#meta 2022-05-08

2022-05-08 UTC
jacky, tbbrown, GWG and mro joined the channel
CW: abortion “In 2019, Tennessee passed a “trigger law” bill banning all abortions in the state 30 days after the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. Including Tennessee, there are 13 states across the nation that have signaled their readiness to ban… https://indieweb.social/@margio/108264677307272324
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
we may need/want to have meta search just the message text, not necessarily the username/display name
tbbrown and jacky joined the channel
Unfortunately that's not how that works. I'd have to add "indieweb.social" to the block list
I could make regex blocks work so that I can block mastodon permalinks for a specific domain without having to block everything on the domain I guess
jacky joined the channel
jacky, GWG, mro, tbbrown and hoschi-it joined the channel
Missed IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf last week and want to catchup on what happened? All recorded sessions are now available to download in high-res using your preferred download manager https://indieweb.org/2022/D%C3%BCsseldorf/Schedule https://calumryan.com/notes/3640
tbbrown joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
aaronpk, I'm fine with the marginal increase in indieweb.social mentions for now, because it's only for posts that are then cited on Twitter (which is a kind of filter). I suppose it's something to keep an eye on
created /data_limits (+349) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
(view diff)
edited /data_limits (+135) "examples, cz trains, screenshot, see alsos"
(view diff)
created /script (+24) "r"
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edited /data_limits (+346) "use progressive enhancement, descriptions of screenshots"
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GWG, mro, [snarfed], angelo, Ritik, jacky and tbbrown joined the channel
I can't find the link to this screenshot https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/108267436054129996
like where this announcement was made
no-links has -1 karma over the last year
[Tim Chambers] @humanetech @kevinmarks @chaosexanima and others look at this:From Tumblr, May 6th: "We’ve updated the default #Tumblr Official blog theme to be compatible with #Microformats 2, which allows blogs using the Official theme to be parsed more easily ... https://cdn.masto.host/indiewebsocial/media_attachments/files/108/267/403/266/653/289/original/ad4555c330685845.png
checks out, feeding random tumblr posts into indiewebify.me pass
ah nice
makes his post congratuling this
thanks aaronpk
oh dang
ugh this will make subbing to tumblr from a social reader so much easier
though reposts don't make it through aperture/monocle at the moment
is that on my end?
worth cross checking - I think I made the repost markup folow the wiki, but monocle says repost without showing the content
Tumblr just took a big step in making the default experience of their blogs more IndieWeb friendly (and in turn, more attuned to a people-centric Web). It's noted at https://changes.tumblr.com/post/683524731509653505/friday-may-6th-2022 (https://jacky.wtf/2022/5/uVbH)
I do see u-repost-of
hmm now i don't remember how i decide whether to go fetch the other post
certainly monocle wouldn't, because it expects the microsub server to have done that already
hm, value looks wrong though
mro joined the channel
it's inside the h-card, isn't it
OK, time for more testing
u-url is on the wrong link, or rather the right link but inside the h-card
OK, I'll update later on, I need to walk the dogs now
angelo, jacky and mro joined the channel
is it in the feed it fails?
[Scott_Jack] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: Some alt attribute in the img tags in that Tumblr HTML template are missing. Is that open for a PR?
Or perhaps I am looking at it wrongly and don't understand how it all parses together.
jacky joined the channel
I think I still have some mismatches between feed mode and single post mode
PR's welcome, but I think I need to make tests with a parser. I've been changing in my test tumblr and running through various indieweb tools.
jacky and [sebsel] joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
ah the first one timed out I guess
[calumryan] joined the channel
"Rediscovering Discovery on the Web" "The old web—lovingly called The IndieWeb now—is still alive and kicking, and thanks to some wonderfully crafty creators, it is waiting to be discovered." https://flower.codes/2022/05/08/rediscovering-discovery.html
↩️ I've been crossposting from http://indieweb.social lately. If you have recs for other servers worth checking out given our interests, I'm ready for them!