#gRegorOdd that's the first time I've been prompted for 2FA
#IWDiscordGateway<marksuth> there doesn't appear to be a zoom link on the event page either
#gRegorIt only goes on there when we start up the meeting
#gRegor[schmarty], [tantek], [KevinMarks]: anyone have access to zoom@indieweb.org for 2FA codes? Or can you try to log in and start up Zoom for the meetup? I can join and host so you don't have to stay on.
#gRegorI was thinking it would be nice if we could take the full website URL to and build the wiki User: page link with string replacement, but looks like we'd need some additional MediaWiki extensions
#gRegorThat's why the directions are "your website without the http://", because the template concats "[User:" + website "]"
#gRegorWe could add a parameter for the user page, but seems to be unnecessary complexity for users
#gregorlove.comedited /chat-names (+64) "/* Nicknames */ add 5 subsections to make editing a *bit* easier. some nicknames still need to be alpha sorted" (view diff)
#AramZ-S[m]It's one of the reasons I'm moving more and more towards static site generation tools. I know it's hacky and very focused on devs-as-users, but I find I spend a lot less time doing maintence then I do on WordPress sites :/
#[tantek]there's definitely a pattern of self-hosted WordPress to static site generation
#[tantek]AramZ-S[m], more in #indieweb-dev if you want to chat about moving over to SSG solutions
#[chrisaldrich]"*There are people you can talk to about it*, and I can’t stress this enough: this at least has been a _great_ experience." warmed my heart
#LoqiCommunity has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
#AramZ-S[m]Yeah, I'm not down on WordPress at all, and it has a lot more options in terms of things you can do b/c the server is active instead of static but it def has its frustrations
#[tantek]^ indeed, that's why we have gotten as far as we have over the past 10+ years, and have a chance at moving further in the next 10, unlike all the "decentralized" or "indie" projects/companies that we've seen make a lot of noise/tweets/press and implode/fade away
#AramZ-S[m]Yup, can't underestimate the value of community and community experiance, especially with something like WordPress
jacky joined the channel
#AramZ-S[m]But no reason not to build up some of that for SSGs as well
#AramZ-S[m]And, I'm just a little burnt out on WordPress anyway, so why not new stuff!
#Loqiplurality has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
#AramZ-S[m](This is not a comment on WordPress's quality to be clear, just I spent years working 80hr weeks of nothing but WP and needed to do something else for a while)
#LoqiAramZ-S has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
#AramZ-S[m]Yeah, not recommended. Haha yeah. I have a queue of PressForward changes I want to make actually, even though there is no longer an offical budget for it, but it's waiting on some other projects and for my WordPress brain to "heal" a bit.
#GWGYou wrote PressForward? Didn't connect it till now
#AramZ-S[m]I mean, the reading interface sort of already is a reader.
#AramZ-S[m]One of the big use cases it serves is actuaslly small community shared reading experiances, we have a bunch of sites that use PressForward that way, where it's basically a tiny social network working in a single WordPress site around community reading, commenting and review.
#@brianlerouxindieweb is delightfully chaotic. there are some very well baked specs (like indieauth) and some very grassroots things (like the nascent microformat h-app) … and because its federated you can sort of take it in whatever direction makes sense for *you*. (twitter.com/_/status/1532481969740623872)
#[tantek]gRegor, why is "User:" better than "http:" or "https:"? at least with the latter two it's a copy/paste of your personal site URL
#gRegorThe chat-user template links two places, your domain and your wiki user page.
#gRegorI didn't change that aspect, but open to ideas
#gRegor(I just updated my sandbox page with a brief description that wasn't there before)
#gRegorI agree, just pasting your URL in seems ideal. But if we want to continue linking to the wiki User: page too, then I think we'd need another parameter for that.
#[tantek]right, since wikipedia template syntax doesn't have full string manipulation functions lol