022 6:00pm Monthly Guiding Compass Homebrew Website Club" changed description "update link to hwc to not override any other ones" https://events.indieweb.org/event/361/history/1072/diff
[Scott_Jack], scojjac, scojj and jacky joined the channel
jacky and [aciccarello] joined the channel
um none of that looks useful? lots of meta, no actual work on improving tumblr
[echo ✨] hi @tchambers @humanetech @cdevroe @django!! following up on this, i grabbed the official Tumblr Theme (which any user can access the markup of!) and threw it in a gist here: https://gist.github.com/ChaosExAnima/09e8b4611915888f7fe88b890b4f419aalso f...
I've moved my late meeting so hopefully I'll manage to make the meetup this evening. 🙂
What is Tumblr?
Tumblr is a popular content hosting silo, especially for found images & video, that explicitly supports multiple types of posts, and through free domain mapping, a content hosting service as well https://indieweb.org/Tumblr
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/photomatt/status/1520140315985948672" to the "See Also" section of /Tumblr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81261&oldid=78793
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/petermolnar/status/1520862026628800512" to the "See Also" section of /Tumblr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81262&oldid=81261
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/photomatt/status/1520996790803345408" to the "See Also" section of /Tumblr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81263&oldid=81262
ok, I added "https://tech.lgbt/@chaosexanima/108238735214315125" to the "See Also" section of /Tumblr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81264&oldid=81263
↩️ Wenn es um langfristige Zuverlässigkeit geht sind Open Source und freie Daten die kommerzielle Monopolisten eher überlegen. Hier ist eine Liste von Diensten die weg sind (die meiste werden wohl kein Download deiner Daten haben). https://indieweb.org/site-deaths
edited /Tumblr (+137) "Stubbing out section for threads on working on IndieWeb friendliness"
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scojj and scojjac joined the channel