#meta 2022-05-10

2022-05-10 UTC
jacky and jjuran joined the channel
edited /Instagram (+39) "fix logo link"
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edited /Instagram (-9) "remove stub tag"
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jacky joined the channel
edited /Instagram (-17) "Combine duplicated "See also" sections"
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That see also section should probably be cleaned up and some stuff moved to criticism etc. If I remember I may come back to it.
jacky joined the channel
edited /best_nine (+268) "add archive links"
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edited /best_nine (-177) "Update bestnine.indieweb.app link"
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jacky, IWDiscordGateway, petermolnar and jjuran joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
Retour sur ma participation au hackathon de la Cloudfest en mars 2022 : je parle #cfhack, #WordPress, #webmention et #indieweb. http://www.jasonna.de/hackathon-de-la-cloudfest-2022-une-histoire-de-train-de-flammenkuche-et-de-standard-du-web/
jacky and janboddez joined the channel
أنتظر رداً على رسالة قبل الانضمام لماستودون، غالباً سأنضم لمزود indieweb على أمل أن يكون هذا دافعاً للعودة لتعلم تطوير المواقع https://smallpages.blog/2022/05/08/what-is-mastodonn/
jacky and capjamesg joined the channel
↩️ Bei der Gelegenheit habe ich dann auch direkt mal meinen #Mastodon-Account reaktiviert. Bin jetzt unter @katja@indieweb.social zu finden.
jacky and mro joined the channel
Ok, I like my local and setup. If you want to follow me on Mastodon, here's where you can find me: https://indieweb.social/@Chronotope
jacky and mro joined the channel
↩️ we have https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book for digital gardens and https://indieweb.org/longevity for long term thinking, and you're always welcome to talk about such things at http://indieweb.org/chat
mro, jacky, [jeremycherfas] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Light My Web Exploration Fire https://hackernoon.com/light-my-web-exploration-fire #internet #indieweb #web #retrocomputing #webrings #exploration #discovery #hackernoontopstory #webmonetization
jacky and jamietanna joined the channel
created /talk_page (+64) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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jacky joined the channel
edited /mediawiki-customization (-30) "incorporate XKCD into why no talk pages"
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jacky joined the channel
another webmention-like feature idea on our wiki pages: if our chat logs sent webmentions, the wiki pages could also list "This page was most recently discussed in chat on YYYY-MM-DD (permalink)"
could also be used to have a top 10 pages most discussed in chat in the last 7 days (or longer) running leaderboard
jacky joined the channel
to continue the "how should events.indieweb" show RSVPs discussion, I'll note that despite ~18 participants, we only have two RSVPs listed on https://events.indieweb.org/2022/04/indiewebcamp-d%C3%BCsseldorf-ht968fpXyhij
this makes me wonder what are the barriers for RSVPing to meetable events and how can we reduce those barriers so folks do it quickly upon browsing the page
is this a usability problem? discovery problem? something else?
jacky joined the channel