#meta 2022-06-04
2022-06-04 UTC
Seirdy and jacky joined the channel
# Going to spend tonight working on making a native IndieWeb app for GNOME in Rust. Doesn't have to do anything fancy—baseline logic would be signing in to a site's IndieAuth client, confirming what scopes were approved and showing the provided profile and… https://jacky.wtf/2022/6/i4m_ ( twitter.com/_/status/1532904448531566593)
jacky joined the channel
# I am mostly an Indieweb guy, but I am 100% behind this: https://thoughts.melonking.net/guides/introduction-to-the-web-revival-1-what-is-the-web-revival ( twitter.com/_/status/1532932901951504384)
jacky and nathan[m]12345 joined the channel
[KevinMarks], jacky, sebsel, angelo and nertzy joined the channel
jacky and [Chase_Reynolds] joined the channel
# ↩️ Head over to http://chat.indieweb.org and you'll find people ready to send you webmentions ( twitter.com/_/status/1533201216037076995)
jacky, [tw2113_Slack_]1 and tbbrown joined the channel